All posts in “wasp”

Fire-wood next to house is a No-No

Fire-wood should never be against the house

I’m sure we have talked about fire-wood and the problems associated with it. But lets discuss the potential for all kinds of pests.

  1. The photo below allows termites access by visually impairing the ability to see mud tubes.
  2. When you bring the wood in, only bring in what you will use immediately.
  3. Inspect the wood before hauling it in, pests like wood borers, rodents and wasp can over winter in it.
  4. If you must store wood over the year, place it away from the house on a stackable device.

There are always options for storing wood, just use common sense.



Hey how did that Cicada Killer get in my home?








Cicada Killer – Wasp or Hornet? Wasp it is.


Large digger wasp (inch to inch and a half) and solitary in nature. Females look for cicadas and then dig a hole and lay one egg on that poor little cicada. That little larva eats the cicada and then pupates and finally in the Spring digs it’s way out and looks for a mate.

So probably just accidentally flew into a door which was open and then became trapped. I’ve heard that they seldom sting, the one in my office looked mad and if it was able to get out I think it would have gone after me. OK probably not but if able to release it would go on its way to find some more cicadas, helping with pest control.

Does it takes just one sting?


Whether its honeybees, wasps, hornets or scorpions its the sting that will get you. I don’t think anyone of us enjoys accidentally getting stung by something but to many it just takes one sting and we go into anaphylactic shock. Until I read this article about the “Canadian Mayor dies after wasp attack” I didn’t or couldn’t remember that one sting might not kill you but the next might trigger that anaphylactic shock. That is why we must all be aware of our surroundings whether hiking, camping or just out for a stroll around your home.

Did you know honeybees have a stinger that is barbed, so one sting and they give up their life for the colony while wasps, hornets and scorpions can continue to sting. Paperwasps sometimes look like they are watching you as walk around or into the path where their nests is. I don’t think it is a death watch its just that they are protecting their nests. So be warned and stay clear if possible.


Photo by PPMA

Insects make nests in unusual places.









Sorry for the blurriness of the picture put it is a fire alarm sprinkler head and a Mud Dauber wasp has decided to create a nest in the head itself. We decided to alert maintenance because I didn’t want the alarm triggering.


What is the weirdest place you have seen a nests?

Is this termites?


I often get calls that start out by saying I know I have termites and I need to have someone come out to give me an estimate. Mud Daubers are wasps nd they use mud to construct nest in which they house the next generation of solitary wasps. Mud Daubers rarely sting and do not defend their mud shelter, they may fly at you but it is not a defense.

Whose coming to your picnic?

Whose coming to your picnic?


So you spend all day planning this picnic, you spend all day making sandwiches and all that goes with it – you don’t want pests showing up uninvited. So what can you except in the way of pests?

Ants – well we all know what happens when you spill some food, the ants come ing in to steal your picnic food.


Bees, wasps and hornets – one lone bee or wasp finds the source of the food and they go back home to tell everyone else.

Flies – nothing more disgusting than flies, trust me on this one.  fly

Before you replace the floor, treat for termites.

Before you replace the floor, treat for termites.  (Yesterdays answer on picture – magnified picture of wasp nest….)

So you decide its time to replace that old flooring in your home and as you take up the old floor you discover damage and concrete cracks. Now is the time to call your termite experts because and trust me on this one you don’t want to put down the floor and then discover you need it treated. This will destroy or at the very least make the new flooring look terrible. Here is some damage from termites and some water damage, I don’t know which came first but my guess is the termites.


Nothing worse in my mind than having to drill grout lines in stone tile, because no matter how good you are it will never look as good as new. So please take a moment and think it through, treat the concrete and then lay the new floor. It will save you money in the long run and more importantly the aggravation of knowing where those drill holes are. Because your mind will focus on those marks, trust me.

Stops the Sting!

Stops the Sting!




ProBest Pest Management carries this great tool, I think every parent should carry this in their car, purse and have it in case of a sting or bite.

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