All posts in “wildlife”

Is there Lyme Disease in Arizona? YES!


According to CDC surveillance statistics, only 52 cases of Lyme disease have been reported in Arizona in the past 10 years. These statistics may be misleading. Reported cases reflect the “tip of the iceberg,” or only a fraction of the true cases. The CDC states there are approximately 30,000 reported cases of Lyme in the US, and acknowledges that it is under-reported by 10 fold.  This means that there are a minimum of 200,000 cases in the US that meet the CDC standard of diagnosis.

There are over 25 species of ticks in Arizona that may carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Tularemia, Babesia and tick fever, as well as Lyme disease. If the tick that bites you is infected, it can inject Lyme bacteria into your bloodstream within hours of attachment. The bacteria can  also invade your brain and nervous system in less than 24 hours.

There is a Arizona Lyme Disease Association and is there an answer – YES. As with any wildlife issue, there will almost always be a bug problem. Wildlife can be cute and can also carry diseases and parasites. So why not prevent the issue without harming the wildlife. How is this possible you say? Brochure Tick Control


The mice or ground squirrels enter the box, feed on the non-toxic food and get a combing of fipronil on their fur. They can then carry this back to nest-mates and it absorbs into their skin, killing ticks or fleas that bite and suck their blood.

Here is another article “Lyme Disease in the U.S. is 10-times underreported.”

Certified Installers by State

My Top 3 reasons why you need pest control, or do you?


Pest control isn’t always needed at your home, but if you have issues you can either take care of it yourself or hire a Professional. I have written numerous home seals that categorically point out the advantages of hiring a pro for that job. There are those that believe that no matter the circumstance, it isn’t necessary to hire a professional. Here are the facts as I see them:

  1. You may need experience and expertise.
  2. Remember Bubonic Plague, Hanta Virus and other diseases are still present in the U.S. – “Rabbit test positive for Tularemia in Pueblo West, CO.”
  3. Not every job can be accomplished by stepping on the bug.

See I told you this was going to happen!


This whole mess with the economy continues to add woe after woe to those you can’t or won’t follow good rules. Now if you can’t afford it then the City has to do something (remember when they cut the ranks of sanitation workers), don’t get me wrong if money is tight you have to cut things. Can’t cut Police or the Fire Departments, or the water department – well you get the picture.

An Eyesore Like No Other In Bronx: Tree Grows Through Dilapidated Home


Hey, you talkin to me?

Lots of animals can cause stinky messes…do you live around messes like this?



Animals and birds can really cause some major issues, such as bad air and parasites. Bad air within a structure can cause serious Asthma issues and depending on the circumstance can be caused by German Roaches, rat droppings and urine and hair left behind.

At least in the case above all the droppings were on the outside but we can always track them into the home and that’s another great reason to clean carpets. We definitely don’t want that mess in the attic and we don’t want animals of any kind nesting or raising babies.

What do you know about the Gila Monster?


What do you know about the Gila Monster?

Gila monsters are found in the SouthWestern United States. The states include Arizona, California, New Mexico, Utah and Nevada. There are several deserts that span this region and these include the Mojave and Sonora. Gila monsters are lizards and are often called beaded lizards that prefer rocky areas & tend to avoid large, open areas. In these rocky areas they will find burrows & spend large amounts of their life in them. Living in a burrow helps them avoid the extreme heat during the daytime & the cold night. They will eat whatever they can when they can in an effort to store up fat for when it is harder to get food. These lizards just like snakes need to be left alone and relocated if possible.

This little piece of artwork is on exhibit at the Chandler Environmental Education Center. Check the schedule calendar on the left side of home seal for dates for the Bug Zoo – 3 – 6 year olds.

Damage from Pocket Gophers

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Damage from Pocket Gophers

Pocket gophers,  are burrowing rodents that get their name from the fur-lined, external cheek pouches, or pockets, they use for carrying food and nesting materials. Pocket gophers are well equipped for a digging, tunneling lifestyle with their powerfully built forequarters; large-clawed front paws; fine, short fur that doesn’t cake in wet soils; small eyes and ears; and highly sensitive facial whiskers that assist with moving about in the dark. In Arizona significant damage can be done to soccer fields and other areas we play, Pocket Gophers create holes where children can fall into and break ankle or wrist. A gopher’s lips also are unusually adapted for their lifestyle; they can close them behind their four large incisor teeth to keep dirt out of their mouths when using their teeth for digging.


Why do opossums play dead?

Why do opossums play dead?


Cause they can, no just kidding… Opossums when threatened or scared will appear as if dead. They lie very still, stiff limbs and a fixed stare appearing to be quite dead. Don’t even think about picking one up, they are vicious and can really bite with extreme force.


Opossums are marsupials, they have a prehensile tail and they will eat just about anything including fruits and dead stuff. Female opossums often give birth to very large numbers of young, sometimes up to 13 and often live 2 – 4 years. Have you ever encountered an opossum?

Chicken Wire or Hardware Cloth?


Chicken Wire or Hardware Cloth?


Without a question in my mind, Hardware Cloth! It just looks more professional, not like it was just thrown together to get it done in a hurry.

The other thing we do from time to time is to spray paint the hardware cloth, it can almost blend in and almost becomes invisible. Hardware cloth is more durable and can be secured in place with washers and screws.

Hey it’s your house, you can do what you want right? Do it right, it looks way better…



What is Rabies?

raccoon1    What is Rabies?


Rabies is a deadly viral infection that is mainly spread by infected animals. Rabies is spread by infected saliva that enters the body through a bite or broken skin. The virus travels from the wound to the brain, where it causes swelling, or inflammation. This inflammation leads to symptoms of the disease. Most rabies deaths occur in children. Untreated, rabies can lead to coma and death.

Can snakes cause rabies, the answer is no – only warm blooded animals carry the virus. You can still become sick from a wound caused by a snake, just make sure to clean the wounds really well. Rabies causes about 55,000 human deaths annually worldwide. 95% of human deaths due to rabies occur in Asia and Africa. Roughly 97% of human rabies cases result from dog bites.

In the Southwest, rabies shows up mostly in bats followed by skunks. However, it is estimated that fewer than 1% of bats carry rabies.

What is the best advice – stay away from sickly looking animals, don’t touch or handle wildlife. There is a reason why they are called wildlife…

Successful hotel or apartment honeybee to bat experts.

Successful hotel or apartment honeybee to bat experts.


Many companies are excellent at doing pest control but may not have the ability or knowledge to accomplish certain out of the range pest control. Case in point:

  • Large 8 story hotel had bats – ProBest Pest Management – handled and solved the problem. Case closed…
  • Africanized honeybees between 3rd and 4th floor of another large hotel – eliminated bees and caulked/sealed the openings. Case closed…
  • 2 story building – Africanized honeybees. Treated and issue completed. Case closed…
  • Large hotel/restaurant bats in attic – night job, exclude bats and clean up bat guano. 19 bags of guano, sealed entrances – no entry for bats. Case closed…

ProBest Pest Management is often referred by the Arizona Extension Office and the Arizona Game and Fish Department, we are knowledgeable and experienced. If your pest control professional is unsure or just can’t handle the job – “Call a Pro… Call the Best. ProBest!

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