All posts in “ProBest”

Why are mattress encasements so important?


There is an old saying and I’m not sure of the truth, but here it is ” A mattress doubles its weight due to dust mites and their debris in 10 years“. Now with that said, I do believe that a mattress not sealed accumulates debris like sweat, urine spills from babies or pets, shed skin and dust mites. Now doesn’t it just make  sense to cover the mattress.

So lets say you purchase the mattress for $800 and within the first 3 months that stuff above happens and you know it will. If you had an encasement that was able to eliminate all microscopic toxins, allergens, dust mites, bed bugs and was breathable, lockable and waterproof wouldn’t you want it for your comfort?


Stop by or call us to get yours today.

480-831- 9328 or 623-414-0176

425 W. Guadalupe Road #110 Gilbert 85233

Bed Bugs will hide anywhere.

They hide in the dark or do they?

hide     hide

They hide how about you? Are you being bitten by something as you sleep or rest in that couch or sofa? Do you have bite marks on your body or that of a family member? Have you visited some place recently or had someone visit you?

If you answered yes to those first two questions you might have Bed Bugs. Don’t panic, become an investigator and check before you call a  Pest Management Professional. If you find bed bugs, save them or take pictures. This helps the pest control technician to verify and then come up with the protocol to treat them.

Look what I found in the dumpster?

probestpestmanagementIMAG0311 People don’t often throw out good stuff and the finding of a used mattress in the dumpster triggered my mind to investigate. I was right, I found evidence of bed bug fecal spotting. So I know right off the bat that somebody has an infestation of bed bugs. Throwing away the mattress probably won’t solve the problem, it might but probably not. Most people think that since they are called bed bugs, they only live on beds and that is just not so.

So I’m going to give you my number 1 best recommendation on mattresses and box springs. Buy mattress covers, its worth the money. We sell them at our office.


Western Termites




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Bed Bugs



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Has the Stink got you, have you tried Earth Care odor bags?



I run across some really stinky little issues from time to time, like a rodents who died within a home. So its one of those things that isn’t easy to fix, so I often recommend the odor bags. I have used these bags many times and have never been disappointed in their use.


Easy to use to remove dead rodent odors, urine and feces odors, skunk odors, musty mildew odors, and cigarette smoke odor. Doesn’t have to come into contact with dead rodent or odor causing agent and works even if carcass is not removed. Bags are easy to use and last an average of 3-4 months in use and contain no chemicals, toxins or fragrances. Simply place the bag near the odor and in 24 hours the odor will be gone. Earth Care does not mask odors it removes them. Its contents are bio-degradable, non-flammable, non-toxic, safe around children, pets & mother earth.

A friend on mine recently had an issue with bats, so I recommended he try hanging some bags near the spot where the bats had been nesting, here’s what he said:

I did exactly what Keith said and I was pleasantly surprised as to the results, odor gone. I’m sold on these bags.  W. Davis – Florida

The Japanese, the bugs and me!

Maybe its because I had a chance to interact with Japan in my early days – I went to a BSA World Jamboree in 1972 and I feel close to their culture. I enjoyed the mulitple visits over the years and glad I was a part of possibly saving some of these hsitoric buildings.  But this got me to thinking as I watched the only sports that I watch throughout the year – The Little League World Series. The Japanese are very regimented in their training, style and honestly they are like a very well oiled clock. I have had the chance to work with many talented people from Japan in regards to termites. That same spark is there among 11 – 80 year old Japanese. I looked at temples and buildings that had termite damage and hoped that we could preserve those structures. Formosan termites are capable of doing some severe damage if not stopped. The great thing is that technology continues to work toward that goal and people around the world all must work together.


Here are just a few pictures of some of the work I looked at in Japan.

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The tips for keeping the bugs out, what are they?



To a Pest Management Professional the slogan – Integrated Pest Management is really important. Why, you ask? Because it is at the heart of what we do, everyday! I don’t think that many of us that really want to harm nature and there is a fine line to doing that and protecting us from the bugs that could kill us.

At its core is this principle – “Integrated Pest Management is a process involving common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests. These solutions incorporate three basic steps: 1) inspection, 2) identification and 3) treatment. Treatment options vary from sealing cracks and removing food and water sources to pesticide treatments when necessary.”

But you and I both know that it isn’t always easy controlling certain pests like cockroaches in apartments, so its take everyone’s cooperation and help to solve the dilemna. The same goes for scorpions, home-sealing is just one step to controling these beasts.

So heer are a few tips to help you in your mission to keep your home or business bug free.

    1. Home-seal your home or buisness (fill in cracks and crevices).
    2. Fix any leaking pipes.
    3. Don’t stack firewood or any material against your house, the idea is to be clutter free.
    4. Keep trees and bushes clear from your home.
    5. De-clutter.
    6. Don’t bring in used furniture until you check it completely.
    7. Repair screens and door thresholds.
    8. Those holes at the roofline are to allow the attic to breath, don’t let birds or wildlife make their home there.
    9. A clean home is less attractive to wildlife and pests.


Reader photo’s – termites in Arizona



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Gnathamitermes perplexus, these are crust-building subterranean desert termites, they feed on grass,  dried plant parts and weathered outer surfaces of woody tissues of all kinds. They may also feed on old fences and occasionally drywall paper.

Usually not to worry about any effects to any trees or bushes, termites eat dead wood. So not to worry!

Thanks to Maura for taking the pictures.

ProBest Pest Management – Pest Control

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