All posts in “bugs”


Clutter in and around your home

Clutter in and around your home is an open ended invitation to come hang out if your a pests. Don’t allow cluttered areas because they are ideal in hiding pests including, scorpions, rodents and cockroaches. The ideal yard is free from trash, trees and bushes are away from structure and block walls and water is only on plants and not excessive. Wood is OK as long as it is on some type of raised platform and I would prefer it to not be against a block wall. The wood needs to breath and not hold moisture.

If your not using the wood its better to throw it out. Throw away trash, my theory is if you haven’t touched it in a year throw is out. Watch for cockroaches under garbage cans and don’t allow water to accumulate in containers which might promote mosquitoes. Mow the grass and keep the weeds down – We do weed treatments. 480-831-9328.


Mosquito Dunks

Mosquito Dunks

Mosquito dunks and how to use them. I thought this was a great idea. First off they contain No Poison.  They are based on the naturally occurring bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, var. israelensis, or Bti. It is considered to be one of the most environmentally sensitive mosquito and blackfly larvicides used in mosquito control. Made with Bt-israelensis (Bt-i), a highly specific biological pesticide, this product represent a major breakthrough for people and the environment when compared with the traditional toxic chemical approach to mosquito control. Will NOT harm people, pets, wildlife or fish. One note I will make is that the time to kill mosquitoes is when they are in the larvae and pupa stage, in the water.

Wonderful for use in water gardens, flower pots, bird baths, rain gutters and decorative ponds!

The mosquito female finds the water, lays her eggs and then when they hatch the oil does its job, death to the wigglers.

Mosquito dunksMosquito dunks

Seal it up

Seal it up, your house that is.

Do you know what the biggest thing you can do to stop pests from getting into your house – seal it up. We have a lot of pests in Arizona that can get into our homes, from scorpions to rodents. So it is absolutely essential to seal up your home or business. Now I don’t suggest you do it now, it’s to hot but is can be a great winter project or better yet call ProBest Pest Management at 480-831-9328.

We have tried several caulks to see what works best, the more silicone the better. The only issue you will use all your muscles to squeeze it out, so pick a section of house and take your time. Also use a hose to maneuver the caulk where you want it. Scorpions are the biggest headache we have in Arizona. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has some suggestions and useful information at their site, check them out.

seal it up


Funky Caterpillar

Funky Caterpillar artwork

Funky Caterpillar and metal artwork is the new normal for outside decorations, I love some of the new stuff including this Caterpillar. Nice planter and decorative at the same time. Adds a little color to the home and you don’t have to have any real bugs. You know you can always call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 if you see any critters within your home?

I don’t mind these decorations but no sense in living with the bugs. I have seen decorative rock, wire ants and even birds and flowers. What kind of artwork is at your home?

Funky Caterpillar

It’s all about the you being the Handyman of your HOME

Are you the Handyman? How do the bugs get in?

Who is the handyman? Your home is your castle. The premise of todays pest control or management is to prevent the bugs from getting in. IPM is the Gold Standard of that service and we have talked about it a lot. Seal them out, no its not going to keep everything out but it will help. Exclude those holes, seal the jtrim, check the screens, repair the windows and employ a reputable consistent Pest Company like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328.

Homes and businesses require constant upkeep, doors needs flashing, garage doors have trim that may need repair. That roof might need checking from time to time. The pool may need a check by a pool service, you don’t need mosquitoes biting your toes. Termites can be sneaky, so get an inspection at least every few years depending on your



Pest Professional

Why do most pest  DIY projects fail?

Pest Professional – In my opinion the person forgets the scheduling and the next reason is lack of knowledge about pests. Scheduled treatments are a must because anything can happen in between. I’ve heard from plenty of customers that said my other half started doing it and then kept forgetting. Regular pest treatment are crucial to see and stop anything that could become an issue. Knowledge is the key to proper and successful pest management. If you have no idea what it is, how can you treat for it? Don’t try spraying for Africanized Honeybees because they may attack and injure of possibly kill someone. Better yet let a Pest Professional tackle the problem. ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328

Pest Professional


Ants inside or outside

Ants can be a real pain in the tush, they seem to show up at the weirdest or most wacky of times. Most of the time when inside, they can be eliminated by using a bait such as TerroPco. Did you know that the Maricopa Havester ant sting is considered the most venomous of all insects. I think they don’t get a lot of publicity because they seldom sting. You may notice them by their large area that is void of debris or vegetation.

The key to keeping them out of your house is cleanliness.  If  they come inside use a bait to get to the Queen ant.


Strange fruit

Strange fruit – I’ve never seen this

This strange fruit is a grapefruit tree at a clients home, I noticed it while doing a pest treatment. I spent a lot of time in Florida and now here in Arizona and I don’t recall anything this obscure and just plain weird. I see some pretty unique things along my path daily but this one was just different.

This just struck me as odd, but little limb is doing its best to live its dream. Maybe we should all do what the little tree to doing. But you will notice there is no fallen fruit for rodents to be eating. One of the ways to discourage animals and wildlife is to keep your yard clean, no clutter and keep an eye on the property each month. No surprises!




The Bug -Man

Bug-Man strikes – My office staff has really stepped up this year, we incorporated a sign into our welcoming of our Post Office clients. We tell them the weather forecast and often underping the pest world into the mix. We even mention it in our message on our service slips.

“Bugs aren’t going to inherit the earth, they already own it”. Since the dawn of time, by the way I wasn’t there bugs have been gunning for us. We invaded their territory, we made caves our domain and then we build houses where they lived first. So technically they were here first but God gave us dominion over all creatures. In some cases people have to decided to just grin and bear it, but bugs can make it tough. I remember a campout once where the mosquitoes just wouldn’t leave me alone. By the way it is tough trying to breath when your all locked away in a sleeping bag. Have you witnessed those shows where the flies or gnats are a real pests especially for animals?



Doodlebugs / Antlions

Antlions = Doodlebugs

Doodlebugs you might notice especially under sheds or awning small funnel shaped pits, yep it’s the antlions trap. The antlion waits on unsuspecting prey to fall into the trap and then attacks. These little assassins reside just about everywhere in the US, well maybe not Alaska but check them out anyway. They are way cool!

Now another bit of information, there are bugs that transform into more beautiful things. Monarch Caterpillar into a beautiful Butterfly, Dragonfly Triad into a beautiful Dragonfly and then this Antlion terror larva into a Lacewing, check out some pictures online to see what I’m talking about.



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