All posts in “ticks”

Lone Star Ticks, are they a major issue when it comes to bugs?


A new Tick disease discovered in Missouri – The Heartland virus, a mysterious virus first identified last year in two Missouri farmers, is indeed transmitted to people by ticks, new research suggests.

They found that about 1 in 500 of members of species Amblyomma americanum, also known as lone star ticks, carried the Heartland virus.


Tick season can be a real problem for pets and us…

Tick Season is here – protect yourself and your pets…

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What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


No two spider webs are the same.

Only three kinds of animals fight battles in formations: humans, crows and ants.

Ticks are second only to the mosquito as the most dangerous parasites to humans.

A group of Cockroaches are called a Intrusion, I’d say!!!!

I’m sure you know this but probably never thought about it – Animals that lay eggs don’t have belly buttons.


Who cares about bugs and rodents?

Who cares about bugs and rodents?


Each and every day I’m reminded of the valuable service ProBest Pest Management offers, why you ask? Let me share some of my most memorable days of Public Health:

  • Customer called me because they couldn’t even get into their home because the fleas were so plentiful.
  • In all my 20+ years I had never seen Bed Bugs until 2009, that year we received our first call. In 2012 I witnessed over 1000 Bed Bugs in a very small home – I was amazed and also creeped out and itched all day. We were able to alleviate the problem but it stills worries me that people will put up with something like this until it virtually becomes a real BIG problem.
  • A young woman continued to call about Ticks, we treated her yard but she wouldn’t let us inspect her home. We did find ticks inside under a couch and solved the problem after finally finding the source.
  • I may have mentioned this before but a mobile home with at the every least 5 million cockroaches. I’m not kidding, I felt almost hopeless for this family. It took some time but I think we did a good job for them.
  • I once had the task of doing some Drywood Termite work in a church, the tower or steeple had more pigeon feces than I had ever seen. It was probably 10 foot deep and went down walls and was just gross, we fumigated the building and they had someone remove the feces and prevent them from gaining entry anymore.
  • Sometimes architecture often allows entry points into a structure, stucco not properly sealed or pipes or cable opening not sealed. I once particpated with a fumigation for cockroaches and never thought about rodents until the job was completed. Many, many dead rodents, by the way do you know that rodents love cockroaches?

Well anyway you get the picture, Public Health equals quality pest control.


Is the IRS the bloodsuckers they are made out to be?

Is the IRS the bloodsuckers they are made out to be?


So today is Tax Day, the day most of us dread because we have to pay the taxes we owe. The Tax Man Cometh! So you know we always talk about Bed Bugs, Ticks, Fleas or Assassin Bugs because we know for sure that they truly do suck our blood.

Now I’ll admit that I think it is important to pay our fair share, I don’t have any children but I still think it is important to make sure schools are funded. I also think that I want Police and the Fire Departments available.

I do have one pet peeve, you should never get back more than you paid. So pay your fair share and it all works, right? Well I hope it works but we will see.     tickssizes      assassin

Have you ever wondered why fleas can jump so far?

Have you ever wondered why fleas can jump so far?


They can jump due to their very strong back legs and from pads of a rubber-like protein called resilin. Some fleas can jump up to 150 times their own body length. What would that be to a human – a 100 story building.

Fleas caused the Bubonic Plague back in 1358 and are found throughout the U.S. We normally don’t have much of a problem here in Arizona, I think mainly due to the lack of humidity.

Flea control is really a four-step process: Stop wild animals from coming into your yards and absolutely making sure they cannot get into your home, the pet should be treated, indoor and outdoor control. This process can also be used on ticks, which we do have issues with in Arizona. Don’t confuse Ticks with Bed Bugs.


flea       ticks      bedbug

How do rodents get into homes and attics?

  How do rodents get into homes and attics?


It is extremely important to understand how and why critters try to get into our homes. Animals/wildlife need the same thing we need – Food, Water and Shelter. As you can see by the pictures, these holes are all that is needed by birds and other small animals to gain access into the house. Along with these critters some other pests can get into your attic or crawlspace and if you get rid of the original critter the parasites may linger behind.

You should conduct an inspection of your home or property at least once a month, just to be sure you haven’t invited any unwanted pests. If you need some help sealing up your home just give us a call 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 ProBest Pest Management.

baby mice

So just how many babies can mice have?

So just how many babies can mice have?

Mice are capable of producing six to eight babies in each litter, sometimes as many as ten.

The biggest problem with mice is that they have multiple litters each year. One male and female mouse can produce up to 40 babies in one year. Multiply that by the fact that each litter will start producing babies as well within the year and you can see how quickly a couple of mice can get out of control. In just that first year those original mice can product up to 139. In one year, a pair of little house mice could produce thousands and thousands of offspring. This could happen if every baby survived and carried on the family system of multiplication. So it is very important to seal your home.

So here is a quiz:

Mice are famous for their ability to multiply at breakneck speeds. The type of mouse we have here gives birth once a month, birthing 12 babies each time. Baby mice mature and can give birth two months after they are born.You picked up one of these cute baby mice at the pet shop and brought it home the day after it was born. In 10 months from now, how many mice will you have? Don’t peek, have a guess – see below


One, the mouse cannot have any babies by itself.

Contact us if you are having an issue with mice or rodents for a free quote.

What’s in your attic?

What’s in your attic?


Have you ever been in your attic or crawlspace? I’ll bet like most you probably haven’t and I don’t recommend doing it from April to September here in Arizona. The temperatures could be in the high 150’s and you wouldn’t want to pass out up there and die from heat exhaustion. But anyway back to the real story: it is important from time to time to at least walk around your home and look up to the roof-line to make sure you don’t have openings in the soffett which would allow animals or birds to enter. The same can be said of insects like honeybees, which can also cause extreme conditions after they are eliminated. A quick glance will let you know what critters might be in the attic, rodent feces and rub marks could certainly be an indication of present problems and warrants a further look. Remember that secondary pests might become a nuisance after you solve the main problem of the original pest ie: bird mites, ticks or fleas – bat bugs etc. So if you can prevent the initial encounter – you may prevent the entire mess.


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