All posts in “Maricopa County”

Drainage Block

Drainage Block

Drainage Block

Drainage BlockDrainage Block

What do we do?

We will cover with hardware cloth 2 areas from the inside, securing it in place with hammer gun device – this limits the pest from coming in. This exclusion stops snakes, rodents and other small types of critters. Now remember snakes and rodents do climb but this should limit anything from coming in via ground level. Notice: occasionally you will need to clean this area – if a lot of water passes through – it will pick up leaves, twigs etc.

SPECIAL: 2 area cover exclusion,  now only $95 limited time…………….. Special note – if you get three (3) neighbors to do it on the same day – ProBest will do all 3 at the price of $65 each address.








Leptospirosis Pets and Familiy

Leptospirosis, bacterial disease

A recent outbreak of Leptospirosis was recently confirmed in Maricopa County. Over 60 dogs tested positive, so I prepared video to help identify what you can do to protect your dog, cats, pets and family. Leptospirosis, is a bacterial disease that can affect people and animals, has been on the rise in Maricopa County dogs since February, 2016. The bacteria that causes this disease is spread in the urine of infected animals, including rodents, wildlife, pets, and livestock. If you suspect your pet may have this bacteria virus please consult your Veterinarian.

First of all, I stopped taking Gracie my dog (I think she is a beagle coker spaniel mix) to parks.  I’m concerned with her picking up ticks and now this nasty disease. If you take precautions, we should be able to stop this but consult your Veterinarian. I use Lookout Mountain on Cave Creek Road and highly recommend them. They have taken care of both my dogs and are personable and know their pets.


Gracie negative Leptospirosis

Gracie negative Leptospirosis


Feral Cats


I try not to do this service and for good reason, it hardly ever ends well for anyone. Somebody always takes extreme exception to my performance of the issue. So here is the recommended service protocol – trap the animal, take it to a shelter have it spayed and/or neutered  and then return it to the original location.This procedure cost lots of money in labor and the service for the shelter isn’t free, see the services listed below.

Thev reason to spay/neuter and release the animals back to the original location, prevents another cat family talking over the area. Here is an original story on feral cats by ProBest from 2009.


My hats off to PetSmart Charities for there continued work with pets and for this infographic, click the link to give them a hand in this work. The problem isn’t the cats and dogs, its us as a society – don’t abandon pets and have yours spay/neutered, or maybe even a donation to PetSmart.

Don’t throw away furniture because of Bed Bugs!

Don’t throw away furniture because of Bed Bugs!

I know they are creepy and the mere mention of the word strikes fear in many, don’t respond to PANIC! I have watched these shows on TV like “Infested” and you don’t have to throw away all your furniture. Don’t panic, think it through and create a plan of attack. Here are a few of my rules when it comes to Bed Bugs!

  1. I’ll say it again, don’t panic. Look for them or evidence of them – IDENTIFY them first!
  2. Think about how they got there, did someone travel or did you have guest over?
  3. Don’t start taking the furniture outside or moving it from room to room – you may spread the problem.
  4. If someone is being bitten, isolate the area (example) if they are being bitten on the right side by the knee – check out that area of the room not just the bed but I would start there.
  5. My personal opinion is this is something that you shouldn’t do yourself (by the way NO BUG BOMBS please) I think it just makes them go deeper into a crack or crevice trying to get away from the pesticide. This often leads to creating a harder treatment program for the Professional.
  6. OK you have Bed Bugs and you called a Pro, follow their Prep Sheet – the more you participate the better and faster the program will work. Vacuuming is very important, just make sure to empty the bag or container. Many years ago a homeowner had fleas and used the vacuum, didn’t empty the bag and the eggs hatched in the closet. There were 1000’s of fleas in that closet and trying to get out into the home, empty the vacuum you’ll thank me later!

These bugs are tiny, elusive and very difficult to get rid of but not impossible. As I said and I will say it again “Don’t Panic” and don’t give up. If you have any questions you can always send me an for my opinion [email protected]

Don’t throw away furniture because of Bed Bugs!

Dog bites………….

Dog bites………….

 800,000 dog bites every year approximately – require medical attention in the United States.

I recently heard that cats now outnumber dogs as the pet of choice here in the U.S. and I guess you don’t normally hear about cat bites but they do scratch so be careful. Maricopa County has also issued a concern about the over population of cats. Check out the Maricopa County Animal Control page for more information. While on on this subject Pit Bulls get a bad rap, I’ve had more issues with little dogs. Sometimes I think they think they are big dogs especially defending something. I have witnessed a handshake turn into a snarling dog who maybe became jealous of all that action.

dog bites

dog bites  OK not this dog, she wouldn’t hurt a fly

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