All posts in “Sun Lakes carpet cleaning”

What does Carpet Cleaning have to do with Pest Control?

What does Carpet Cleaning have to do with Pest Control?

You probably don’t even think about your carpet and how dirty it gets from normal daily usage? So where does all that dirt come from?

  1. Dust and dirt are everywhere!
  2. When you walk into your home, do you wipe your shoes – you can track mud, dirt and feces right in the front door. The neighbor’s dog leaves you a present or the pigeon poop on the driveway or front porch.
  3. Dust mites are everywhere.
  4. Critters get in and die along the edge and their bodies eventually disintegrate and become dust and allergens.


No home is immaculate, dust and dirt are everywhere. So we recommend cleaning your carpets (based upon usage) at least once a year. ProBest Pest Management purchased a Carpet Cleaning van to use with our Bed Bug service. Call us today to schedule that carpet cleaning – green products available!

ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328

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