All posts in “Chandler Pest Control”

Roly Poly or Pillbugs, I’ll bet you didn’t know?


As a kid I always heard of them called Roly Poly bugs, but did you know they are really crustaceans ? They are really not insects but are more closely related to shrimp or lobsters. They are considered by the pest industry to be occasional invaders, but sometimes their number just explode.  There are two varieties Pillbugs and Sowbugs and about the only difference from what I can see is that the Sowbug has two small appendages which stick out from the rear of the body and the Sowbug can’t roll into a ball. They both tend to be outside pests in gardens but occasionally get into homes, they have mouth parts to grind up decomposing matter. They also have gills, which I didn’t even know!

So if they get into your home, what do you do? They will probably die from lack of moisture and they don’t do any damage. They don’t bite or sting and are not considered harmful. I’ve seen them basements and others areas of home high in moisture, which should also get you to think about how that moisture is getting into your home. Moisture can be far more dangerous to wood and your health if it is allowed to grow into mold or mildew.


Termites are different in Arizona.

The termites in Arizona act a bit different than the East Coast relatives, typically the Eastern Subterranean termites do damage without becoming visible. With that being said, nothing is certain and always simple, termites are termites and will often do what they want to do, not according to the book. The damage eventually becomes noticeable and then that is where it becomes a horror story.  The Western Subterranean termites will make mud tubes over the foundation or make little tubes in the drywood or make little exit type holes. The Eastern Sub’s  will make exit holes but in relation to swarming.

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The Western Sub’s also make down tubes quite often, as the picture below shows. I have actually seen tubes over 5 foot long stretching almost back to the garage floor.



If you find signs, just call a Pest Management Professional and do some checking with the BBB or a referral  from a friend (Kudzu).

My favorite bug is on the prowl – Assassin Bug


While teaching at the Chandler Environmental Education Center one of the parents asked me what this bug was? Why of course it’s my buddy the Assassin Bug. I really love the look and often times checkered pattern of this insect.

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They prefer to attack animals such as cattle and horses but if they get trapped in your home they will bite whatever they can. So keep those doors closed and those screens repaired. Stay safe and check your homes frequently.

Solar Fly Machine – update


HUGE success….. My test site has an amazing amount of fly issues and they have had to dump this unit several times including feeding the flies to various critters. Solar Fly Trap

2 Thumbs up, the cost of this unit is $84.85 but well worth the cost. Unlimited usage, no throw away just refill the attractant and set in sun. Call ProBest Pest Management to place your order 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176


Bugs and Spiders do travel

Bugs and Spiders do travel…


Green tires go black By: Bob Bissler


Stories like this above fascinate me and always get me to think about the way that bugs might hitch a ride. Way back in 2011 I wrote a home seal “The Beast escapes….“, where I mentioned the Brazilian Wandering Spider ending up in Germany on bananas. We are a traveling nation, we can pick up today and move without any concern to location. We can store all of our stuff in facilities and we never know what we might be bringing with us.

Border agents work with this premise everyday and every state cutting budgets over the years “Budget cuts affecting everyone” – is it possible to stop the pests? I guess time will tell, so be aware when placing hands into places where you can’t see.


How about those stores that sell exotic pets?

 How about those stores that sell exotic pets?


Have you ever considered those weird pets that they sell at those pet stores around the US. Even weirder are the food for some of those pets, like Lobster Roaches, Dubia Roaches or Madagascar Roaches.  The other day I was teaching at the Chandler Environmental Center and some one asked me that question – What if one of those things get loose? Well that’s exactly how pests like that get into areas where they have never been before. It is obvious in areas like Florida, where Boa Constrictors and Iguanas are now a normal occurrence seen by many on a daily basis.

Come by our little store and Post Office to see “Godzilla” our Leopard Gecko and other little friends

Who’s Number 1 in Pest Management in Arizona?

        Who’s Number 1 in Pest Management in Arizona?


Have you ever heard this saying? “Our business – any business – is People”

Each and every day we encounter people, we deal with bosses, employee’s and clients. Each and every day our moods shape our decisions of that day. Sometimes in pest control we have to deal with people that are upset or on edge because they hate bugs. Maybe they are upset at having to spend money to deal with termites or bed bugs. I also really like the saying “If you don’t take care of your customers, your competition will”.

Customer service is essential to every company and we cannot live without the highest caliber of this service.

So is it ProBest Pest Management, many Kudzu followers think so, how about you?


ProBest Pest Management does that….

ProBest Pest Management does that….


Are you a hotel/motel or apartment complex, or maybe a property manager and you’re looking for a company that can do a multitude of things? Do you currently have a company but they don’t do it all, then you’ve come to the right place…

ProBest Pest Management does that…

We have done work for some of the big companies because their pest control company didn’t do bats or bees, so if your not sure call ProBest at 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 to discuss your options. You know its never a bad thing to have an ace up your sleeve just in case you need somebody.

Our Services include:(click on link to see more information)

Is the customer always right?



Is the customer always right?


How many business owners do you think ponder this very question on a daily basis? I have an easy answer yes and no! OK maybe it’s not that easy, we put down pesticides daily and yes I have a few that call and tell us what they want and how to do it. Of course we are the ones complying with the Label and yes we are the ones who could get the fine for a misapplication. So that answer is pretty simple – we comply with all labellings and use directions absolutely according to Label, period.

Yes I know the old adage that a happy customer is a happy customer and as long as I keep the bugs out they should be happy right. Well there are other ways of getting on their bad side and I’ll tell you customer service is an art and you have to work at it. It is important to listen and to take into consideration all the aspects of delivering a premium service. I’m reminded of a poster in another office of pest management, I love this point of view and use it daily in the best pest control that we can deliver.

Excellent service isn’t the result of doing any one thing 1,000 % better. It’s the result of doing thousands of things 1% better.
If you can do that you stand closer to SUCCESS!
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