All posts in “Mattress”

Bed buggy

Bed buggy or creeped out by bugs. I’m even squeamish with all this bed bedbugs stuff since I was helping with a treatment and I had one in my shoe. The picture is a mattress with several active bedbugs just waiting for suppertime.

At the first sign, bites or blood spotting – investigate. Don’t put it off – investigate. Don’t let it get to this stage. Bed buggy or not, investigate.

Call a PRO – like ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378. Do a monthly inspection of your home of business. It is important to notice everything associated with the inside and outside. Many bugs like honeybees can take a foothold in a short period of time. So bee careful and call us, even if its just a question or ID. 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Facts – Bed Bugs

Facts on Bed Bugs

Facts are important and it is vital to stay up to date on these items about bed bugs especially when traveling. If you find bed bugs ask for a new room on the opposite side of hotel. Bed bugs are almost invisible when born, then they get a blood meal and start turning a darker color. Don’t just check the bed, check the areas around the bed like the drawers and baseboards. It’s not just the bed. See the tips for some great information to pass along.



Photo by PPMA

Bed bug tips by PestWorld


Why do Bedbugs hide in the smallest of spaces?

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I’m really impressed by the fact that bugs hide so well. I guess eon’s of time has programmed them to survive and hiding offers them the chance to do it and well.

Notice all adult stages, including instars and eggs in the pictures.

Travel well my friends!

Bed Bugs spreading across the US

bedbug spreading

bedbug spreading








Bedbugs are spreading rapidly and continue their march across the US. I  don’t always get creeped out with pests but BedBugs do it for me. I think about accidental infestation, maybe a lone bedbug falls into a pocket or shoe and I bring it home.

Take care traveling, check out the room and if you think you see something contact management. Don’t bring in used furniture without looking it over really well. Check out our webpage and the Nation Pest Management Association has a site “All Things Bed Bugs”

Other NPMA Bed Bug Info & Facts:

  • Bed bugs can lay one to five eggs in a day and more than 500 in a lifetime.
  • Bed bugs can survive for several months without eating.
  • Bed bugs can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from nearly freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bed bug draw blood for about five minutes before retreating to digest.
  • Bed bugs hatchlings are so small they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress.
  • Bed bugs can ingest seven times their own weight in blood, which would be the equivalent of an average-sized male drinking 120 gallons of liquid.
  • Bed bugs are found in all 50 U.S. states.


Gross – bedbug issues


Every once in awhile you run across a picture that can gross out the best of us. A friend of mine Steve Oswalt AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal and  AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Solutions Lewisburg, Ohio took this picture and I couldn’t resist re-posting it.

His remark “How could anyone live with Bed Bugs?” I couldn’t do it and I really hope this isn’t a child’s room.

Photo by Steve Oswalt

Photo by Steve Oswalt












Please don’t let this happen to you, call a Pest Management Professional for help or Steve if you live near Lewisburg, Ohio or ProBest in Arizona. Thanks again to Steve for this unbelievable picture.

Bed Bugs are still out there folks…


These bugs are a major pain in the — to many who thought it wouldn’t happen to them. Calls have increased due to summer travel, so please beware and take precautions. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has a lot of good information, so please take a moment of your time to read and understand.

Now on to a touchier situation, don’t believe everything you read about Bed Bugs but rather visit those sites that have good information.  People still tend to I read this or that and I try my best to set the record straight, but the NPMA really is the authority on bugs. They set the standard with QualityPro and a staff Entomologist. The more you know = KNOWLEDGE and we all know that Knowledge is Power.


Do you think Bed Bugs care about the cold?


Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr I was in Washington D.C. this month and it was freezing. I was in the Jefferson Memorial and in walked this kid with shorts on, I had to ask and yes he was from Vermont. He has Maple syrup for blood, cause the wind was whipping off that little lake and I had a goretex jacket on. But anyway I just heard that Bed Bugs are on the increase in Alaska. “Bed Bugs are calling Alaska home at increasing numbers“.

14_Bed Bugs

Photo by PPMA

So take care when traveling or letting folks stay at your home. Bed Bugs continue to impact libraries and hotels are alarming rates.

What does IPM Integrated Pest Management have to do with Bed Bugs


IPM or “Integrated Pest Management is a process involving common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests. These solutions incorporate three basic steps: 1) inspection, 2) identification and 3) treatment. Treatment options vary from sealing cracks and removing food and water sources to pesticide treatments when necessary.”


Bed Bugs and you – TIPS

  1. Encasements keep the bed bugs trapped inside the mattress or box springs until they die if missed during the initial treatment.
  2. Prevent bed bugs from hiding inside beds, making an infestation harder to find and treat.
  3. Offers a first line of defense to stop bed bugs, even before they have been detected by you.

Encasements are a valuable tool to homeowners and people who either travel or have guest stopping by often. Encasements will also help to make that mattress or box spring last a little longer.

Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA


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