All posts in “Professional”


Roaches along with Bed bugs are the nattiest of bugs, except for flies in my book. Flies fly and then vomit on your food, they can be in your back yard and fly in and land right on that beautiful steak. Yuuuuck. But anyway back to roaches, everyone thinks they have the silver bullet. In my professional opinion it is a combination of protocols and knowledge is what it takes to combat these invaders. Any house, yes I said any house can get them, clean to dirty it doesn’t matter. They like to hang in box lids, touching top and bottom of their bodies and make their way into your home.

So some advice.

  1. Check boxes before putting them in cupboards.
  2. If it is pasta or rice, freeze box then place in sealable containers.
  3. Even dog/cat food can have pests, check it out.
  4. At the first sign of cockroaches/roaches call a Professional. 480-831-9328
  5. Roaches hide so once inside, they will go the far away hidden areas. Don’t install those motels in the bottom cabinets, that isn’t where they are going to be.

Thanks to Michael Brinkman for permission to use the picture.


Value exactly what is it?

the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
“your support is of great value”

So what do you get with most pest control? Is there a value, often times is an unknown because you really can’t see the result or can you? The Pest Company comes out and you may or may not see them do their work. Maybe you used to see 3 scorpions per month and now you see none. Do they talk with you or leave you notes on their service?

Pest Pro

Why you need a Pest Pro?

Pest Pro = Quality Expert, Right? Someone that understands bugs and can deal with them. Some who is QualityPro “The mark of excellence in pest management”.

Did you know that there is a license here in Arizona for those of us that do pest control? They enforce certain laws and rules in pest control. They require certain amounts of insurance and require certain item be in every pest vehicle. For example we hold a license in pest, termite and weeds.

So in a nutshell, hire a Pest Professional. We’ll get the job done right!

Pest Pro

Pest Professional

Why do most pest  DIY projects fail?

Pest Professional – In my opinion the person forgets the scheduling and the next reason is lack of knowledge about pests. Scheduled treatments are a must because anything can happen in between. I’ve heard from plenty of customers that said my other half started doing it and then kept forgetting. Regular pest treatment are crucial to see and stop anything that could become an issue. Knowledge is the key to proper and successful pest management. If you have no idea what it is, how can you treat for it? Don’t try spraying for Africanized Honeybees because they may attack and injure of possibly kill someone. Better yet let a Pest Professional tackle the problem. ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328

Pest Professional

Sloppy work standards

Sloppy work and no one should see.

You know nothing upsets me more that sloppy work, maybe I’m OCD but I just don’t like it is Professional or something I want my name associated with.


First off match the concrete, don’t just use white portland and hope it will look OK cause it won’t. Second use a sanding bar and knock off the edges, it will blend better and look a whole lot nicer. Not perfect but better, I use the saying “Would your Mother approve of it?” Knock down the old mud tubes and remove the stain, it only takes a few minutes and trust me everyone will be pleased.

That is how ProBest does their work, try to make it appear that we weren’t even there. Now we all know there is a hole and it will be noticeable just blend the best you can. Call ProBest to get a free termite quote and a job that will look good, you have my word on it. 480-831-9328 oh and I approve of this message.


Trust a Pest Management Professional

NPMA - Trust a Professional

ProBest is a member of the NPMA – Trust a Professional

Trust A Professional:

Do you know what you get when you purchase a service from ProBest Pest Management? Not only do you get a Professional service but you get the knowledge of 75+ years of the staff at ProBest. Two members are Associate Certified Entomologist from the Entomological Society of America. We do a lot of little things to prove value for the price you pay, and hey we are not the cheapest but we do great work. Cheap is not always the best! I have a saying “buying the same hammer that a carpenter buys doesn’t make you a carpenter” or “Honesty shouldn’t be the best policy, it should be the only policy”.

Referrals are BIG at ProBest, and we pay out when you refer someone to us. That is the true test of a great company, how about reviews – we have some really great ones at are check them out along with some really cool videos. Thanks for those referrals and reviews.




Happy Halloween! Boo!

Halloween and the scary pests!

Halloween probably began as a Pagan celebration and originated from Celtic harvest festivals. Over the years, more and more people have added touches of the things that scare them, like cockroaches, roaches, bats and rats, snakes etc. I’ve seen candies that are shaped like all kinds of bugs to spiders. Which scare me to death, the spiders of course. So think about the costumes, parades and the tons of candy which the little Goblins are really looking.

The one thing I’m not real crazy about is those clowns. I’m not frightened by them they just creep me out, but no more than spiders freak me out. Tough exterminator putting on the front of a Professional, right?




Termites are always looking for food.


Termites are always looking for food and guess what, that could be your home. What do you look for:

  1. Mud tubes.
  2. Look at your foundation, check at your ceiling for down tubes or just dirt.
  3. Look for damage to baseboard.
  4. As always if your not sure call a Professional.

What makes sense with a Bed Bug service?

What makes sense with a Bed Bug service?


When this bed bug issue hit th U.S., many companies started purchasing heat equipment or special heat packs etc. Rather than spend a great deal of money on something that I personally didn’t know how much business was available, we decided on a truck mounted carpet cleaning van.


ProBest Pest Management is in the business of SERVICE and it doesn’t matter to me what kind of service that is. Nothing makes more sense than steaming the Bed Bugs and cleaning the carpets on the way out.

New carpet can improve the appearance of any room, but how can carpet that is walked on every day continue looking new? To keep your carpet clean, it’s necessary to vacuum regularly with a strong, well-functioning and properly-filtered vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately, due to traffic, children, pets and normal wear, carpet fibers inevitably become soiled, and a dull appearance results. And no matter how much you vacuum, eventually you will need to call a professional carpet cleaner. That call should be to ProBest Carepet Care at 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176


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