All posts in “customer”

Trust & Reliability

Trust & Reliability

Trust & Reliability is what it is all about! Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.  We get more work from referrals than anything else we do. Many customers have been loyal fans of ProBest since 1981. They continue to promote by word of mouth daily to their friends. In this day and age, phone books are gone. More and more people on social media platforms utilize them to check on companies. Lots of companies also use social media to get their word out to the general public.  ProBest on Facebook, ProBest on Twitter, and ProBest on YouTube. Photo attached from a survey with PCT Magazine.

Just like the Scout Law – Trustworthy is at the Top of the list.

a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.
b : one in which confidence is placed.

So what is QualityPro – National Accreditation, Consumer Confidence and Training & Certification? Recognizing the best in pest management through accreditation and certification.  QualityPro Company Certification and 3 service certifications: GreenPro, QualityPro Schools, QualityPro Food Safety

Trust & Reliability

Do you have pet peeves, I do?




As a business owner I’m reminded frequently of customer service and the opportunity to lose or gain a customer.  So here are a few questions I ask myself daily about service.

Does your technician have a clean uniform?

Is the vehicle clean?

If there was an appointment was he/she on time? Many times we perform outside only services this helps you to free up your time.

Does your technician ring the doorbell to let you know they are there? Do they ask if you’ve had any issues? Do they let you know they are done?


My favorite quote on customer service – If you don’t take of your customer someone else will.  Do you have any horror stories about service companies?


Incredible story of those crafty termites.

Incredible story of those crafty termites.


As good as you may think you are, termites are probably better! What’s that you say, no way. Termites have been working out their problems over the last 250 million years and what do we do but build houses (wood) right on top of their homes. If you give them an inch they will certainly take it and that is evident of the picture posted below.


You never know how or where they will enter a home and you almost have to play detective to understand and eventually solve the problem. So be prepared to investigate and you will be rewarded with the clues to solve the dilemma for the customer.


Is the customer always right?



Is the customer always right?


How many business owners do you think ponder this very question on a daily basis? I have an easy answer yes and no! OK maybe it’s not that easy, we put down pesticides daily and yes I have a few that call and tell us what they want and how to do it. Of course we are the ones complying with the Label and yes we are the ones who could get the fine for a misapplication. So that answer is pretty simple – we comply with all labellings and use directions absolutely according to Label, period.

Yes I know the old adage that a happy customer is a happy customer and as long as I keep the bugs out they should be happy right. Well there are other ways of getting on their bad side and I’ll tell you customer service is an art and you have to work at it. It is important to listen and to take into consideration all the aspects of delivering a premium service. I’m reminded of a poster in another office of pest management, I love this point of view and use it daily in the best pest control that we can deliver.

Excellent service isn’t the result of doing any one thing 1,000 % better. It’s the result of doing thousands of things 1% better.
If you can do that you stand closer to SUCCESS!

Marketing ideas, advertising and directories! Pt 5 Pest Control Ideas

Marketing ideas, advertising and directories! Pt 5 Pest Control Ideas

Advertising Wrap-up

My opinions on advertising and what worked for ProBest!

  1. Anything that brings customers to your door is a Win, Win – period.
  2. If you track it, weed it out or continue to use the technique.
  3. Be consistent!
  4. Think outside that box – I hate this expression but I guess it is what it is.
  5. If it works for you forget what others may say.
  6. It’s all about keeping customers and gaining new ones to grow. Think like a customer!

If you need some help, I don’t profess to know it all but maybe we can come up with some new ideas together! Send an email to [email protected]


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