All posts in “water”

Water run off

Water run off

Water run off

Generally speaking water run off is not a good thing especially when it involves pesticides. But this is an excellent procedure to stop water run off in the termiticide barrier of your home. The more water that goes through the barrier reduces the effectiveness of the termiticide. So really anything you can do to stop the water is a great idea. I thought this was a great idea, flexible tubing (inexpensive and won’t technically get in your way).

Most of us have a few pipes that condensate – so this quick fix shouldn’t take much time to implement. The cost is right up there with next to nothing and I think almost anyone could do this. You could almost redirect the water to plants or flowers and hey look everyone benefits.

Add this to my new list of things to do to prevent termites and other bugs from getting into your home.


Rat holes

Does your yard have rat holes, do you know what is happening in your yards or your neighbors? Rats or rodents in general can do a lot of damage to wiring and irrigation pipes. Their teeth continue to grow and they need to gnaw them down and they do it by using wiring and other harder items.

Now if that wasn’t bad enough consider for a moment that they might get into your home? They are not very clean and can distribute urine and feces everywhere. They can carry in parasites like ticks and mites. They can also damage any plastic in the home. The other issue in Arizona is the more rats you have the greater possibility of snakes. The snakes looking for food, often will trail them right into your yard or area and set up shop.

Now most snakes are probably OK but you don’t want those venomous ones like the West Rattlesnakes etc. If you don’t know what they look like don’t take a chance. Always, always use gloves and pay attention to your surroundings. Don’t just throw bait in the rat holes, they can and will kick it out. Poison Control is 1-800-222-2222 and as always call 911 immediately. We can help with snake removal so call ProBest once you are safe 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176. Always take care, we live in a desert – caution.

Shower Pan

The Shower pan is technically that device which keeps the water from going everywhere. The bathtrap area is the area in the picture with the pipes letting the water go to the plumbing and out of the house.

Now visualize the termite people coming out to spray under the slab before its poured. That show box size area is higher with dirt and when the plumbers come in to finish they take away dirt. They also take away any trace of liquid termiticide and therefore = termites.

See the termite tube in the right side of the hole, that is how all the damage occurred. Inspect, investigate and then solve the problem. In this case impossible to see the shower pan so a surprise happens. Call ProBest for an inspection today 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Monsoon rain & dust

Monsoon rain & dust will start soon and we all know what that will bring? Termites and more bugs including more mosquitoes and flies. It’s time to store your outdoor equipment before the winds grab it. Check your windows for gaps and repair, keeps the Monsoon rain & dust out. What should you do, now to avoid the mess. Remember the Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared”.

  1. Check your yard for containers that may hold water.
  2. Fill in potholes that may hold water.
  3. Double check drip irrigation and flood irrigation for issues.
  4. Clean gutters.
  5. Repair screens, make sure they are in place.
  6. Check door sweeps and gaskets.
  7. Remember stagnant water is the enemy, flowing water good.
  8. Best time to treat for mosquitoes is when they are in the water.
Mosquito Season

Water grates

It’s the time of year, Monsoon is on its way and water in any crack or crevice imaginable. Guess what, the mosquito Mom’s will lay eggs anywhere there is water? Water grates, catch basins or cisterns will hold water longer since they are deeper.

When is the best time to attack those littler biters, IN THE WATER, of course? Captive audience, when they’re flying it’s to late.

So what do you do?

  1. No freestanding water on you’re property, if it’s stagnant it can cause issue.
  2. If you are in charge of a HOA, check water grates and storm drains. Things can be done to prevent mosquitoes from using those.
  3. I’ve seen them in beer bottles along a roadside, so get rid of trash and no tires.
  4. Mosquitoes cause disease from Malaria to Equine encephalitis.
  5. Repair or replace window screens.
  6. Keep doors shut and repair door sweeps and door seals.
  7. Even gutters can hold a small amount of water, I know what’s a gutter in AZ. But I have seen some, so make sure they are free and clear.
Attic infestation

Attic infestation

Attic infestation, can be caused by many critters including mice and rats. But they are not the only ones, have you considered wildlife like raccoons, birds and bats. Remember mice only need a hole the size of a dime and a rat a quarter. I think everyone should inspect their home twice a year, maybe the attic once a year maybe at Christmas. Attic infestation can occur from a few days to months. Take the packages into the garage and open them up. You don’t or need bugs or rats inside your home. That in itself could cause you hours or time you could be buying me a gift. This also goes for sheds, check that shed at least once during the summer and once during the winter. The National Pest Management Association constantly updates articles at their site, check it out for Fall and Winter pests. They also included a Bug Barometer for the seasons. Walk around the outside checking for honeybees and holes underneath. If you spot holes, or poop it’s time to call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328. Nobody likes surprises that cost money so on Attic infestations catch it early = no need to pay. Even if your looking for an opinion or need something identified, give us a call.


  1. Open holes, check the louvered screens and weep holes.
  2. Look around insulation for tunnels.
  3. Look around for feces.
  4. Look around for dead bodies or scavenging.
  5. Look around for scratching.

Mosquito Dunks

Mosquito Dunks

Mosquito dunks and how to use them. I thought this was a great idea. First off they contain No Poison.  They are based on the naturally occurring bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, var. israelensis, or Bti. It is considered to be one of the most environmentally sensitive mosquito and blackfly larvicides used in mosquito control. Made with Bt-israelensis (Bt-i), a highly specific biological pesticide, this product represent a major breakthrough for people and the environment when compared with the traditional toxic chemical approach to mosquito control. Will NOT harm people, pets, wildlife or fish. One note I will make is that the time to kill mosquitoes is when they are in the larvae and pupa stage, in the water.

Wonderful for use in water gardens, flower pots, bird baths, rain gutters and decorative ponds!

The mosquito female finds the water, lays her eggs and then when they hatch the oil does its job, death to the wigglers.

Mosquito dunksMosquito dunks

Vines and the world of pests

Vines and the pests they may bring in

The art of pest management is what can be seen but also knowing what isn’t there, when looking at potential issues. Hiring a professional isn’t just about spraying, it is the knowledge that the Pro has to offer. Book knowledge is great but actually having real world experience is even better. In a perfect world everyone would ask my opinion before planting or just in general building a house. Opening can be a real problem but vines can cause further damage to pre-existing holes or openings. Damage can occur from trees pushing up on roofs just like you can see damage from tree roots pushing concrete sidewalks up.

Vines allow pests to hide and prevent you from noticing damage or possible entry points. Box Elder bugs can squeeze through very small opening, rodents can also get in and damage pipes and wires. Wildlife like rabbits and birds may nest in these areas. Knowing your property is a great plus in keeping damage and issues to zero.


Hole = entry points for rodents

Hole the size of a dime = mice entry

Hole = As long as the diameter is the size of a dime and the mouse can fit its head through the opening he/she can make it in. Equally important is how you prevent the reoccurrence – don’t just fill in with foam, it must contain something that will prevent eating like steel or copper wool. Fill the opening and mix the wool within so the rodent will not gnaw through.

Hole the size of a quarter = rat entry

As long as the diameter is the size of a quarter and the rat can fit its head through the opening he/she can make it in. A crawlspace home may have more entry points and you must crawl and investigate those possibilities. Or hire a professional to do that service, hire one that is knowledgeable about pests and housing construction. Also be aware of termite issues and be prepared to further explore any signs.

Rodents include rats, mice and rabbits – they all may gnaw wires and be potential carriers of diseases. They may also carry parasites and remember when they are gone the parasites may remain behind and go after humans. I also believe especially in crawlspaces that all entry must be prevented, I’ve seen cats and other animals living in these areas and for sure they carry other critters like fleas and ticks.


Bees need water

Honey bees and all living creatures need water

Bees and all creatures need 3 things, water, food and shelter. It is very important for all creatures and with very few exception it is Life and Death. Some creatures can take water directly from the food they eat. Mice and termites are just a few.

So what do you do when they invade your space, adapt of course? We have tried moving a dish of water away from a pool or putting in a fountain to distract them away from the other water source. Most times the honey bees won’t sting, but why tempt fate, right? Imagine coming up from under the water and bee is on your face or head and they decide to randomly sting (rare). So we have tried the water dish and or fountain idea to motivate them away. These little bees were just going ahead with their business and unprovoked would never bother anyone. I often see bushes full of flower that almost come alive with honeybee activity – “leave them bee and they will leave you bee”.

I have a large account and they have a huge fountain and there are days when they are really active. I also know that most people are not familiar with bees like I am but just be nice to them and they will generally leave you alone. Remember one out of every mouth full of food relies on honeybees, we really need them to do their work. They are also the only insect that supplies us food. Something to really think about.


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