All posts in “ProBest”

Another weird little animal from Texas

Carnivorous mice that howl likes wolves

The northern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster) is rather squat and blocky, has a white tummy and a white tip to its short tail. They’re not fast runners but are very agile – able to twist and turn to subdue prey in their longer-and-stronger-than-average jaws.

Isn’t it great to hear and read about cool stuff like this, thank goodness they aren’t real big. But anyway that’s why I’m here, to pass along stories like these.

Does it get cold enough to kill pest/bugs?

Over the last few years it certainly hasn’t been cold enough in Arizona to freeze out the bugs. Some insects actually have a type of antifreeze or so called blood within their bodies. They crawl into a nook or hiding spot and if it is cold they just don’t come out. If it warms out they will come out and possible go in search of food.

  • If it rains and they get flooded they search for drier land, that might be your house.
  • If it is really hot, they might be more active and search for food.
  • If its cold for only a few days, that might not be enough to kill them, Especially scorpions or the hardier of the insects.

Filling in those cracks or holes around your home will help to keep them out and also keep the cool or warm in. Caulking is an excellent tool in keeping those bugs out – buy and use the clear caulk. It really works well.

Photo by NPMA

Photo by NPMA


Don’t move firewood, watch boat bottoms for unwanted pests

I have seen it a few times, people bring in firewood and all of a sudden we have PowderPost Beetles or something else coming out of the wood. I have also seen the Arizona Fish and Game send out flyers and web information on the spread of quagga mussels on the bottom of boats. Here are two stories or updates on these issues.

Park changes firewood regulation to protect forests

Invasive mussels now confirmed at Lake Havasu as well as Lake Mead


It is really important to recognize that animals, wildlife and pests can travel. Just like Fire Ants in potted plants or termites in lumber or other materials. So always stay vigilant and be on guard against invasive species.


Photo from AZGFD site


OK I have a great idea, what do you think?

Woman called cops over stick insects gift

OK I’ve come up with a great service, let’s say your kids get a weird bug/insect gift for Christmas or their Birthday and you don’t want it.

Send it to ProBest Pest Management

425 W. Guadalupe Road #110

Gilbert, Arizona 85233


Pro Best Logo

Oh and by the way don’t call 911 – they might take you to jail, it’s for emergencies only…

Did you know that rodent teeth continue to grow?

This story is from Grant County, Washington and just highlights the need to understand rodents. I have on occasion had people tell me “I don’t care if I have rodents or birds in my attic”. “I don’t care if they are under my crawlspace, they are not bothering me”. Well maybe not today but how about tomorrow? What happens when they leave, what parasites do they leave behind? What damage can be done to the structure? “911 outage in Grant County possible caused by rodents

  1. Rodents incisor teeth continue to grow and they need to keep them in check.
  2. Fleas, ticks and other critters make their homes in the nest or on the bodies of wildlife.
  3. Animals/wildlife seek shelter within our homes but it is very important to keep them out. They produce feces, urine and other bodily secretions daily – you don’t want or need them in your home.
  4. Mice urinate almost continuously, if this becomes airborne you have the chance to breath it in. This is how Hanta Virus is spread.

Home-sealing is a key to keeping them out.


A sure sign of a Post Tension Slab


Normally I have noticed that they cut the extra cable and fill it in with cement. Post tension slabs, pull the concrete together by cables within the concrete. This helps to keep the concrete tight and prevent the concrete from cracking.

Are bats using their friends to search for food?

Bats eavesdrop on each other to find foods

I have to be honest I think bats are cool, I was out on a trip into the desert many years ago. We were actually on a trip to find some tarantula’s and scorpions and the bats were enjoying the early evening hours. There were many bats and I noticed a lot of flying insects we even threw up a shoe to see if they would go after it and they did. (No bats were harmed with the shoe throw)

So just because something looks creepy doesn’t mean that it is. Don’t harm animals, wildlife or snakes. Call a Pest Management Professional to help remove it and relocate it if possible.



Beware the venomous spiders, DANGER!

Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

I’m not a big fan of spiders, so when I’m doing work around the outside of my house I always wears gloves. I suggest anytime you do work around the yard, attic, outside or in the garage wear gloves. It’s been a long time that a death has occurred in Arizona but you really don’t need the aggravation or pain of a bite. What do you look for with Black Widow Spiders?

  1. Irregular webbing, sticky.
  2. A spider hanging upside down.
  3. A Black spider with a red hour mark on its belly, or we have the Brown Widow and it has spots sometimes.
  4. They like dark and quiet areas.
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