All posts in “pests”

The Ghost of Scorpions Past!

Is it a Ghost or to much Diatomaceous Earth?

Ghost or an imprint of a scorpion on a couch at a new clients home? Do you how it happened, not exactly sure how this happened but here is my 2 cents. The scorpion was either in the attic or the ceiling and fell and then deposited dust onto the furniture. So how do you scorpions get into the attic?

These pests crawl in under the stucco where that jtrim attaches to the foundation, they then crawl up the wall into the attic and fall out in any opening that is available. That is how in my opinion how you find them in toilets, bathtubs and showers, because that material makes it impossible for them to climb on. So a home seal is the best protection to keeping them out of your house.

ghost scorpions

ghost scorpions


What are My TOP 10 Tips for keeping bugs out of your home?

TOP 10 Tips

Watch the useful Tips video below to get useful, helpful techniques for preventing bugs from getting into your home or business. I have to think that most people dislike bugs getting into the home and frankly there is no reason to put up with them. Home-sealing is probably the most economical as it will help to lower electric bills both in Winter and Summer. Keeping the heat or cooling systems at peak efficiency and keeping $$$$ in your pocket.

Think outside your house, think about the roof and out buildings. You will have to think like that pests or at least think how they might enter the house or shed. While we might need a door, they can find access through a hole.




News we didn’t need to hear about

News about Bed bugs and pesticides

News is  showing research that bed bugs are adapting to pesticide usage and they might be thickening their skins to avoid the pesticide. Every day we are learning more and more about what is happening in the way of bedbugs, some cities are

“Bed bugs are becoming resistant to some Insecticides”

or “Cuticle Thickening in a Pyrethroid-Resistant strain of Common Bed Bug”

The EPA is deciding on reducing pesticide usage, what and if they decide to reduce some pesticides can influence what is used and when. It may be that in the future we will be limited to newer products.

News Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

Seal to keep out the bugs?

SEAL – You have to think like a bug

Seal – One of those things that can be done to prevent bugs from hiding on your property is to seal as many of those hiding places that you can. This includes those block walls around your property, I once found about 50 cockroaches living in a crack along side a home with a block wall. I used a little dust and they came running, it was a sight to see and of course I had to show the homeowner.

We often get into a debate over inside and/or outside, I try to think like this – where do the bugs generally come from? Outside most of the time, so let’s prevent them from getting in and cut down on the pesticide in the home. Now doesn’t this just make more sense? Now if they come in a bag of food, then you have to decide on the best option inside. Many times it might be ants and the use of a bait is right up the alley to get to the Queen ant and no harm no foul with having to spray the whole house.

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Antlions – What’s making these holes?

Antlions are making these holes.

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Antlions – the terror of the sandlot! A week or so ago I posted a who knows what this is? I then spotted a Youtube video that I thought would be fun to watch, especially since its National Geographic. As a kid I always played with these weird creatures and until I saw Star Wars with that SarLoc it never resonated as much.

If you ever have the chance, take a small business card and bend it and scoop out this tiny little critter. It’s interesting to think that everything has its place, well maybe not mosquitoes? Noah had the chance to smack both of them, didn’t he?


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Please use caution when using a pesticide or rodenticide

What criteria do you use when you decide to use a pesticide, do you read the label and decide the bug is listed on container or do you just buy it because?

One of my biggest pest peeves (yes I said pest) is using a rodenticide in the open where anything could find it and eat it. All and I said all rodent baits require that they be sealed in locked or secured devices.

and my other pesticide pest peeve

Is the use of DE or Diatomaceous earth  or aerosol foggers. I have seen mounds of DE placed on floors and carpet for the prevention of Bed Bugs, this stuff can become airborne and you can breath this stuff into your lungs. I have also seen people use way to many aerosol foggers for what they are attempting to kill. Some of these foggers only make the critters hide deeper and become more difficult to treat.

There are of course some tips to using pesticides and of course I recommend you contacting a Professional (like ProBest Pest Management) as we are trained in these products and there usage. But if you are going to Do It Yourself here are some tips.

  1. Read the label, SDS and any other materials associated, and follow the directions.
  2. If your are going to store the product, make it safe. If your storing in garage remember it gets hot and if the bait has oil in it it might evaporate and become useless. I’ve had people complain that a product wasn’t working and it was really old and had spoiled.
  3. Does the product allow interior, exterior treatments, can it be mixed, can it be used around water or if it is raining or just rained?

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Why you shouldn’t bug spray in your home every month?

Over the years I have been an advocate of spreading the news about outside versus inside bug spraying. I’ve actually walked away from people demanding it be done. I’ve held to my guns that it just wasn’t necessary or good for you. This story “Indoor pesticide exposure tied to childhood cancers” is the proof that science and pest management has come towards an IPM approach to issues such as this. I have stated for at least 10 years that indoor spraying just isn’t necessary, there are exceptions like German Roaches that may require a one or two treatment service and there are now gels and dry baits which can be used. I remember 20+ years ago when I would notice a dry powder forming around the edges of rooms and you know that this becomes airborne when children, pets or people walk over it. Breathing that just can’t be good for you! Soapbox alert……

IPM is an abbreviation for Integrated Pest Management.

Integrated Pest Management is a process involving common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests. These solutions incorporate three basic steps: 1) inspection, 2) identification and 3) treatment. Treatment options vary from sealing cracks and removing food and water sources to pesticide treatments when necessary.

Trust me on this folks, stop the every month inside spraying of homes and businesses, your lungs and body can thank me later. Many schools have adopted this program and thanks to a few here in Arizona we are on track to promote more and more schools towards these programs. “Integrated Pest Management – The most effective way to manage pests in your school by AZ Cooperative Extension office U of A


What can you eat to repel the bugs, here’s some info for you.

11 Things you can eat to repel bugs” I got a kick out of reading this article, some of those things repel me or at least a few people. I figured out a few before reading the article, such things as garlic, onions and peppers. Interesting enough I have tried Vegemite and wasn’t a big fan, but hey I didn’t grow up eating this stuff. A lot of this stuff on the list is really great for you, boosting your immune system etc.

Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

What do you look at while hiking?

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Some of the coolest and most intriguing stuff out in nature is awfully small and I noticed this small little spider while hiking in New Mexico. I don’t kill everything I see when it comes to bugs, only if they get into your home do I take it personally.

My point is this, while in nature or the great outdoors everything has its place. So take a moment and get into nature and call us 602-249-7378 if you find the creepy crawlies in your home.

Something sneaky came our way, what was it?

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Well it didn’t surprise at all, when you see this many crickets you are bound to see a spider or two. Let me tell you this Black Widow was huge, she was almost the size of a quarter. Rodent stations are ideal for hiding, minimal intrusion and plenty of space until we show up that is.

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