All posts in “insects”

Eyeless spider discovered in Laos

Eyeless spider discovered in Laos


Honestly all I can say is better it’s in Laos than my back yard, Creepy Eyeless Spider Discovered in Cave. Spiders are just one of those bugs that most people either hate or dislike so I can understand all the phobia’s out there on this bug.

Scientists figure that there are still 5 million species still waiting to be discovered.Read this “Undiscovered Species – How many are left to find?” I think there is one out there that should have my name on it, what say you?

Category Species Totals
Vertebrate Animals
Reptiles 1,300
Amphibians 8,500
Fishes 8,000
Total Vertebrates 17,800
Invertebrate Animals
Insects 4,000,000
Arachnids 500,000
Molluscs 115,000
Crustaceans 103,000
Echinoderms 7,000
Others 700,000
Total Invertebrates 5,425,000
Flowering plants (angiosperms) 71,000
Ferns and horsetails 15,000
Mosses & Liverworts 6,500
Total Plants 80,500

Wednesday Madness – picture guess????

Wednesday Madness – picture guess????


     I have this love and hate relationship to spiders. I hate when they are in crawlspaces or any where within my house but they can look fascinating in pictures. They can have artistic and creative webs and now their webs are being used in research.  So comment below to tell me what kind of spider this is, please! Here are a few of those artistic close-up and macro pictures of some spiders…


Check out Artur Celes photography – he is a gifted and unique photographer

How the bugs get in? Part 1

How the bugs get in? Part 1




This is an everyday occurrence for us here at ProBest Pest Management, the obvious problem is the door threshold and it needs to have a door sweep attached.

Help keep those bugs out of your home, install a door sweep or hey even better we can do it for you. Call and ask us today at 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176, by the way we even have them for garage doors.

Sometimes it takes an extreme effort in Pest Management…

Sometimes it takes an extreme effort in Pest Management…



These little spiders just love to cause me sleepiness nights. We have battled these spiders for a few years and although the battle is not over they continue to be a scourge on this home. I have investigated and used different pesticides over the years and actually have found that a wettable powder formulation has worked the best. Its a block wall home and the wettable powder sets on top and prevents them for a few months and then they make their way back. This home is located on a waterfront lake and the spiders just hang out waiting for food to fly right on there webs.

I haven’t given up but it is fair to say that this is an ongoing pest control if I ever have seen one. (Thanks to George for taking these pictures)

Even Entomologist have to have fun………

Even Entomologist have to have fun………


The naming of scientific names of critters goes way back to the founder “Carl Linnaeus” he is credited as being the first to give a name based on taxonomy. But sometimes I think some of these folks are playing games, there is one guy who named things after Star Wars characters – wasp names Polemistus chewbacca, Polemistus vaderi, and Polemistus yoda. So please check out “14 Great Names for Bugs” for an interesting take on naming bugs.

Typically the person who discovers the animals or critter gets to give the critter it’s scientific name , usually they associate it with their name but not always. So its fun to see how the intellectuals name the bug.

Crazier than thee, trust me!

Nobody in Arizona knows bugs more than me, OK there probably are a few especially at the Universities or extension offices but are they in Gilbert and accessible to just about anybody. Well just bring those bugs, or send pictures to ProBest Pest Management 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, AZ 85233

Or you can them to [email protected] or call 602-249-7378 for further instructions… don’t smooosh!

Most Poisonous Insect in the World

Dr. Bug plays — Name and Identify that Bug!

Dr. Bug here, do you have a bug you need to identify or just want them gone.  Well we know by looking at this thing that it is a spider, but what kind? My best guess is that is a House Spider of some kind.               Do you have any clue what type spider it might be? My goal is that you send me your photo’s and or bugs and we will post a picture to share with our readers. You never know maybe you can stump Dr. Bug at his own game.

Send your pictures to [email protected] (just put in subject line – Identify this Bug) or you can send them to 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, AZ 85233 (just try not to smoosh them to much).

What is it?

What is it?


You know how this works, someone sends you something to look at and identify and it is almost impossible to figure out what it might be? So take a look and help me identify what you think these are. Comment below and give me a hand, please!

The answer tomorrow….

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