All posts in “ProBest”

This could have really been a real disaster!

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BBQ grill not in use and overlooked for many months. As soon as the technician noticed this he brought it to the attention of the homeowner. Can you imagine what would have happened if the homeowner had just removed the cover?

They were Africanized and immediately became agitated and attacked, luckily technician was in his bee suit. Almost every inch of the grill was being utilized by this group of bees. WOW!

Sometimes it is and isn’t honeybees?

Not sure exactly what is going on but at first thought that the bees had found a way into the home by way of a crack or space in the light fixture.

Next morning no bees at all, so maybe they were distracted by the light at night and couldn’t find the rest of the swarm.

When in doubt, check it out and call a Pest Management Professional

Photo by Zacc Cooley

Photo by Zacc Cooley

Rodent Awareness Week – November 16-22, 2014




I think all of us have seen the cartoons of “Tom & Jerry” and “Speedy Gonzales” and the cuteness of the mice etc but they should be feared if they get into your home. We should be aware that letting rodents, mammals and or birds take up residence within our homes can lead to other problems. If we fail to notice or just let them in we could have secondary pests like fleas or ticks, when we eventually get rid of them. I recently had someone call who had bats in a log home and after they excluded the bats they were left with some nasty batbugs similar to bedbugs.



ProBest Pest Management is on the job!



Its a plane, its a bird no its the ProBest Pest Management technician ready to stop those pests at your home.

Problems with bees, cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, earwigs, wasps, scorpions, stored product pests, termites, flies, spiders, crickets, springtails and wildlife.

Termidor HE – the choice of Pest Professionals


I’ve noticed a trend lately, a few Pest/Termite companies are switching to bait systems. Not really sure why they would do this when Termidor /Termidor HE is by far the fastest way to stop termites in their tracks.

Most of my termite experience comes from Florida and I see the advantages of bait but the desert affects them differently. The extreme heat and the space between stations affords the termites the ability to gain access into structures. I still believe that bait plays a role in stopping termites and occasionally use it in my toolbox of techniques. Baits have come a long way since the early 2000’s and BASF now has an active compressed bait station  Trelona ATBS (Advance® Termite Bait System) with the active ingredient Novaluron.

New termite technology continues…. stay tuned.


Down tubes and termites











Desert termites – yep these little gals are a bit on the weird side. They look for food  24/7/365 and they build tubes up and down. Instead of having to go back the same route, they go down possibly to save time on getting back to the ground and their source of water or moisture.

Termites are not generally a Do It Yourself pest issue, so call a Pest Management Professional for the best plan to keep them out.

Have you ever black lighted for Scorpions?



Light up those Scorpions!


What are some ways to stop those scorpions from getting into your home?

Home – Seal = IPM

Hunt for them at night, reduces population.

Reduce food and harborage areas.

Don’t store things against your home, keep a space which you can get to.

Always check firewood before you bring it into the home.

Use a Pest Management Professional – we know where they live and all their tricks.

Grass eating termites

termites222     Termites eat dead wood and often they can find it on live trees. They can eat the bark or sometimes a tree limb will die and they can eat that.


Here is Arizona they consume dead grass, dead cactus and anything that contains cellulose.


Don’t panic, they are just doing what they are supposed to do – consume dead wood.


I often recommend just keeping any eye out for the termites, it isn’t always necessary to treat especially since they are just eating the dead wood.

Interesting packrat nesting



At this time of year due to the cooler nights some of the mammals will try to enter structures. They don’t know any different than this looks like a cave or tree hole.

So don’t make your home or business look like their home. Seal any holes or access points and stop them from getting in. They will x0ollect leaves, twigs and anything that will help to keep them warm.

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