All posts in “birds”

How can you deal with these Arizona woodpeckers?

How can you deal with these Arizona woodpeckers?


Is there anything more annoying than a woodpecker who decided its time to bang on your house while your trying to sleep? I have a chimney just outside my upstairs bedroom door and it actually has a metal cap on the top and this woodpecker really knew how to wake me up. I was lucky because it was an easy fix – I installed 2 Daddi Long leg spiders DD-8000_daddi-LL-8_dtl on my chimney and it stopped the woodpecker from getting the chimney cap. There are other products available but you’re going to love this – the woodpecker protective coating spray doesn’t work on our Arizona woodpecker. These repellents do generally work on the other 23 varities of woodpeckers in the U.S.

What happens after a disaster?

What happens after a disaster? Where do the pests go?


Have you ever wondered what exactly happens after a natural disaster, have you considered the following.

1. If it was a flood, from heavy rains or hurricane:

a. What about the rodents where did they go?

b. What about the cockroaches and other things that might live in the sewer system or septic tank?

2. Fire:

a. Animals are affected by fire, including birds.

b. Rodents can also be affected by fire and may seek refuge in your building or sheds.




Messy pigeons and birds

Messy pigeons and birds


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I understand that we build our homes out of wood right on top of the termites and that we design houses without thinking about pests. Sometimes I wish more would think about creating perfect habitats which can cause us pains and aggravations.

There are fixes to these issues but sometimes they look messy no matter what you do, there are some products that can be used like repellents which can be hidden. You can be a Do It Yourselfer but think about the after pictures and will it look professional and nice.

As always you can always call ProBest Pest Management for advice – 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Pigeon Poo & You!

Pigeon Poo and You!


I think its time to find a new parking spot. Bird poo can cause disease and can also ruin car paint and other structures. The other issue I have is tracking this stuff into the home and if you have children – do you really want them playing on the carpet.

Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection. It occurs throughout the world. In the United States, it is most common in the southeastern, mid-Atlantic, and central states.

Histoplasma fungus grows as a mold in the soil. You may get sick when you breathe in spores produced by the fungus. Soil that contains bird or bat droppings may have larger amounts of this fungus. The threat is greatest after an old building is torn down or in caves.

Having a weakened immune system increases your risk for getting or reactivating this disease. Very young or very old people, or those with AIDS, cancer, or an organ transplant have more severe symptoms.

People with chronic lung disease (such as emphysema and bronchiectasis) are at higher risk of a more severe infection.

Here is a publication on the cleanup procedure and please wear a mask and wear gloves.

Chicken Wire or Hardware Cloth?


Chicken Wire or Hardware Cloth?


Without a question in my mind, Hardware Cloth! It just looks more professional, not like it was just thrown together to get it done in a hurry.

The other thing we do from time to time is to spray paint the hardware cloth, it can almost blend in and almost becomes invisible. Hardware cloth is more durable and can be secured in place with washers and screws.

Hey it’s your house, you can do what you want right? Do it right, it looks way better…



Ever wonder about Chili peppers and pest control?

chilipeppers       Ever wonder about Chile peppers and pest control?

I remember many years ago when my Grandparents had a garden and occasionally rabbits would venture in and eat the new stalks of green. We put up some chicken wire and that stopped the intruders from getting in, but what about the new repellents with chili peppers or those that contain capsaicin? For thousands of years Asian cultures have used chili pepper products to repel all kinds of pests. One thing for sure is that you must be extremely careful using a product like this.

One of the products that we use is PiGNX and a similar product called DeTour for rodents, the reasons that I like this product include:

  • The product won’t freeze or melt, the freeze thing isn’t a problem in AZ but melting is. There are times in the summer that I think I’m melting from the heat.
  • This product is a contact repellent – animals in contact may take it back to their nest transferring it to others.
  • Food grade product.

In the case of pigeons, you place this product in areas where they tend to land and hang out. They get the product on their feet and they hate it, sqawking and letting every other bird aware of the product – they don’t come back…

Rodents coming into contact believe that the building in on fire due to the heat from the product and will do whatever it takes to get out of the structure.

New technology for pest control…..

How do rodents get into homes and attics?

  How do rodents get into homes and attics?


It is extremely important to understand how and why critters try to get into our homes. Animals/wildlife need the same thing we need – Food, Water and Shelter. As you can see by the pictures, these holes are all that is needed by birds and other small animals to gain access into the house. Along with these critters some other pests can get into your attic or crawlspace and if you get rid of the original critter the parasites may linger behind.

You should conduct an inspection of your home or property at least once a month, just to be sure you haven’t invited any unwanted pests. If you need some help sealing up your home just give us a call 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 ProBest Pest Management.







When people design buildings I don’t think that give any thought as to what may come to the building. After the construction is complete you find out pretty fast that other things take place that may not be very nice or clean. This area in question looks wonderful until you notice that the birds are landing and popping over the edge right into the path of children and other pedestrians. Gross and ugly to a wonderful design… Now what would happen if you owned a restaurant and the patio wasn’t covered now there is an issue with patrons getting feathers or worse yet poop on their table.

There are screen options to cover the rafter and prevent the birds from landing and doing their business on the clients. There are bird spikes and track material as well as a host of options, so please give us a call to give you some preventive options to consider ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328

Total Residential and Commercial Solutions.

Total Residential and Commercial Solutions.


ProBest Pest Management is a service company and our core of service is and always will be – Pest & Termite Control. Why is that important? Well for one thing, it’s what we are good at and it is our expertise. So what other services blend into our core?

Our Services include:(click on link to see more information)

As a service company we are at homes and businesses everyday, so why wouldn’t we get involved with carpet cleaning (we did because of Bed Bugs)? We are frequently on roofs so we decided to investigate Solar Attic Fans, attics are an area we are very familar with. Check out the various links above to see what we can do for you!

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