All posts in “sting”

Escaped Scorpion

Escaped Scorpion

Escaped Scorpion


Somebody is running for their life, escaped scorpion wanted Dead or Alive but mostly dead please. ProBest occasionally chases up a scorpion or two in our treatment regime. Usually they hide under rocks or in crevices or block walls. So once again don’t put your hands when you can’t see where you are putting them. If you are cleaning the garage or a shed, please wear gloves and be careful.

Its always great to pay extreme attention to the task at hand. Where do they hide you ask?

  1. And crack or hideaway in the house or shed.
  2. Block walls (that’s why we dust those things).
  3. Dark places, so. don’t leave shoes outside or on the floor.
  4. Attics.
  5. Garages.
  6. Under rocks and things in yards. I often see roof tiles outside. Place them against block walls not the house.
  7. Places that hold heat at night.

Things that help

Black-lighting, consistent pest control and sealing up your home – these 3 things can ultimately reduce numbers and protect the home. Your family and loved ones can have peace of mind regarding these stingers. Remember they are venomous – things that sting or bite, poisonous is like poison ivy or things that if you eat it, it could kill you. Don’t walk around in bare feet, wear shoes.


The Bug -Man

Bug-Man strikes – My office staff has really stepped up this year, we incorporated a sign into our welcoming of our Post Office clients. We tell them the weather forecast and often underping the pest world into the mix. We even mention it in our message on our service slips.

“Bugs aren’t going to inherit the earth, they already own it”. Since the dawn of time, by the way I wasn’t there bugs have been gunning for us. We invaded their territory, we made caves our domain and then we build houses where they lived first. So technically they were here first but God gave us dominion over all creatures. In some cases people have to decided to just grin and bear it, but bugs can make it tough. I remember a campout once where the mosquitoes just wouldn’t leave me alone. By the way it is tough trying to breath when your all locked away in a sleeping bag. Have you witnessed those shows where the flies or gnats are a real pests especially for animals?



Ants come a crawling…

You know that old adage about the mechanic that never fixes his own car, cause he’s so busy or the pest control operator that never practices what he preaches – not me by the way. But by allowing that tree or bush to touch your home you may allow the ants to come into your home by the the millions.


ants trees

That colony could have lived in that tree for years, never attempting to go into your home but that new highway just afforded them that option. In their social hierarchy, some members forage  for food and if they come across a new source like your kitchen it could all be over for your peaceful setting. They will take some food and make their way home leaving a pheromone trail for others to follow.

Did you know?

  • There could be 1 million in their colony, maybe more.
  • There are 1 million ants per person on Earth.
  • All those ants you see are female.
  • They have great eyesight but their antenna’s are the thing that really helps them in finding food.
  • They live about 45 –  60 days but probably have lived on Earth for over 1oo billion years. Queens may live 30 years.
  • If you weighed all the ants it would be more than all the humans. WOW, right?
  • The Maricopa Harvester ant is the most venomous insect on Earth and guess where it lives? Clue is Maricopa… and it’s sting is equal to 12 bee stings.
  • The Red Imported Fire Ant in Florida builds rafts to float during massive rain storms.
  • Their worst enemy is ProBest technicians, no just kidding but it’s other ants. Our technicians are good at what they do, but remember the ants are always on guard against intruders.
  • They can make their nest almost anywhere, don’t make it easy for them. Think about the types of landscape and decorations you place around your home.

Honeybees in your home do I have to open up the walls?

Honeybees in a wall

Honeybees – There are many factors that play into a honeybee hive within your home. Determining whether you need to open up a wall to get to the hive. My very first question is “How long have they been there” “When did you first spot them” and of course where are they?  So let’s answer these questions and why I want to know?

#1 & #2 “How long have they been there” – this is really important. Let’s say you just noticed them, and you are pretty sure about this because they are at your front door. Would you would have noticed them? See this gives me an idea that they haven’t build much honeycomb, and no reason to open up the wall. Opening up walls is expensive and I don’t like spending money yours or mine unless we have to.

#3 So as we ask question #1 and #2, we need to know where they are, if they are at the front door area what is in there – is it a bathroom or bedroom. I once had them at the front door under a bush and there was a bathroom, they had made there way under the tub area – plenty of room and that had been there a long time. No way to get them out and they were Africanized honeybees plus after we killed them the hive disintegrated and wax moths invaded. Now we  have an issue, we had to open up the bathroom wall. But lets say there were under a shed in the very way back of your property, no access but they are again Africanized honeybees we only have to kill them and the hive will be destroyed by roaches and other pests.

honeybees       honeybees     honeybees

Yikes, where are they hiding?

Dog House, no dog so nobody noticed  and water meter box (see the bee)? And the last one is within the block wall and honey dripping outside but never inside. SO IF ANYBODY SAYS YOU HAVE TO OPEN UP A WALL, THINK ABOUT IT FIRST AND YOU DECIDE!

What are the most dangerous pest in Arizona?


I know that the title can be subjective, what is and can be hazardous? I think something that can bite or sting is right up there. It could be a dog, snake or bug or someone who is driving recklessly. But in my day to day it’s the bugs that can be the most dangerous. Let’s say you’re cleaning the garage, you put your hand into a box handle and something bites you. That is bad news cause it could be a Black Widow spider. I personally would rather be stung by a scorpion than bitten by a Black or Brown Widow. So wear gloves (IPM) and always protect yourself when gardening or moving stuff. That storage shed that you haven’t been in for 1+ years might hold a few bugs or pests including honeybees.

Scorpion dangerous

Scorpion dangerous?



It’s bee season – are you prepared?

Season, when are the honeybees active?

Spring Season, maybe the Summer. Honeybees here in Arizona can swarm year round. So no big surprise that the owner noticed a lot of honeybees flying in and out from his deck. It was a great idea to save some money, instead of laying concrete they built a deck with wood. The Honeybee’s also thought it was a great idea, so they decided to set up shop and build a nice fortress for their babies. It was all such a great idea until the dog got stung.

Honeybees don’t realize that they are building near or on a deck, they see a nice void and decide to make it home. I think they would rather be higher off the ground but we really don’t have predators like anteaters  or honey badgers in Arizona. The only thing that they wouldn’t like is us, a little noise or commotion and it might trigger them to attack, especially if they are Africanized, more prone to agitation.

Once a month or at the very least check your home and property for signs of a pest infestation – as always Bee Prepared!



season IMG_5628




Dangerous Wildlife?


I saw this wildlife warning the other day at the Vet’s Office, they can indeed be on the lookout for food and your pets could be that meal. Other wildlife can carry disease and also attack, squirrels can be quite aggressive if they are hungry and of course Javelina’s  can also be temperamental when cornered or frightened. This is also the season in AZ for rattlesnakes and spiders so please guard your pets and children. Animals often look all crudely and those looks can be deceiving, they can turn on you in an instant. If that animals bites you and you can’t locate it, you may have to have those rabies shots and those are scary. They can also be dangerous for pets, coyotes can jump fences and birds of prey can swoop right on in and grab a small cat or dog.




Wear gloves while working outside? You should!

Wear gloves! I saw this picture on FaceBook and asked Luge guy if I could use it, he said yes so here it is. Click on the picture, that is one interesting photo of a Black Widow spider. Stings and bites can cause serious health problems, so why get bit if you don’t have to? I would rather get stung by that scorpion than a bite from a Black or Brown Widow. But if you can prevent this then do it, right?

Don’t bring things down from the attic without wearing protection, same applies to the garage. Also just don’t take that box from attic into your house, open it in garage. If you see irregular webbing or it crackles then expect a widow spider. We have many things in Arizona that can cause problems, snakes, scorpions and blister beetles so play it safe – wear gloves.




Racing scorpions

Racing scorpions,

Racing fans and everybody should have some. A friend gave me a present and of course I had to add it to my collection of unusual bug stuff. No need for pest control… Put it together and race against each other, for me its on my display shelf. I have enough issues with scorpions here in Arizona.

Stop by for a race, just kidding. Do you get into Nascar? Lots of people do, I tried going to a Pepsi 400 once. It happens to be in July in Florida, super HOT and humid and that’s all I can say. Did I mention HOT?

racing2016-01-07 13.30.27


Hey looks whose hiding in your block wall?



The secret to success for scorpion control is the determination and fortitude to persevere. Here in Arizona bark scorpions can pack a good little sting, so its important to endeavor to control. What are the keys:

  1. Pest Control – I suggest monthly.
  2. Black-lighting to track them down.
  3. Home seal your home.
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