All posts in “feces”

Cricket Poo

Cricket Poo can be mistaken for termite activity. Cricket mess under a hand lens appear to have sharp jagged edges. Often black in color while termites use soil and water which when mixed in their poo, used to build tunnels and tubes. I see this kind of activity inside garages on the foundation step up and along foundations outside homes. Termites construct their tunnels over surfaces such as slabs and drywall or 2x4s in homes.

People mistake lots of things as termites, I get calls on Mud dauber soil nest, They build these almost ball looking things which they then pack with incapacitated spiders and then lay their eggs inside. When the egg hatches the little baby larva eats the paralyzed spiders. Termites build little tunnels or tubes about the size of pencils and the little girls make their way throughout these tubes to contain moisture. The arch enemies of termites are ants and they fight if they interact. But you really don’t need either of these two on your property.

If you run into something and you don’t know what it is, call us 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 or send us a picture at [email protected]

Cricket poo

Cricket poo

Cricket poo often is confused by a lay person as termite damage or frass. Cricket feces is black odd shaped star looking almost ripped edges. Termite feces is used with tunnel making or with Drywood termites hard shell ribbed edges. Subterranean termites mix the dirt and poo together in the building of the termite tubes and/or tunnels.

The Art of Pest Management is with the knowledge and what and how pest occur, that by the way is why you pay me. Because I KNOW. I continually run into people that say the previous person said this and that is wrong. They might say its bed bug and I go and its springtails or even ticks. That’s another treatment protocol and generally a lot less money.

Pee or poop

Pee or poop

Pee or poop or a combination of both, rodents? That would be my first professional estimation, the rodents are coming there for a reason and now I have to figure out why. What is drawing them to that location? Rats are a little shy while mice are curious, so which is it? Looking at the poop, they look large enough for a rats versus the mouse.

What types or diseases to rodents have and why should you be concerned? Did you know that mice urinate as they run, yuck? So you don’t what any of these beasts in your home.

Cat pee

Cat pee

Cat pee and smells got you down? Do you own a home with a crawlspace, have you ever allowed or had cats invade the space? What about a shed? Or garage? Well we have the answer – Bio Invade. Odor elimination that consumes organic material. What does it do? It cleans the way Mother Nature intended without harsh chemicals or fumes. It uses microbes and bacteria to attack the source of the smell, breaking down the organic matter and eliminating the odor for good.

** We used it under my Mother’s mobile home, it took a few days but the smell is gone and I recommend it. It really worked, the home smells new again. That cat urine smell is powerful and noxious, so its a blessing to not have to smell that any longer. Valerie **

Call ProBest Pest Management to get rid of those smells 480-831-9328

cat pee

Mold & mildew
Athletic smells
Stinky drains

Pet odors
Dead animals
Food odors
Even skunk odors


Poop – What is it?


Is it Poop? Not the best and most visible pictures, I need a new camera. Any ideas? I have been called a few times by people believing this to be from termites, not. I find this at the bottom of stucco and pretty readily found in Arizona.

poop DSC03764

Ok so we know its not termites, well here it is drum roll please – cricket poo. Somehow the crickets get into the wall and their feces falls down the wall voids. This is also a big sign that you need pest control because the next problem will be scorpions. I’m only guessing here but I’ll bet that scorpions love to eat crickets.

Rat borne diseases

Rat borne diseases can be a serious threat

With the advent of commercial type construction it seems that our cities are a megalopolis of people. So we come into contact more often with rat borne diseases. Most noteworthy you recently might remember a child died from Rat Bite Fever and many people have heard of rats biting people across the world. These types of diseases including rat bites and scratches can result in death and rat-bite fever. Rat urine is responsible for the spread of leptospirosis, which can result in liver and kidney damage. While it can also be contracted through handling or inhalation of scat. Especially relevant is that they are still animals and can return to a wild nature and they will bite and scratch.

So if you see one rat or mouse it is time to consult with a Pest Management Professional, call ProBest today at 480-831-9328

rat borne diseases

rat borne diseases


Your home and Rodents

Your home versus rats and mice

Home checks – always quite handy to keep a check on things, if you notice something unusual check it out and call your Pest Management Professional at 480-831-9328. I’ve advocated for years that you do a monthly check of your house and out buildings. This goes goes for your business as well, never hurts to just take a walk and check things out. Oh and another idea, when the Pest Operator shows up, explain what you think is going on. Always helps to get your perspective on the problems.

  1. Check roof and base of house.
  2. Fill in any holes.
  3. Pick up fruit.
  4. Check weep hole.
  5. Check inside and outside.

home 2014-03-01 12.10.41


Did you know that rodent teeth continue to grow?

This story is from Grant County, Washington and just highlights the need to understand rodents. I have on occasion had people tell me “I don’t care if I have rodents or birds in my attic”. “I don’t care if they are under my crawlspace, they are not bothering me”. Well maybe not today but how about tomorrow? What happens when they leave, what parasites do they leave behind? What damage can be done to the structure? “911 outage in Grant County possible caused by rodents

  1. Rodents incisor teeth continue to grow and they need to keep them in check.
  2. Fleas, ticks and other critters make their homes in the nest or on the bodies of wildlife.
  3. Animals/wildlife seek shelter within our homes but it is very important to keep them out. They produce feces, urine and other bodily secretions daily – you don’t want or need them in your home.
  4. Mice urinate almost continuously, if this becomes airborne you have the chance to breath it in. This is how Hanta Virus is spread.

Home-sealing is a key to keeping them out.



probestpestmanagementDSC05903   So you did the work and excluded those pigeons but wait they are still hanging out. Annoying? Yes it is.


Sometimes they just won’t move and the second part of the battle begins. May I suggest a tube of PIGNX, designed to get on their feet and they won’t like it much.

I think of it similar to when we get Super Glue on our fingers, that stuff won’t come off and it is very annoying. Isn’t it?

Pigeons can be a nuisance, what can you do?


When is one too many? Pigeons tend to gather where they feel safe and by the looks of this home – this is the one. I personally thinks it is time to call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

  • Pigeons will eat anything.
  • They can live 3-5 years.
  • Mate for life.
  • Average speed can be over 75 mph.
  • Considered to be the #1 pest bird problem in the U.S.
  • A single pigeon can create over 25 pounds of feces each year.
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