All posts in “dining”

Drains & Restaurants

Drains & Restaurants

Drains & Restaurants

Do you ever check bathrooms before you eat at a restaurant, I check drains and restaurants for a living? I won’t eat until I check the bathroom, if its clean then probably (probably) the kitchen is clean. If you have a restaurant, staff must be taught that part of the process is cleaning. Everyday a certain station should be cleaned and then someone needs to double check. If a customer gets something in their food, the reputation can be sullied in that visit and those reviews sites are not forgiving.

  1. Daily cleaning, certain areas.
  2. Weekly cleaning.
  3. Inspection by someone who cares, not just someone that wants to go home.
  4. Inspection by management. If you set the standard – staff will comply.
  5. A German Cockroach can get by with just a speck of grease, don’t forget in between appliances.
  6. Use a checklist, its not tough. If you start out clean and keep it that way.

The Public is your Critic

  • Only takes one complaint, and if its online – it is there FOREVER. Those Dirty Dining shows are proof of that.
  • Make the weekly cleaning game with free appetizers etc. If staff doesn’t consider it work – it won’t be.
  • Set the standard, if you don’t then no one else will.
Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants and how do you tell how bad it might be? I usually run into the bathrooms, if it is nasty, generally speaking I’m out. If they can’t keep their bathrooms clean, then I’m positive their kitchen is a mess. I love those kitchens which are visible, if you can peak in that is a great thing.

Restaurants and cleaning:

  • Everyday someone should be cleaning.

  • Each day certain areas should be cleaned, areas not used daily should be rotated cleaned. 

  • There should be charts with duties and persons assigned.

  • Managers should check cleanliness daily. 

  • Degreasers and heavy duty equipment may be needed, and supplied so the staff can adequately perform their duties. 


I have been to a ton of restaurants and I have tuned down quite a few. I can’t do my job, if the grease is thick my product will never do the job. Now lets talk about cockroaches, German Cockroaches come in on the folds of food boxes. Once a stowaway enters the property there is almost a 0% chance of the owner/manager/staff fighting the situation. You need a Professional, because you need the right equipment and the right products with the knowledge. A single female roach can set in motion a infestation that can grow quickly. 



Shop Local

Shop Local

Shop Local – Invest in your community!

So as if it wasn’t bad enough, this Covid -19 thing hits. The big boys can weather the storm but what about the little guys, and what about the servers, waiters and small local Mom and Pops employees. One thing I started doing was tipping those folks a little better, OK I’m not rich but I’m trying to start somewhere. When I’m at my office we go out to lunch, we are constantly thinking of new places and sometimes we hit gold. One place is Geno’s Pizza Republic and

Trying Times:

There are going to be trying times for all of us, many have lost their jobs or been forced to cut hours. I know, I know these commercials we are stronger, we are a team. They are just words and we must put the action into place, strengthen the economy and help the small businesses. Remember those chains have big bucks behind them, the local small guy (just like you) are living that paycheck to paycheck. We have employees and we know how it hurts, so remember them as you get out and about.

Where did the bugs Go:

By the way, bugs and rodents didn’t go away during this issue. If anything they encountered something unusual – no people discarding food and waste everywhere. The rodents in New York began feeding on each other and things they normally wouldn’t feed on. So tough times for all, do encourage waste and if learn anything from this – think of the food we waste. I saw on tv that we waste 24 pounds of food each month. Just think of the real homeless and those kids that go to bed hungry every night. While I’m on this rant here is a group feeding America’s children – I’m all about spending money here in the US versus anywhere else, and I do care about the world let’s fix it here first. Shop Local!

Fail ultrasonic device


Fail or what? Thanks to a Facebook friend Michael Brinkman

So the question is answered? Does the pest ultrasonic devices actually work? NO

The bigger question for me is, clean your house please? This is disgusting and nasty, the roach droppings are everywhere. Look at the top of the pepper shaker gross.


Photo by Michael Brinkman

Ants come a crawling…

You know that old adage about the mechanic that never fixes his own car, cause he’s so busy or the pest control operator that never practices what he preaches – not me by the way. But by allowing that tree or bush to touch your home you may allow the ants to come into your home by the the millions.


ants trees

That colony could have lived in that tree for years, never attempting to go into your home but that new highway just afforded them that option. In their social hierarchy, some members forage  for food and if they come across a new source like your kitchen it could all be over for your peaceful setting. They will take some food and make their way home leaving a pheromone trail for others to follow.

Did you know?

  • There could be 1 million in their colony, maybe more.
  • There are 1 million ants per person on Earth.
  • All those ants you see are female.
  • They have great eyesight but their antenna’s are the thing that really helps them in finding food.
  • They live about 45 –  60 days but probably have lived on Earth for over 1oo billion years. Queens may live 30 years.
  • If you weighed all the ants it would be more than all the humans. WOW, right?
  • The Maricopa Harvester ant is the most venomous insect on Earth and guess where it lives? Clue is Maricopa… and it’s sting is equal to 12 bee stings.
  • The Red Imported Fire Ant in Florida builds rafts to float during massive rain storms.
  • Their worst enemy is ProBest technicians, no just kidding but it’s other ants. Our technicians are good at what they do, but remember the ants are always on guard against intruders.
  • They can make their nest almost anywhere, don’t make it easy for them. Think about the types of landscape and decorations you place around your home.

You know theres trouble when ….


This story caught my attention because of the following – “The reports states the inspection was not completed because the “inspector was not feeling safe.” This story is out of Maryland and I was caught off guard when the inspector said he didn’t feel safe because he heard crying noises from a storage area.

I think all restaurants need to have pest control, I check bathrooms before I eat any out at any establishment. If the bathrooms are clean generally speaking so is the kitchen and prep areas. From my point of view we always get that call when it’s an emergency and it has gotten to the point of State Inspections. Now don’t get me wrong there are numerous great restaurants that understand the word -clean. But if you own a restaurant here are a few of my tips.

  1. Cleaning is a daily job, if the employee’s are taught right from the very first day and held accountable it will help.
  2. Set up specific duties on different days to accomplish goals. For example Monday – clean all deep fryers, Tuesday specifically clean under all stoves, pull out heavy items, Wednesday – use Biovade or grease eating scum products to prevent build up – making sure to keep drains full of water and clean, Thursday – clean pantry taking stock of all inventory and making sure to use first in first out premise and Friday – clean anything else specific to that restaurant and no taking off duties on weekends.
  3. Post duties and make sure it gets done.
  4. Management must be just as accountable as employee’s.
  5. Don’t tolerate bad behavior.
  6. Praise staff for cleaning excellence – especially if you pass inspections, I suggest a party after work or free food. If everyone buys in, the place will be clean and draw in more consumers.

Grease traps should be checked and evaluated monthly, along with drains and other areas of spillage.


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