All posts in “Pro”

Pest Pro

Why you need a Pest Pro?

Pest Pro = Quality Expert, Right? Someone that understands bugs and can deal with them. Some who is QualityPro “The mark of excellence in pest management”.

Did you know that there is a license here in Arizona for those of us that do pest control? They enforce certain laws and rules in pest control. They require certain amounts of insurance and require certain item be in every pest vehicle. For example we hold a license in pest, termite and weeds.

So in a nutshell, hire a Pest Professional. We’ll get the job done right!

Pest Pro

Happy Halloween! Boo!

Halloween and the scary pests!

Halloween probably began as a Pagan celebration and originated from Celtic harvest festivals. Over the years, more and more people have added touches of the things that scare them, like cockroaches, roaches, bats and rats, snakes etc. I’ve seen candies that are shaped like all kinds of bugs to spiders. Which scare me to death, the spiders of course. So think about the costumes, parades and the tons of candy which the little Goblins are really looking.

The one thing I’m not real crazy about is those clowns. I’m not frightened by them they just creep me out, but no more than spiders freak me out. Tough exterminator putting on the front of a Professional, right?




I need to find a Pest Professional, how can I do that that?

One of the many benefits of belonging to a Professional Association are the great benefits and this benefit actually helps consumers find a “PRO” in their area. There are also tips on helping you find that Pro.


Have you really ever thought about termites?


According to the National Pest Management Association termites do about $5 billion in damage each and every year. Are they eating your home and do you know what to look for.

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Subterranean termites enter by way of cracks or foundations here in Arizona. So if you notice soil/dirt/mud trails either outside on the foundation slab, or inside the garage or coming down from the ceilings it’s time to call a Pro.

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