All posts in “Rodenticide”





Rodenticide – EPA files notice – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering several changes to its regulation of rodenticides
that will jeopardize access to this critical rodent control tool.

To make ALL bulk rodenticides RESTRICTED USE PRODUCTS (RUP)

ProBest Pest Management decided years ago to not use anti-coagulates. (The poison interferes with the blood’s ability to clot.) This may cause damage to secondary predators such as owls, eagles, hawks, cats etc. We use either Terad3 (calcium mobilizer) or RatX (sodium chloride -salt. Rats and mice cant throw up or vomit, while the predators can and will. We also offer ContraPest ( birth control).

See the attached picture on our offer, a little more expensive but better for secondary animals.

I personally have seen some bad things, bait packs throw into garages. I’ve seen certain open boxes of bait in front yards available to kids etc. Safety is the paramount concern when handling rodenticides or pesticides. How many people read the label before using a product? I would venture to say, not many. Or they might skim and do what they think is correct or right. Are you using the product consistent to the label and labeling? Have you thought about who might come in contact with the product or the remaining dead animal? Just my thoughts on rodenticides.

Use a Professional, we have the tools, the knowledge and experience to handle all kinds of situations. We are also licensed and undergo training and retraining annually.

Please use caution when using a pesticide or rodenticide

What criteria do you use when you decide to use a pesticide, do you read the label and decide the bug is listed on container or do you just buy it because?

One of my biggest pest peeves (yes I said pest) is using a rodenticide in the open where anything could find it and eat it. All and I said all rodent baits require that they be sealed in locked or secured devices.

and my other pesticide pest peeve

Is the use of DE or Diatomaceous earth  or aerosol foggers. I have seen mounds of DE placed on floors and carpet for the prevention of Bed Bugs, this stuff can become airborne and you can breath this stuff into your lungs. I have also seen people use way to many aerosol foggers for what they are attempting to kill. Some of these foggers only make the critters hide deeper and become more difficult to treat.

There are of course some tips to using pesticides and of course I recommend you contacting a Professional (like ProBest Pest Management) as we are trained in these products and there usage. But if you are going to Do It Yourself here are some tips.

  1. Read the label, SDS and any other materials associated, and follow the directions.
  2. If your are going to store the product, make it safe. If your storing in garage remember it gets hot and if the bait has oil in it it might evaporate and become useless. I’ve had people complain that a product wasn’t working and it was really old and had spoiled.
  3. Does the product allow interior, exterior treatments, can it be mixed, can it be used around water or if it is raining or just rained?

probest2015-09-01 13.09.29

Does your pest company still power spray or spray inside monthly?


There are several things happening around the U.S. which may impact pest control in your specific area.

  • The EPA has been trying to reduce the use of rodentcides, mainly due to secondary poisonings. My hope is that people use common sence in placement of poisons, don’t randomly throw packets throughout attics or crawlspaces. ProBest has not used any of those packets since 2005 and we have swtiched to Terad3 in rodent stations.
  • The restrictions of pesticides continue, power spraying of Permethrin type chemicals are just one of the ways the EPA is limiting chemical usage.

The use of IPM or Integrated Pest Management continues to be the choice of real prevention of pests. So here are a few tips to reduce the use of pesticides and allow them to continue to be used in the future.

  1. Be aware of placement especially of rodentcides. I’m a big fan of not using any rodenticide within a structure, use of snap traps can be just as effective.
  2. Use pestcides that can be hidden and placed where insects will find them, crack and crevices, block voids and wall voids.
  3. Don’t spray any flowering plant.
  4. Follow IPM standards.
  5. Always read and follow label and use directions.

Illegal pesticides sold in NY

Illegal pesticides sold in NY.

There are some laws that make sense and should be enforced to the highest degree. This one caught my attention because of this sentence –

The authorities determined that the liquid contained nearly 61 times the amount of brodifacoum, a powerful rodent killer, permitted by the E.P.A. The substance is an anticoagulant, causing internal bleeding in rodents. The chemical is so dangerous, officials said, that its use is illegal in urban areas unless licensed professionals wearing protective gear apply it.

in the article by Colin Moynihan of the

Man Admits Selling Illegal and Dangerous Pesticides

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