All posts in “box springs”

News we didn’t need to hear about

News about Bed bugs and pesticides

News is  showing research that bed bugs are adapting to pesticide usage and they might be thickening their skins to avoid the pesticide. Every day we are learning more and more about what is happening in the way of bedbugs, some cities are

“Bed bugs are becoming resistant to some Insecticides”

or “Cuticle Thickening in a Pyrethroid-Resistant strain of Common Bed Bug”

The EPA is deciding on reducing pesticide usage, what and if they decide to reduce some pesticides can influence what is used and when. It may be that in the future we will be limited to newer products.

News Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

How tough is it to control House Dust Mites?


First off let me address this from the very start, House Dust Mites are not a pest control issue. We deal with them in connection with Bed Bugs from time to time and really only as a matter of mattress or box spring encasements. I wanted to address this bug in that manner, encasements are the way to go with this bug.

Our homes are their homes, they love human and pet dander or skin flakes. This debris will fall everywhere, carpets, bedding, furniture and furniture. This dust or debris will become airborne and vacuuming is essential in keeping things in check. Along with cockroach skins and dust mites excrement may cause asthma or breathing issues.

A gram of dust vacuumed from carpeting may contain 100-400 and 1 gram of dust vacuumed from furniture may contain 3500 mites.

Encasements are a great way to protect your mattress or box spring investment and keep the dust mites out. Control is possible but it is a ongoing management concern.


Look what I found in the dumpster?

probestpestmanagementIMAG0311 People don’t often throw out good stuff and the finding of a used mattress in the dumpster triggered my mind to investigate. I was right, I found evidence of bed bug fecal spotting. So I know right off the bat that somebody has an infestation of bed bugs. Throwing away the mattress probably won’t solve the problem, it might but probably not. Most people think that since they are called bed bugs, they only live on beds and that is just not so.

So I’m going to give you my number 1 best recommendation on mattresses and box springs. Buy mattress covers, its worth the money. We sell them at our office.


Bed Bug video (recent job)

Bed Bug video (recent job)


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This is only a short little snippet of the Bed Bug infestation, there was also an issue with German cockroaches. We had to resort to a heat treatment because of all the stuff within the house and as soon as the heat was kicked on – the Bed Bugs began to run.

Any ideas on where Bed Bugs hang out the most?

Any ideas on where Bed Bugs hang out the most?


University of Kentucky did some extensive work to determine the following information!

I think most people immediately think Bed Bugs = beds but that’s not always the case. As you can see from the work that was done that were are many other places where these little biters can be hanging out.

“Sleep Tight, Don’t let those Bed Bugs bite.”

FTC Consumer Alert

FTC Consumer Alert and this article on deceptive claims on advertisement “FTC Takes Action“. I constantly hear people say things that are just not true or factual. Bed Bugs do not jump, I don’t care what you have heard they cannot jump. They may be able to fall into cuffs of pants or onto clothes and hitchhike in a lot of different ways. The biggest item is that you must throw away everything, not true use common sense just like the article above suggests. It isn’t always necessary to throw away mattresses or dressers, they may be old and you may want to discard them but in 99% of the cases a Pest Management Professional can treat and eliminate the Bed Bugs without damaging the article.

These sites listed above can be a valuable tool in getting rid of Bed Bugs and that Creep Factor associated with them.


What’s sleeping in your bed?

What’s sleeping in your bed?

The more I watch TV the more it scares me, I hate those commercials that say “How old is your bed, if your bed is over 8 years it has 10 pounds of stuff in it”, just what I don’t want to hear. It’s bad enough thinking about dust mites or worse yet Bed Bugs but you spend a great deal of time in that bed.

When the Great Bed Bug scare came I decided we needed to invest in some mattress and box spring en-casements and let me tell you I can now sleep without the thought of those critters jumping around more than counting sheep. There are a few side benefits about these en-casements, here they are:

  • They keep things in and things out, now remember Bed Bugs just don’t live on beds.
  • They keep out urine, sweat and anything else you might spill on them. Accidents happen like babies sprouting a geyser or the accidental dog or cat issue.
  • Allergens especially within the bed can be kept to a minimal amount.
  • These en-casements are not like years of past, they are crinkly and make noise. They aren’t as hot either.

So think about an en-casement as a way to protect and maybe extend the life of that mattress and box spring.


“Sale” Used Mattresses

Used Mattresses “Sale”

Sale OK so I did a search on Craigslist for used mattresses and I found some, yuck! Bed Bugs and God knows what else!

All I have to say is “Don’t Do It!

Money may be tight but sleeping is an important aspect of getting the proper rest you need. This also goes for used furniture of any kind, make sure it is bug free. You just don’t need the problems. The other option is to purchase encasements such as CleanBrands – don’t buy the cheaper versions, as they will tear and then you have nothing. Duct tapes just comes loose and they can hide in the rollback of the tape. If you travel, take care and on the return trip discard everything into the garage and then wash and heat on high. You can also put the luggage out in the Arizona sun especially in the summer. 

Sale Used Mattresses

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