All posts in “ProBest”

What is the Global Pest Market? Part 1

Global Pest Market

Global Pest Market


Global Pest Control Services Market: Trends and opportunities (2013-2018)“. talks about the growing trend in green type pest control.

My concern is that most people truly don’t understand what makes green GREEN. What is organic and what makes a service green is open to debate. My definition of Green may just be Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and ProBest strives to do this everyday. We promote the use of less pesticide inside, while doing everything we can from the outside – to keep pests out. If you can keep out the pests and keep down their food, this might equal less pests getting into your home or business.

So if you need a Green service – find out what the pest company considers GREEN or better yet check out a GreenPro company :




Chagas disease and the Assassin Bug…


Neglected Tropical Diseases: An unfolding Tragedy of Chagas Disease in North America.” As many know this is my favorite looking bug, the one I think has the patterns and artistic shape that just looks cool for a bug. If you read the home seal you also know that this little bug is a biter and transmits a nasty little disease called Chagas.

The data shows that incidents in Mexico could be in the area of 1-6  million cases, USA 300,000 – 1 million and Canada less than 100,000.


Tips for keeping them out of your home:

  1. Repair screens and make sure they are in place.
  2. If your spending time outside, wear some type of repellent.
  3. If you live near horses or cattle, pay particular attention – they prefer these animals but given the chance will come after us.
  4. Close doors and install thresholds and door sweeps.
  5. Repair weep screens on attic rooflines.


What won’t termites eat?

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Termites don’t eat concrete or plastics, but they will build over it and many other products. There was a few years ago some type of foam which was filled with concrete and it always worried me as in my opinion it was just a space in which they could build a tube.

Garages are well known for termite activity, I guess when build it is the last concrete poured and who knows want went on after the pretreatment. That story for another day, but I find termites in garages often and this is not always what I find but it is interesting. Since the expansion joint is visible in the garage, this is what you look for when performing a termite inspection. Mud tubes or tunnels coming up the foundation wall into the structure, are often visible unless you have storage against the walls which most people do. So the lesson here is not to obstruct the expansion joint, better said than done since the garage is the catch all of our lives.

I recommend a yearly inspection which is free from ProBest unless it is for a sale of a home or business for termites if you live in the South or Southwest and if you notice anything that looks like mud inside the home call Professional Termite Company ASAP.

Creepy and gross Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Population on the Rise, creepy and gross?

Bed Bug Population on the Rise WCJB TV-20

I decided to pass this along, for a couple of reasons. Very informative and right from a University setting. Bed Bug complaints are not going away, we continue to see the numbers rise even out here in Arizona. So as you are watching the video, let me point out a few things to pay attention to.

  1. Notice the size of these crawly blood suckers.
  2. Remember these things are almost invisible at early stages.
  3. The eggs are translucent.
  4. They are excellent hiders.
  5. Don’t just think bed, think around the room.


Fire, fire and more fire…


I have mentioned numerous times that fire isn’t always your friend especially when it comes to pest control. “Why kill it with fire is a terrible, terrible idea” by Gwen Pearson.


Fire and the things related are often compromised by one’s ability to think things out. People often don’t think before they do something and that is where the trouble begins. Bed Bugs for example are extremely difficult to get rid of and often requires a Pest Management Professional. They are trained to do what they do and that in itself could be the reason to hire a professional.


Sons of the American Legion



Founded in 1932, Sons of The American Legion exists to honor the service and sacrifice of Legionnaires. Sons of The American Legion members include males of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the U.S. military and were eligible for American Legion membership.


My Grandfather Harry Birkemeyer served in the military and to honor his service and continue the tradition of volunteering I joined The American Legion Post 107 and I currently have been contributing by writing a home seal at

I also have agreed to serve as the Adjutant (secretary) of the Squadron and I’m quite pleased that the Sons of the American Legion has decided to update the online procedure for membership (right up my alley).

I also have spent a few years (15) as a Scoutmaster in Florida served as a Big Brother and served on their Board of Directors. So here is my challenge to you, volunteer and if you do please tell me about your service. If your Father or Grandfather served in the military, volunteer to the Sons of the American Legion near where you live and lets Pay It Forward. Thanks to our Veterans and all who have served.

What if the termites are eating your tree, what can you do?

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Termite generally don’t consume live wood or cellulose, they prefer dead stuff like fallen trees and wooden structural pieces in your home. These termites in the picture are probably a Gnathamitermes species often called grass eaters. Here is Arizona they often go after dead grass, old wooden fences, dead cactus and tree bark. Here is a great publication from the University of Arizona (Baker, Marchosky).

How about some new words for you bugophiles?


Laurel Hansen Ph. D.  is an Instructor in Biology from Spokane Falls Community College and is in my opinion one of the USA top research experts on Carpenter ants or probably ants in general. Some new words from this last weeks PestWorld conference in Phoenix, AZ.

Polygyne – many Queens or describing a hive or colony (social insects) that has more than one active queen.

Polydomus – many homes or living in more than one nest, as certain ant colonies.


She presented a very instructional PowerPoint on Tramp Ants –  a diverse group of invasive ant species which have become established widely across the globe. As we travel, move or just transport certain things across the country we may accidentally transport certain bugs or other stuff into an Eco-system which might not do to well with a new species. One of those species has created some real problems in various places in the U.S. like the  Crazy ants or Rasberry crazy ants

Do you have Solar on your roof?



Those pesky pigeons just won’t quit will they? You decided to upgrade and put Solar on the home and know they have taken up under the Solar panels. This is the fix to getting those birds off your roof. Once pigeons have decided to make your roof their home they won’t ever give up unless you make them move.

Why won’t pigeons leave?

  1. They are generational – if born on your roof they will continue to think of your home as their home.
  2. They want and need the same things you and I want – food, water and shelter.
  3. They prefer to have their backs against a wall, gives them an advantage over birds of prey.

Thanks to Bird Barrier for this photo, call ProBest Pest Management to help solve those bird issues 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

A few pictures from my readers…

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One of the things I would often mention to my Scouts as we were hiking was to not just look at the ground but to look around and capture the majesty of the world. These pictures are a prime example of that hidden world we often just cruise right on by. The first two pictures I believe are tent caterpillars and the last two pictures are some type of funnel spider from the area of Havasupai Falls in Arizona, located at the Grand Canyon.

So get out and explore the often hidden world of bugs and send me a few pictures, thanks to C. Brannon for these.

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