All posts in “Pest Control Technician”

Pest Control Technician

Pest Control Technician

“We’re extremely pleased to see exterminator, or pest control technician, listed among the top ten best maintenance and repair jobs by U.S. News & World Report,” said Cindy Mannes, senior vice president of public affairs for the National Pest Management Association.

2022 the job market – if let’s say a certain fast food place ups the game and pay $15, that in itself starts the ball rolling. Now I’m not saying that $15 is not right, but we are talking a entry level job. Where $15 was a good wage to start a Professional job now has to rise higher and what if you can’t, how much can you afford for a pest service? We raise our rates generally every 2 years, this year mainly due to gas. How much do I then make, if gas goes up $2 – $3 dollars. Its not just gas but my suppliers have to pay more, manufactures charge more for chemicals – its a viscous circle.

I noticed a guy on Facebook looking for a job for is 15 year old son, he wanted $32 an hour. I think we have gone over that edge, I’m not sure I make $32 and hour after 30s years in this Professional.

Operating a business is not for the weak of heart, many things weigh on the owner from vehicles, vehicle maintenance to payroll.

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