All posts in “weed”

I’ve got zillions of these bugs, what are they?


False Chinch Bugs


False Chinch bugs are in the Order Hemiptera also known as “true bugs”. False Chinch bugs prefer plants in the Mustard family and especially like London Rocket: a yellow flowered mustard that is very common in our area. Even though they may feed on some landscape plants, False Chinch bugs rarely cause significant damage. Usually the mass migration lasts only one week at most. Prevent entry into houses by making sure screens on windows and patio doors are intact and sealing up other entryways. Homeowners can apply a pesticide around the perimeter of the house to keep the bugs out, but the best approach is to seal them out.

So what’s on your mind?

So what’s on your mind?

So I was thinking the other day that we should discuss a few Arizona Department of Agriculture – Office of Pest Management terms:

“Pest” means a vertebrate or invertebrate insect, bird, mammal, organism, or a weed or plant pathogen that is in an undesirable location. I bet you really didn’t think a weed was a pest, did you? I’m sure we have called a few people we might know – “a pest”? I’m equally convinced that all politicians are pests, the necessary evil.

“Pesticide,” as defined in A.R.S. ยง 32-2301, includes an insecticide, fungicide, rodenticide, termiticide, fumigant, larvacide, adulticide, herbicide, avicide, or molluscicide.

So just a few terms to get you thinking what pest control or pest management is all about.

When is a PEST a Pest?

When is a PEST a Pest?

The Arizona Office of Pest Management defines as “Pest” means a vertebrate or invertebrate insect, bird, mammal, organism, or a weed or plant pathogen that is in an undesirable location.

So what does that mean, let’s say you have Bahia Grass growing in your driveway and that it doesn’t belong there or you don’t want it there = pest. Or you have roof rats in your attic, obviously you don’t want them there = pest.

It really isn’t the fault of the weed or bug, it is just doing what its supposed to do. Live and breed, I know as long as it doesn’t happend in your home. So keep up with the pest, keep the weeds down and home seal to prevent the pest or wildlife from getting into your home.

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