All posts in “residential”

It’s all about the you being the Handyman of your HOME

Are you the Handyman? How do the bugs get in?

Who is the handyman? Your home is your castle. The premise of todays pest control or management is to prevent the bugs from getting in. IPM is the Gold Standard of that service and we have talked about it a lot. Seal them out, no its not going to keep everything out but it will help. Exclude those holes, seal the jtrim, check the screens, repair the windows and employ a reputable consistent Pest Company like ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378.

Homes and businesses require constant upkeep, doors needs flashing, garage doors have trim that may need repair. That roof might need checking from time to time. The pool may need a check by a pool service, you don’t need mosquitoes biting your toes. Termites can be sneaky, so get an inspection at least every few years depending on your



IPM – Integrated Pest Management resources


One of the biggest reasons that I home seal is to pass along education information – Knowledge is Power. This site is full of great information and can be used for all types of circumstances.

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You keep a clean home, how about your local restauarant?


I always check bathrooms before entering a new restaurant to eat for the first time. If they can keep the bathroom clean they probably can keep their kitchen clean, probably. I guess I just don’t understand the concept, if you cook you are going to make a mess and it has to be cleaned daily I don’t care how it happens but somebody must be in charge of cleaning, whether its the cook or the preppers and management must be in charge of making sure it happens.

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EndZone – Fly sticker


A month or so ago, I mentioned this new product EndZone by FMC that really needed to be used by “Commercial Restaurants or Dairy Farms“. Recently at the Florida Pest & Lawn Care Expo, held Jan. 20-24, 2014, in Orlando it was voted “best new product“.

You know where I stand on flies, but this item really could be the saving grace for some businesses and farms. Just think of the flies this could get rid of and generations to come.


How important is a clean house or restauarant to keeping out the pests?


After much research here it is – it appears this quote may have come from Rabbi Ben Yair (Hebrew Proverb) (2nd Century) and appears this way in text  –

The doctrines of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into vigorousness; vigorousness  into absemiousness into cleaniness ; cleaniness into godliness. (spellcheck went crazy over these words….)

So not from the Bible or your Mother, but I’m going to say it should be right up as if it came from either. I’m not saying that if your home is perfectly clean you will never seen bugs. Ants can trail in looking for food and move right on along unless they encounter something.  Moisture is probably another much bigger factor, cockroaches can go months without food but seldom a week without water. A speck of food could be a whole meal for a roach. I think the bigger issue – harborage areas for them to hide in. The more cracks and crevices = more availability to hide and stay hidden.

The BIG picture the cleaner the home or restaurant the less chances of hidden pests.

24_German Cockroach on Sink

Photo by PPMA


“The doctrines of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into vigorousness; vigorousness into abstemiousness into cleanliness; cleanliness into godliness.” As you can see, in the quote, ‘cleanliness’ is literally next to ‘godliness.‘ – See more at:
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