All posts in “poo”

Cricket Poo

Cricket Poo can be mistaken for termite activity. Cricket mess under a hand lens appear to have sharp jagged edges. Often black in color while termites use soil and water which when mixed in their poo, used to build tunnels and tubes. I see this kind of activity inside garages on the foundation step up and along foundations outside homes. Termites construct their tunnels over surfaces such as slabs and drywall or 2x4s in homes.

People mistake lots of things as termites, I get calls on Mud dauber soil nest, They build these almost ball looking things which they then pack with incapacitated spiders and then lay their eggs inside. When the egg hatches the little baby larva eats the paralyzed spiders. Termites build little tunnels or tubes about the size of pencils and the little girls make their way throughout these tubes to contain moisture. The arch enemies of termites are ants and they fight if they interact. But you really don’t need either of these two on your property.

If you run into something and you don’t know what it is, call us 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176 or send us a picture at [email protected]

Cricket poo

Cricket poo

Cricket poo often is confused by a lay person as termite damage or frass. Cricket feces is black odd shaped star looking almost ripped edges. Termite feces is used with tunnel making or with Drywood termites hard shell ribbed edges. Subterranean termites mix the dirt and poo together in the building of the termite tubes and/or tunnels.

The Art of Pest Management is with the knowledge and what and how pest occur, that by the way is why you pay me. Because I KNOW. I continually run into people that say the previous person said this and that is wrong. They might say its bed bug and I go and its springtails or even ticks. That’s another treatment protocol and generally a lot less money.

Poop – What is it?


Is it Poop? Not the best and most visible pictures, I need a new camera. Any ideas? I have been called a few times by people believing this to be from termites, not. I find this at the bottom of stucco and pretty readily found in Arizona.

poop DSC03764

Ok so we know its not termites, well here it is drum roll please – cricket poo. Somehow the crickets get into the wall and their feces falls down the wall voids. This is also a big sign that you need pest control because the next problem will be scorpions. I’m only guessing here but I’ll bet that scorpions love to eat crickets.

Pigeon issues at your home?



probestpestDSC06740 Does your roof look like this?

Then you need a little help in clearing them off and away from your home. Hardly a house in this neighborhood had a single pigeon on it.


Any ideas, what is it?



Whatever it was it appears that it attacked the bird and ate it. I’m thinking maybe a coyote but I’m not authority on scrat or poop.

Any ideas what you think this is? Comments please!


Pigeon Poo & You!

Pigeon Poo and You!


I think its time to find a new parking spot. Bird poo can cause disease and can also ruin car paint and other structures. The other issue I have is tracking this stuff into the home and if you have children – do you really want them playing on the carpet.

Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection. It occurs throughout the world. In the United States, it is most common in the southeastern, mid-Atlantic, and central states.

Histoplasma fungus grows as a mold in the soil. You may get sick when you breathe in spores produced by the fungus. Soil that contains bird or bat droppings may have larger amounts of this fungus. The threat is greatest after an old building is torn down or in caves.

Having a weakened immune system increases your risk for getting or reactivating this disease. Very young or very old people, or those with AIDS, cancer, or an organ transplant have more severe symptoms.

People with chronic lung disease (such as emphysema and bronchiectasis) are at higher risk of a more severe infection.

Here is a publication on the cleanup procedure and please wear a mask and wear gloves.

Pigeons are messy and cause disease!

Pigeons are messy and cause disease!



Pigeons having once decided to set up a house at your home, will continue to stay there until they are made to move. Even after decided to make it difficult for them, they might continue to try to stay. I have seen them work around spikes (metal and plastic), I have seen them work into chicken wire by using their head to inch their way pass the obstacle. It is important to check the work after installing whatever method is used.

One problem can lead to another, sometimes more frightening..

One problem can lead to another, sometimes more frightening..

I really get concerned when I see pigeons, birds nesting on someone’s roof and I get worried when it happens to be rodents in someone’s attic. Remember this home seal from a few years ago “Pigeons and their Mess!” and “It’s not always what you think! Ceiling stain.”

Here is a story and video from Albuquerque about a very similar problem – secondary infestation from bird mites and carpet beetles. “Pigeon problem leads to bug infestation at Albuquerque apartment” by Chris Ramirez KOB Eyewitness News 4.

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