All posts in “pet”

This is what happens when we don’t think!

This is what happens when we don’t think!


How many times have you heard someone get tired of a pet and just discard it. Its a shame and really should be against the law, consider the pet and make a common sense decision. How long will it live,  the larger cockatoos can live 30–70 years depending on the species or occasionally longer and Cockatiels can live for about 20 years and is that a commitment you have time for?

Well anyway back to the actual story for the home seal – 18 ft 8 inch Python (Associated Press) recently caught in Florida and weighed 128 pounds. This new Python exceeds the old one by an inch. The speculation is that during a hurricane a building was destroyed and the snakes got loose. But you hears stories similar to this frequently, sometimes even the giant alligator in the NYC sewers.

If you can no longer take care of the pet please do some homework there are usually shelters and rescue groups that will help. My best friends in Ohio take care of foster dogs  and both of my dogs are rescues.



Oh oh Demon dogs….

Were you aware that May is “National Pet Month”?

Were you aware that May is “National Pet Month”?


Lots of us own pets, from cats to snakes and because of this we can also from time to time get uninvited pests including ticks and other vermin. In Arizona we don’t get fleas very often but we do encounter ticks on a regular basis. So what can you do to stop those infestations from happening to your home.

  1. Don’t leave food out for feral cats, this may bring in other unwanted pests.
  2. If you see holes in the yard check for Pocket gophers, they can damage plants and bring in pests.
  3. Even birds like pigeons can bring in pests, don’t allow them them to live on your roof.
  4. Bats can make your attic a home, seal and block all access into your attic. Bat Bugs can take up residence within your attic and if you get rid of the bats, the Bat Bugs may come into your home space.
  5. Check your pets frequently for signs of fleas or ticks. You can use over the counter medicines but if you do please mention this to your Pest Management Professional – some of those products may contain a similar products and cause an overdose to the pet.
  6. Keep grass or vegetation trimmed around the home.
  7. Don’t become a hoarder, keep debris away from the home and discourage rodent activity.
  8. Never place firewood next to your home, don’t invite rodents or pests near the home. If you use firewood only bring in what you plan on using right away.
  9. If you have rodents, it may lead to snakes. Snakes have to eat so don’t encourage them to come to your house.
  10. Don’t allow water to stand, mosquitoes can bite and transit diseases and parasites to your pets.


How about those stores that sell exotic pets?

 How about those stores that sell exotic pets?


Have you ever considered those weird pets that they sell at those pet stores around the US. Even weirder are the food for some of those pets, like Lobster Roaches, Dubia Roaches or Madagascar Roaches.  The other day I was teaching at the Chandler Environmental Center and some one asked me that question – What if one of those things get loose? Well that’s exactly how pests like that get into areas where they have never been before. It is obvious in areas like Florida, where Boa Constrictors and Iguanas are now a normal occurrence seen by many on a daily basis.

Come by our little store and Post Office to see “Godzilla” our Leopard Gecko and other little friends

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