All posts in “ProBest Pest Management”

The Japanese, the bugs and me!

Maybe its because I had a chance to interact with Japan in my early days – I went to a BSA World Jamboree in 1972 and I feel close to their culture. I enjoyed the mulitple visits over the years and glad I was a part of possibly saving some of these hsitoric buildings.  But this got me to thinking as I watched the only sports that I watch throughout the year – The Little League World Series. The Japanese are very regimented in their training, style and honestly they are like a very well oiled clock. I have had the chance to work with many talented people from Japan in regards to termites. That same spark is there among 11 – 80 year old Japanese. I looked at temples and buildings that had termite damage and hoped that we could preserve those structures. Formosan termites are capable of doing some severe damage if not stopped. The great thing is that technology continues to work toward that goal and people around the world all must work together.


Here are just a few pictures of some of the work I looked at in Japan.

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The tips for keeping the bugs out, what are they?



To a Pest Management Professional the slogan – Integrated Pest Management is really important. Why, you ask? Because it is at the heart of what we do, everyday! I don’t think that many of us that really want to harm nature and there is a fine line to doing that and protecting us from the bugs that could kill us.

At its core is this principle – “Integrated Pest Management is a process involving common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests. These solutions incorporate three basic steps: 1) inspection, 2) identification and 3) treatment. Treatment options vary from sealing cracks and removing food and water sources to pesticide treatments when necessary.”

But you and I both know that it isn’t always easy controlling certain pests like cockroaches in apartments, so its take everyone’s cooperation and help to solve the dilemna. The same goes for scorpions, home-sealing is just one step to controling these beasts.

So heer are a few tips to help you in your mission to keep your home or business bug free.

    1. Home-seal your home or buisness (fill in cracks and crevices).
    2. Fix any leaking pipes.
    3. Don’t stack firewood or any material against your house, the idea is to be clutter free.
    4. Keep trees and bushes clear from your home.
    5. De-clutter.
    6. Don’t bring in used furniture until you check it completely.
    7. Repair screens and door thresholds.
    8. Those holes at the roofline are to allow the attic to breath, don’t let birds or wildlife make their home there.
    9. A clean home is less attractive to wildlife and pests.


This idea got me to thinking!



I recently heard this at a seminar and wanted to pass it along. This economy was and still is difficult for many and this is how I feel about it.

“At the end of the day, as I lay my head on my pillow – I know that I gave honest and ethical advice, whether you buy from me or not”.


What say you? Do you give advice and does it help to get future business? I think it does but lets get some comments to see how and what you think? To me its not always about the sale, some people need my help and others can it things on their own. To sell or not to sell, that is the question!

ProBest Pest Management – Pest Control

 Call a Pro… Call the Best. ProBest!


Tagxedo turns words — famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters — into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.

This is what our ProBest homepage looks like and it looks like Professionals is right at the top.

Tips for preventing pests at Christmas time.


I’m not talking about uninvited people showing up at Christmas time and/or those over staying their welcome. Let’s talk about bringing in Christmas trees and the creatures we may be bringing in as well.

  1. Always check your Christmas tree for things like squirrels, remember the “Christmas Vacation” movie (I really love that movie) hilarious.
  2. Use caution when bringing things down from the attic, go through and make sure there are no rodents, bats or wildlife living in the boxes.
  3. While you are in the attic, do a little inspection – check for termites (mud or dirt and damaged wood), do you see feces from rodents or bird nests.
  4. Use caution when putting up Christmas decorations outside, you might disturb wildlife and you may accidentally fall.
  5. Use caution putting decorations into trees or bushes, critters may live there.


What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


To date, the largest known prehistoric insect is the dragonfly Meganeura monyi. It existed over 280 million years ago. Fossil remains were found in Commentry, France. When measured, the wingspan was a whopping 2 ft. 3.5 inches.

The loudest insects are male cicadas, which can be heard about a quarter of a mile away.

The insects with the biggest nests are termites.

There were three plagues mentioned in the book of Exodus in the Bible which were caused by insects – lice, flies, and locusts.

It takes 48 hours for a cockroach to digest its food.


It’s not always about the Scorpions, how about visiting Arizona? Sunset Crater

Sunset Crater

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Just north of Flagstaff is the Sunset Crater Volcano – Sometime between 1040 and 1100, a series of eruptions—the only eruptions in the Southwest indisputably witnessed by local peoples — brought the dormant San Francisco Volcanic Field back to life.

Cave-like lava tubes and cracks in the lava flows serve the needs of insects, spiders, lizards, and rodents. Bats also inhabit some of these spaces, flying out at night to feed. Birds, given their ability to fly freely between nesting and feeding sites, can be seen – and heard – throughout the monument. Among them are Steller’s jays, pinyon jays, black-chinned hummingbirds, white-breasted nuthatches, ravens, and crows. Golden eagles and several species of hawks watch from above. But the monument is surrounded by pine forests which provide foraging habitat for mule deer, elk, pronghorn, bobcat, and coyote, and are home to a variety of small mammals, including the Abert squirrel, cottontail rabbit, and porcupine.

Winner, winner – Keith V. Birkemeyer hey I won something!

FMC Awards Seven Trips to Legislative Day 2014


Seven pest management professionals are D.C.-bound after being chosen to win a free trip to NPMA’s Legislative Day 2014, courtesy of FMC Corporation.

| November 20, 2013

PHILADELPHIA – Seven pest management professionals are D.C.-bound after being chosen to win a free trip to NPMA’s Legislative Day 2014, courtesy of FMC Corporation. Entries were collected online and during PestWorld 2013 in Phoenix, with the winners drawn randomly at PestWorld by NPMA Executive Vice President Bob Rosenberg. The winners will receive airfare, registration and a two-night hotel stay. They are:
•    Rodney Allman, Envirosafe, Belmont, NC
•    Keith Birkemeyer, ProBest Pest Management, Gilbert, AZ
•    Dan Bradbury, Viking Pest Control, Bound Brook, NJ 
•    Roger Graham, Arrow Exterminators, Broken Arrow, OK
•    Doug Lardner, Doug the Bug Termite & Pest Control, Clearwater, FL
•    Tim Leatherman, Perfect Pest Control, Union, KY 
•    Lawrence Plecha, Biotec of NM Inc., Albuquerque, NM

“There is no better way to support our industry than to attend Legislative Day,” said Bethwyn Todd, FMC. “We congratulate the winners and look forward to joining them in D.C., as we work together to address the issues impacting pest management professionals.”

NPMA’s Legislative Day provides an annual opportunity for pest management professionals to speak to federal lawmakers on the issues affecting the industry. According to NPMA, many lawmakers presiding over committees that directly affect pest management are new to Congress so next year’s event will provide a great opportunity to forge new relationships and influence future legislation. In 2013, more than 400 pest management professionals attended. Legislative Day 2014 will be held March 9-11, 2014 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. Find information at

I don’t generally win but I was amazed and thankful, this should be a very interesting and rewarding trip. Thank you FMC and Pest Control Technology, oh and congrats to the others.

Happy Thanksgiving.


What are you thankful for, health, family, friends or maybe a bug free home? So what are the origins of Thanksgiving? It has been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, then President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving”. The thing most of us relate to, the first Thanksgiving was after harvest and was just a way of giving thanks for the plentiful crops.


Wishing all my readers a bug free and very Happy Thanksgiving!



See this is exactly the reason why I don’t support PETA?


Let me start by saying I don’t in any manner support anybody who makes any animal suffer. I will point out a recent home seal that confirms my feelings concerning wild animals etc. This recent article just shows how absurdingly ridiculas PETA is, now they are worried about the feelings of cockroaches. Sorry in my book it borders on foolishness – PETA protests “cyborg cockroach” project .

Cockroach image by PPMA

Cockroach image by PPMA

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