All posts in “chair”

Wow huge YellowJacket nest, it would scare me?


If you follow this home seal you know how often I remind you that you need to check your property. I recommend monthly and if this homeowner had checked, someone should have noticed this massive hive.

Massive wasp nest removed from Winter Haven home

Estimated to contain 15,000 yellow-jackets and it is expected to take 48 hours to completely get rid of the nest and inhabitants.

Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

Any ideas on where Bed Bugs hang out the most?

Any ideas on where Bed Bugs hang out the most?


University of Kentucky did some extensive work to determine the following information!

I think most people immediately think Bed Bugs = beds but that’s not always the case. As you can see from the work that was done that were are many other places where these little biters can be hanging out.

“Sleep Tight, Don’t let those Bed Bugs bite.”

What are the 6 kinds of Bed Bugs?

What are the 6 kinds of Bed Bugs?

OK I’m stealing this from Jeff Tucker with BASF but I thought it was great and I added one to the mix.

  1. Live Bed Bugs
  2. Frozen Bed Bugs
  3. Heated Bed Bugs
  4. Steamed Bed Bugs
  5. Dead Bed Bugs
  6. Gone

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