All posts in “bed bugs”

Who cares about bugs and rodents?

Who cares about bugs and rodents?


Each and every day I’m reminded of the valuable service ProBest Pest Management offers, why you ask? Let me share some of my most memorable days of Public Health:

  • Customer called me because they couldn’t even get into their home because the fleas were so plentiful.
  • In all my 20+ years I had never seen Bed Bugs until 2009, that year we received our first call. In 2012 I witnessed over 1000 Bed Bugs in a very small home – I was amazed and also creeped out and itched all day. We were able to alleviate the problem but it stills worries me that people will put up with something like this until it virtually becomes a real BIG problem.
  • A young woman continued to call about Ticks, we treated her yard but she wouldn’t let us inspect her home. We did find ticks inside under a couch and solved the problem after finally finding the source.
  • I may have mentioned this before but a mobile home with at the every least 5 million cockroaches. I’m not kidding, I felt almost hopeless for this family. It took some time but I think we did a good job for them.
  • I once had the task of doing some Drywood Termite work in a church, the tower or steeple had more pigeon feces than I had ever seen. It was probably 10 foot deep and went down walls and was just gross, we fumigated the building and they had someone remove the feces and prevent them from gaining entry anymore.
  • Sometimes architecture often allows entry points into a structure, stucco not properly sealed or pipes or cable opening not sealed. I once particpated with a fumigation for cockroaches and never thought about rodents until the job was completed. Many, many dead rodents, by the way do you know that rodents love cockroaches?

Well anyway you get the picture, Public Health equals quality pest control.


In the old days these would have been gone in 2 shakes…but not now!

In the old days these would have been gone in 2 shakes… but not now!



I remember those days as if they were only a year or so ago, wait they were. This Bed Bug problem in continuing and doesn’t look like it is going to let up very soon. These little biters are showing up in houses across the U.S. at alarming rates and the controversy continues on repellency against pyrethrins. No more are people grabbing up old mattresses from the curbside and many places are requiring mattresses to be marked and encased before going to the curb. These mattresses have been here for 3 days and it doesn’t look like they are going anywhere except the dump.

Is the IRS the bloodsuckers they are made out to be?

Is the IRS the bloodsuckers they are made out to be?


So today is Tax Day, the day most of us dread because we have to pay the taxes we owe. The Tax Man Cometh! So you know we always talk about Bed Bugs, Ticks, Fleas or Assassin Bugs because we know for sure that they truly do suck our blood.

Now I’ll admit that I think it is important to pay our fair share, I don’t have any children but I still think it is important to make sure schools are funded. I also think that I want Police and the Fire Departments available.

I do have one pet peeve, you should never get back more than you paid. So pay your fair share and it all works, right? Well I hope it works but we will see.     tickssizes      assassin

Have you ever wondered why fleas can jump so far?

Have you ever wondered why fleas can jump so far?


They can jump due to their very strong back legs and from pads of a rubber-like protein called resilin. Some fleas can jump up to 150 times their own body length. What would that be to a human – a 100 story building.

Fleas caused the Bubonic Plague back in 1358 and are found throughout the U.S. We normally don’t have much of a problem here in Arizona, I think mainly due to the lack of humidity.

Flea control is really a four-step process: Stop wild animals from coming into your yards and absolutely making sure they cannot get into your home, the pet should be treated, indoor and outdoor control. This process can also be used on ticks, which we do have issues with in Arizona. Don’t confuse Ticks with Bed Bugs.


flea       ticks      bedbug

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Today is April Fools Day, so in honor of those mischievous ones among us….

Bed Bugs can fly! Nope, wrong they cannot fly, period!

Mice love cheese! As for mice and cheese, to start off, mice have really sensitive noses, so Limburger would peel their little mousey faces off. Figuratively speaking. And then a recent study that we hope was funded by a grant to investigate cartoon myths found that mice respond to the taste, smell and texture of food, and will decline something as strong-smelling and highly flavored as cheese. They’re actually drawn to foods with relatively high sugar content, such as grains and fruit.

Daddy longlegs “spiders” are extremely poisonous. False. First, grand daddy longlegs are not spiders. They are related to them, but they are not true spiders. Grand daddy longlegs are more correctly called harvestmen.  True spiders are hunters and have venom. Harvestmen are scavengers and do not have venom. So, unless you are a very tiny insect or some type of organic goo, you have nothing to fear from the harvestman lurking by your garage door.

Lice is the result of poor hygiene. False One of the oldest beliefs is that head lice prefer “dirty kids.” It’s simply not true. Head lice actually prefer clean hair to dirty hair. What they are attracted to is blood.

The custom of playing tricks on friends on April 1st is believed to have originated in France in the middle 1500s.



Are head lice a thing that pest control companies handle?

Are head lice a thing that pest control companies handle?


Head lice are often associated with school children or children in general. There is a big difference between Bed Bugs and head lice.

Bed Bugs versus Head Lice
Bed Bugs don’t live on the host. Head Lice die after 24 -478 hours after falling off host.
Small, reddish brown insects no wings

Head Lice look like small grains of rice
Hide and come out to feed at night Oval bugs attach themselves to the hair in order to feed
Hitch a ride on furniture Spread through contact
Live anywhere, beds, cracks, etc Live on hair not scalp
Professional Pest Control Lice treatment at pharmacy

Here are some recommendations concerning Head Lice control

  • Use a product from a pharmacy recommended for head lice. Seek the advice of the Pharmacist.
  • Wash hair and comb out the head lice with a lice/nit comb.
  • Head lice do not transmit any diseases.
  • Wash bedding in very hot water and hot cycle for drier.

If you encounter Bed Bugs then seek a Pest Management Professional at but Head Lice can be handled by medications and a little work of your own. By the way don’t use kerosene, gasoline or anything else you might have laying around your home – somebody can get hurt.

Given the GreenLight!

Given the GreenLight!


Way back in 2005 the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) indicated this statistic:

72% of Homeowners surveyed agree that their pest control company providers help me protect my health”.

Do you agree, what if you found flies in your home or cockroaches or more importantly what if you suddenly found Bed Bugs? I’ll bet you would agree quite quickly and that is why I’m sure that that figure above is right on up there.

85% of the people that purchase pest control are women, parents (either Mom or Dad) these days generally have the role of Protector’s of the Home. While some may do their own pest control,  more and more are choosing to call a  Pest Management Professional especially when they encounter something as nasty as Bed Bugs. When seeking a Pest Management Professional you can check out the National Pest Management website at and receive information on a QualityPro member.

Give us the GreenLight to manage those pests at your home or business.

Dust-mites are leading cause of asthma in children.

Dust-mites are leading cause of asthma in children.


House dust mites are microscope bugs that primarily live on dead skin cells regularly shed from humans and their animal pets. Dust mites, relatives of the spider, are too small to see without a microscope. Dust mites are generally harmless to most people. They don’t carry diseases, but they can cause allergic reactions in asthmatics and others who are allergic to their feces. People sometimes confuse dust-mites with bed bugs. 500 million people are affected by these little critters worldwide and may be a factor of 50 – 80% of asthmatics.

Skin cells and scales, commonly called dander, are often concentrated in lounging areas, mattresses, frequently used furniture and associated carpeted areas, often harbor large numbers of these microscopic mites. Since the average human sheds or loses about 1/3 ounce (10 grams) of dead skin a week. That gives dust mites a lot to eat. Cats and dogs create far more dander for dust mites to eat.

Beds are a prime harborage (where 1/3 of life occurs). A typical used mattress may have anywhere from 100,000 to 10 million mites inside. Ten percent of the weight of a two year old pillow can be composed of dead mites and their droppings. Mites prefer warm, moist surroundings such as the inside of a mattress when someone is on it. A favorite food is dander both human and animal skin flakes. Humans shed about 1/5 ounce of dander or dead skin each week. About 80 percent of the material seen floating in a sunbeam is actually skin flakes. Also, bedroom carpeting and household upholstery support high mite populations.

What can you do?

  1. Wash the bedding frequently with very hot water.
  2. Purchase quality mattress encasement.
  3. Purchase and use a good hepa vacuum daily.
  4. Use Green Cleaners.
  5. Reduce the temperatures and humidity – dust mites love warm, humid conditions, above 70 F  & 50% or greater humidity.
  6. Replace air filters frequently (air and dehumidifier).

ProBest Pest Management does carpet cleaning and  Bed Bug work, so if you have any questions please feel free to contact us or check out our website.



Cooperate with Bed Bug Professionals

Taken from Florida Pest Pro magazine ( I want to thank them for great and informative articles)


  1. Save Bed Bugs in a zip locked bag for Pest Management Professional to identify.
  2. Reduce clutter.
  3. Dry clothes an bedding in a dryer on high heat.
  4. Use mattress & box springs encasements.
  5. Use interceptor type-traps and/or monitoring detection (Verifi™) devices.

bugProBest does!

7 Bad Treatment for Bed Bugs

7 Bad Treatment for Bed Bugs


Taken from Florida Pest Pro magazine December 2012    Don't


  1. Don’t use flammable liquids to control bed bugs. They may catch on fire.
  2. Don’t place moth balls around the home. They are irritating to eyes and nose.
  3. Don’t use pesticides from other countries. They can be dangerous.
  4. Don’t use lawn & ornamental insecticdes to control bed bugs. They are not intended to be used indoors.
  5. Don’t treat with garden dusts. They should not be used indoors.
  6. Don’t spray the mattress. Leave that to professionals.
  7. Don’t treat with bug bombs. They don’t work & can cause explosions, if not used according to directions.


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