All posts in “ProBest”

Palo Verde bug?


We have a fairly huge beetle (3-4 inches) here in Arizona called the Palo Verde bug – it is a long horned beetle (named because their antennas are long) and by all standards a good size bug. I can only imagine getting hit by one while riding your motorcycle. It would probably knock you pretty hard, maybe hurting your head or at the very least disorienting you and knocking you off the bike.

The larva are cream colored , typically with a brown head, and feed on the roots of trees, which causes branch dieback. In the wild the most commonly affected tree is the palo verde and just after monsoon the mature insects exit and look for mates. These adults don’t eat and essentially are only interested in mating.

So if you see one, don’t panic and be aware that within a few weeks the adults will die and come out once again during the next monsoon.

palo verde bug

Ace Certification logo

It isn’t true is it – BIG bugs?


At any time, it is estimated that there are some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive.

In the United States, the number of described species is approximately 91,000. The undescribed species of insects in the United States, however, is estimated at some 73,000.

According to Smithsonian Institutions

According to all the reports I have seen or heard it is impossible for insects to grow to extreme sizes due to the lack of oxygen within the environment. That would be my luck, to run into a spider that was over 4 foot. “Giant Megloptera found – Bigger bugs being identified” Make sure you watch both videos, it is wicked scary!
34_Wolf Spider

Photo by PPMA

This home seal might be to easy, Bed Bugs where – what say you?



All joking aside OK maybe that is not possible, I do have a few Bed Bug questions? Just for the record in case anyone is monitoring my home seal from the NSA, TSA etc,”Freedom of Speech!  I’m really just joking, really. “Senate undergoes emergency cleaning after woman drags in Bedbugs


  1. How do we know that the Bed Bugs weren’t there for support from their colleagues?
  2. How will be differentiate between the Senators, Lobbyists  and the Bed Bugs?
  3. With all the children coming into the US maybe the Bed Bugs were seeking asylum?
  4. I don’t know for sure but I’ll bet they acted faster on this issue than the “Highway Funding Bill.”
  5. Professional Courtesy.

Nothing is for sure except Death and Taxes – and I’m sure if we didn’t pay our taxes they would come after our blood. So take care my friends if you are visiting Washington D.C. because you never know what you may come home with.

Plague and you, what to do?

Plague and you

So we interact with animals occasionally and we need to know how and when to react?  If your doing any work at a cabin up north and/or around your home, I always suggest gloves. With Valley Fever I also suggest a dust mask because you never know what you might kick up in the air.

Second New Mexico plague case reported”  “4 cases of Plague in Colorado” Maybe you are doing some work in your attic or crawlspace and you find something, how and what do you do?

As I mentioned wear gloves and a mask as a precaution, if you are cleaning and you notice feces – stop and follow guidelines for that type of cleanup. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)





Always better to be safe than sorry, take precautions and follow the guidelines on cleaning or if you see rodents on your property. Also Poison Control  1-800-222-1222 may have additional information on these topics.


Building termite mounds for a Zoo.



I found this article interesting, but I have noticed over the years that many critters use termite mounds for observation. “Monarto termite mound is a high point for long time zoo volunteer Brian Tinning.” This zoo is in Adelaide Australia and this gentleman has been a volunteer there for over 40 years. Our hats off to him for his work and his dedication to wildlife.


Formosan termite photo by PPMA

Formosan termite photo by PPMA







There are many places around the world that have bigger issues with termites than Arizona. Certainly the East Coast of the US especially the southern states have more problems mainly due to more water and warmer temperatures.

Gross – bedbug issues


Every once in awhile you run across a picture that can gross out the best of us. A friend of mine Steve Oswalt AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal and  AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Solutions Lewisburg, Ohio took this picture and I couldn’t resist re-posting it.

His remark “How could anyone live with Bed Bugs?” I couldn’t do it and I really hope this isn’t a child’s room.

Photo by Steve Oswalt

Photo by Steve Oswalt












Please don’t let this happen to you, call a Pest Management Professional for help or Steve if you live near Lewisburg, Ohio or ProBest in Arizona. Thanks again to Steve for this unbelievable picture.

Green Pest & Termite Solutions





GreenPro, is a stringent yet practical, sustainable, and eco-effective solution that has been tailored for today’s environmentally conscious consumer.  GreenPro’s integrated pest management (IPM) program will continue to emphasize a systems approach that focuses on long-term pest prevention/suppression coupled with minimal impact on human health, property, the environment, and non-target organisms.

Green Pest Management or Organic Pest Management – or IPM, how do you tell the difference? More details as these programs continue to roll out.

In the old days spraying homes was the norm, today people understand that continued use of poisons or pesticides in homes isn’t necessary. To be honest that isn’t what ProBest Pest Management is all about, we are not a spray and soak your home with chemicals company. We will identify and help you solve your pest problems. We truly believe in IPM and we practice what we preach. That is why we are members of PESP and GreenPro.

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


A few facts about Dry Rot:

  • Dry rot is the common name for wood destroying fungus and despite its common name ir will generally attack damp timber.
  • Dry rot will only affect timber that is damp, typically affecting timber with a moisture content in excess of 20%.
  • Wood needs 4 things to decay; water, oxygen, food (wood), and favorable temperatures (40F – 015F).
  • It is essential to understand that water is fundamental to the growth and survival of not only dry rot but all wood destroying fungi; wood decay cannot occur, exist or survive without it!
  • Not all wood, wood siding, wood decking and wood trim made from cedar, redwood or other species famous for durability are if fact rot or decay resistant . As a side note termites will eat cedar, I’ve seen them in mulch.

Honey bee swarms






Here are a few tips on honeybee swarms:

  1. Generally speaking  a swarm such as the one above will move on in time, usually 24 hours.
  2. When a swarm happens the bees take in honey and are therefore less aggressive, don’t provoke them.
  3. A swarm will send scouts out to look for an new home.
  4. If they land on a tree, bush or fence give them some time. If they land on your house it is better to take care of it ASAP.
  5. By just looking at them it is impossible to determine if they are Africanized.
  6. Once they establish a hive or colony they will defend with their lives.
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