All posts in “pests”

This is something you often don’t heard about, snails?

Woman gets help moving out of apartment crawling with snails.” Ok to be honest the pictures aren’t that helpful but I’m  pretty sure they aren’t snails. Snails as far as I know have little shells on them. I would think more of a some type of  mold or plaster beetle larva or maybe slugs of some kind.

Ok so as always we go back to the basic premise of pest control, identification is the first step. This helps to decide the course of action leading to sanitation, physical removal and application of control measures.

My first recommendation is you have to stop the water or moisture from getting in, then I would suggest home-sealing to keep the bugs from getting in.


What about “The Plague”?


New Mexico man is the state’s first plague case of 2014.

Plague is a bacterial disease of rodents and is generally transmitted to humans through the bites of infected fleas, but can also be transmitted by direct contact with infected animals, including rodents, wildlife and pets.

Symptoms in humans include sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, and weakness.

Always be aware of those things that surround us each and every day, you don’t need to panic but just be aware. If you are visiting areas where ticks or fleas are prevalent then just take precautions against them.


Photo by PPMA

What are all those holes in my yard?

probestpest20140417_093245 There are a number of things that can dig up those yards. Out here in the Wild West we can have all sorts of critters digging up the yards. Wild pigs or Javelina use their noses to dig up roots, pocket gophers dig burrows and eat roots under the ground and numerous insects dig holes to bury other insects or arachnids as food for their young. By the way ignoring these holes may lead to bushes and trees dying or by being severely damaged.

So if you are getting holes or something damaging your yard it may well be the time to call in a Pest Management Professional or Wildlife Professional.


Where do Honeybees make their home?

Well almost anywhere!


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These are meter boxes, usually they seek out areas that are hidden and away from people such as these closed meter boxes. I also always thought these boxes were to small, but I guess I would be wrong. Africanized Honeybees swarm 30% more often and maybe it has to do with space.

So bee careful out there, as they will make their home almost anywhere.

Do you plant right next to your home?





When you plant bushes, trees or plants next to your home, are you creating an environment for pests and termites? Probably so. My rule of thumb is not to plant anything within 2 feet of your structure. Normally this is what I call the dripline of your home, that is the area of the roof over hang. Sometimes we really don’t have a chance, the picture below is an example of this. Because of the sidewalk there isn’t any room and when and if a termite job is required on this home, all those plants will probably be destoyed or hopefully they can be moved. The other issue is when the plants attract pests, could they then move into your structure? So think before you plant and things should be OK on the bug side…

Wood destroyers and termites

Wood destroyers, including termites and wood rot can play havoc on your home. Whenever you place wood directly on the ground, you are inviting termites and other  creatures to that area. It is always better to place firewood or any wood for that matter on blocks or pavers. Ideally having wood stored just for one season at a time is best, there is less chance of buildup of pests in general. But as always – please wear gloves and only take into the structure what you are going to use immediately. If it is cold and you warm up the wood, the insects living inside may try to come out and  infest the home. So here are a few Quick Tips:

  1. Always place firewood or wood on blocks or pavers rather than directly on ground.
  2. Keep that wood pile away from the home.
  3. Always wear gloves moving wood.
  4. Store only the wood you will use that season.
  5. Only bring in enough wood to use that day.
wood destroyers

wood destroyers

What is the most dangerous critter in Arizona?



I think most people would immediately say Black Widow spider or rattlesnake, but the answer in my book would be – Bees. I think without a doubt rattlesnakes, spiders and scorpions rank right up there but bee stings probably account for more deaths.

So what are you to do when you encounter them?

  1. Bee aware of your surroundings, if you notice bees bumping into you it is a warning that you are to close to them.
  2. Bees around water, they are there to drink leave them alone and they will leave you alone.
  3. Don’t tackle a Honeybee issue by yourself, if they are Africanized they will attack in great numbers and you, your neighborhood, animals and children may be stung. One of my favorite sayings is – “Once you have made them mad, it is impossible to put them back to nice!”  Its like putting the Genie back into the bottle. But these things sting and may continue for hours.
  4. Leave them alone, they will probably move on


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