All posts in “termites”

I can spot those termite tubes from the street, can you?


Its a scary thing but I can spot termite tubes from the street and I’m always looking.



Stopped at stop sign and I noticed a termite shelter tube..


Closer shot of termite tube.

Do you plant right next to your home?





When you plant bushes, trees or plants next to your home, are you creating an environment for pests and termites? Probably so. My rule of thumb is not to plant anything within 2 feet of your structure. Normally this is what I call the dripline of your home, that is the area of the roof over hang. Sometimes we really don’t have a chance, the picture below is an example of this. Because of the sidewalk there isn’t any room and when and if a termite job is required on this home, all those plants will probably be destoyed or hopefully they can be moved. The other issue is when the plants attract pests, could they then move into your structure? So think before you plant and things should be OK on the bug side…

Wood destroyers and termites

Wood destroyers, including termites and wood rot can play havoc on your home. Whenever you place wood directly on the ground, you are inviting termites and other  creatures to that area. It is always better to place firewood or any wood for that matter on blocks or pavers. Ideally having wood stored just for one season at a time is best, there is less chance of buildup of pests in general. But as always – please wear gloves and only take into the structure what you are going to use immediately. If it is cold and you warm up the wood, the insects living inside may try to come out and  infest the home. So here are a few Quick Tips:

  1. Always place firewood or wood on blocks or pavers rather than directly on ground.
  2. Keep that wood pile away from the home.
  3. Always wear gloves moving wood.
  4. Store only the wood you will use that season.
  5. Only bring in enough wood to use that day.
wood destroyers

wood destroyers

Termite action Arizona

After doing a little digging, the termites started falling out. Something I don’t see very often.

Did you know by ProBest Pest Management?



  • Termites eat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, meaning damage to wood in and around a structure can happen very quickly.
  • Typically, homeowner’s insurance does not cover termite damage. Most pest infestations and accompanying damage are considered maintenance issues by insurance carriers.
  • The most effective type of treatment depends on the severity of the infestation, the species of termite, and the location and construction of the home.
  • Termites cannot be effectively treated by a homeowner on their own generally. Pest control professionals have the training, expertise and technology to eliminate a termite infestation.

What is under your concrete?


One of the problems with doing termite work is what is under the concrete. The picture above isn’t under concrete but in a block wall holding up a RV gate. The problem that I have run into is cups and trash that were just thrown in before the concrete was poured. Cups are a real problem because they are coated with that waxy material and takes a zillion years to decompose.

A number of years ago I had an issue with a set of steps and finally after taking it apart we noticed trash, wood and cups which prevented the termiticide from reaching the dirt in a uniform way. Love to be Superman, but I can’t see through concrete.


Termites in the news… DO you know what to look for?

Are there different kinds of termites?

Yes, the four major kinds of termites in the United States are dampwood, drywood, Formosan and subterranean.

·         Dampwood termites commonly live in heavily forested areas of the country as they prefer wood with a high moisture content. They are normally larger than other termite species.

·         Drywood termites, much more rare in the United States, prefer extremely dry wood like that found in attic framing. They live in colonies of up to 2,500 members and usually swarm on sunny, warm days after a sudden rise in temperature.

·         Formosan termites, also known as “super termites,” are an extremely aggressive termite species originally from China. They live in huge underground colonies, with an average of 350,000 workers and build intricate mud nests in the ground.

·         Subterranean termites are by far the most destructive termite species. They live in underground colonies with as many as two million members. Subterranean termites use their scissor-like jaws to eat wood 24 hours a day, seven days a week.   

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Termite facts from NPMA – Termite Awareness Week

Termite Facts

  •       Termites are wood-destroying insects whose presence dates back to the dinosaurs.
  •        Termites are known as “silent destroyers” because of their ability to chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected.
  •       There are about 2,000 known species of termites in the world.
  •       The most common termite species found in the United States are subterranean termites, Formosan termites, dampwood termites, drywood termites.
  •        Subterranean termites are by far the most destructive species of termite as they eat 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  •        Each year, termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage.
  •    Termite colonies can have upwards of 2 million members.
  •        Termites are present in 70 percent of countries across the world and their population outnumbers human beings on a ratio of ten to one.
  •         The queen termite can lay up to 40,000 eggs per day.

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