Watch out when traveling:
Bedbugs are traveling about all the time, but during those periods when we travel more we actually hear about them more often as well. So pay attention and if you suspect them in your room, ask to move across the hotel. Don’t place you luggage on bed or on chairs, I place mine in the bathroom, far far away from any place where they might hide. When you return home, undo the luggage in the garage or back porch. No sense bringing them into your home – cause that will bring on added $$$$$$ for treatment. If you think that they got into your home ask for an opinion by a qualified professional pest management operator such as ProBest Pest Management – QualityPro since 2005.
Watch the video for more information regarding these little blood suckers – “Sleep tight and don’t let the Bedbugs bite”.
Oh and by the way, this is a job for someone who knows this bug. Don’t do foolish things like spread DE everywhere or use a blowtorch (I know some people have done this). Use common sense and call ProBest at 602-249-7378, this could be the smartest thing you did this whole year.

traveling bedbugs