All posts in “home”

Wood destroyers and termites

Wood destroyers, including termites and wood rot can play havoc on your home. Whenever you place wood directly on the ground, you are inviting termites and other  creatures to that area. It is always better to place firewood or any wood for that matter on blocks or pavers. Ideally having wood stored just for one season at a time is best, there is less chance of buildup of pests in general. But as always – please wear gloves and only take into the structure what you are going to use immediately. If it is cold and you warm up the wood, the insects living inside may try to come out and  infest the home. So here are a few Quick Tips:

  1. Always place firewood or wood on blocks or pavers rather than directly on ground.
  2. Keep that wood pile away from the home.
  3. Always wear gloves moving wood.
  4. Store only the wood you will use that season.
  5. Only bring in enough wood to use that day.
wood destroyers

wood destroyers

Do you know how bugs sneak into your home or business?

Bark scorpion entering a building under a door

Dawn H. Gouge, Ph. D. University of Arizona MAC Experiment Station

Given the space or lack thereof – bugs will make their way into your home or business. Pests have adapted to us, just look at German Roaches they will use exploit our weaknesses and hitch a ride home to our kitchens or businesses.  Bed Bugs are very much the same, they will hide in luggage or shoes and boom they are in our house ready to feed off any family member they can find.

Home-sealing is by far the best way to keep out those pests. Caulking, door sweeps and fixing screens are an excellent way to keep pests out. IPM or Integrated Pest Management is the way to think when it comes to protecting your family.

IPM – Integrated Pest Management resources


One of the biggest reasons that I home seal is to pass along education information – Knowledge is Power. This site is full of great information and can be used for all types of circumstances.

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April is National Pest Management Month

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  • April is National Pest Management Month, an observance that has been taking place for more than 30 years!
  • Research shows spring and summer are when pest problems are of most concern to homeowners. Call us today for an inspection! 602-249-7378
  • Have you ever encountered #pests in the home?
  • Tip of the day: Pest-proof the home during your spring-cleaning routine.

Pest can cause serious issues for children and older folks, from asthma to dietary problems and possibly death. Keeping the pests out is the key to pest control, home sealing is a tool to help enforce no pests. Its all about the techniques that can be used to keep the bugs out and we have that knowledge and use it everyday – call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378

Termite action Arizona

After doing a little digging, the termites started falling out. Something I don’t see very often.

Is it worth the money to have a Termite Inspection done to purchase a home?


I’m always amazed when people are willing to spend $100,000s of their hard earned cash and not ask for opinions on the important stuff. I would always (by the way I have always had a Home Inspection and Termite Inspection) when I purchased a home. One in Florida and one in Arizona, I wouldn’t skip this important second set of eyes for nothing! Even though I have years of experience I still have some company give me their professional opinion.  We charge $57 cash day of inspection and $67 to go to escrow and honestly its not like its going to break the bank. But if there is an issue later I want someone that can answer some questions or give me insight into the problem. I have seen some realtors suggest that people not get inspections – are they going to answer those termite questions, and what happens if there are termites hidden?

If you look at a U.S. map, we have Heavy termite activity from Florida to Texas and North to South Carolina and Moderate to heavy from Texas throughout Arizona North to Nevada. Read what the National Pest Management Association has to say about termite inspections and what the says Arizona Department of Agriculture Office of Pest Management  (Consumer Resources and Termites). So please think about the money as an investment in your home.


Another tick disease discovered





Two different farmers in Missouri have been diagnosed with Heartland virus with symptoms that include fever, fatigue and nausea. Back in 2013 we reported on CDC reported cases and we just want people to take precautions before hiking or going off into the woods. Lyme Disease in Arizona, Yes was another article we did on protecting yourself against ticks and fleas.  Take care hiking!

How do those scorpions get into your home?

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One of my favorite calls relates to how scorpions get into bathrooms or showers. People tell me they come up drains and that is incorrect. Arizona Bark Scorpions enter your home by crawling up stucco and gaining access into your attic. They then crawl around and under the insulation and finally they come to a recess light or something that was cut through the ceiling drywall. See all those cracks and if your home isn’t sealed well enough they will fall right into your house. Sometimes there are lights or fans right above the bath or shower and they just fall in. So here is my advice, pull down the plate that covers these holes and caulk the hole. This should be done on the top floor ceiling or if you live in a single story house the ceiling. On our website is a list of things we attempt to seal when we perform a Home-Sealing.

Termite Hourglass


Photo by PPMA and NPMA

Hourglass contains 1 cup of sawdust, which equals what a subterranean termite colony could consume in a 2-hour period. Something to think about? Reminded me of the slogan from the TV Soap “Days of our Lives” – “Like sands through the hourglass .. so are the Days of our Lives.”

Termites are relentless and will work 24/7/365 trying to gain access into your home or business.

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