All posts in “cat”

Cat ad 4 best pest company – ProBest Pest Management

Cat ad delivers message to viewers

You know I’m really not a cat person, I like dogs. Yes I know more people these days own cats than dogs but hey what can I say. There is this World renown Entomologist in Florida that despises cats and he frequently makes fun of all types. He even includes jabs at training events and a magazine his University publishes. To me they are finicky while dogs will generally play and come to you no matter what. Cats are just cats, no more no less. Did you know that all dogs come from wolves, I mean there are all kinds small and large, tall and short, ugly and cute (all in the eye of the beholder) well you get the drift. I guess they have been around a long time, I guess their good mousers (well most of them). But at least the one below knows something good.[embedyt][/embedyt]



Hantavirus is serious, what precautions can you take?


Alert: New Mexico Health Department confirms fatality in NorthWest New Mexico.

Hantavirus is a deadly disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings or saliva. People can contract the disease when they breathe in aerosolized virus.

CDC Hantavirus site


  1. Seal the home or cabin.
  2. Trap or use outside rodent bait/trap stations to reduce numbers, I also suggest TickBoxes.
  3. Reduce food sources, don’t leave out dog/cat food.
  4. Don’t allow clutter to get the best of your home.
  5. Trim trees and bushes.
  6. When cleaning cabins or homes, use a dust mask and follow the CDC guidelines on cleaning.
  7. Rodents cause other issues, be safe and follow CDC guidelines.


What do you know about ticks?



In Arizona we run into ticks very often, they are commonly found on dogs, cats, pets and the abundant wildlife we have in the desert. A common way for them to migrate is on the wildlife, such as Ground Squirrels, rodents or even birds which might visit your yard and the tick(s) might actually fall off.

With Bed Bugs becoming more of an issue these days it is extremely important to know what they both look like. So before thinking you have Bed Bugs identify and then plan your attack strategy.

  1. Keep the grass trimmed and keep bushes and trees away from the house.
  2. Keep an eye out for your pets and if you locate a tick remove it correctly.
  3. If you see rodents, take care of them immediately.
  4. Ticks will enter your home so sometimes it is necassary to use pesticides – call a Pest Management Professional for any help in this matter.

Were you aware that May is “National Pet Month”?

Were you aware that May is “National Pet Month”?


Lots of us own pets, from cats to snakes and because of this we can also from time to time get uninvited pests including ticks and other vermin. In Arizona we don’t get fleas very often but we do encounter ticks on a regular basis. So what can you do to stop those infestations from happening to your home.

  1. Don’t leave food out for feral cats, this may bring in other unwanted pests.
  2. If you see holes in the yard check for Pocket gophers, they can damage plants and bring in pests.
  3. Even birds like pigeons can bring in pests, don’t allow them them to live on your roof.
  4. Bats can make your attic a home, seal and block all access into your attic. Bat Bugs can take up residence within your attic and if you get rid of the bats, the Bat Bugs may come into your home space.
  5. Check your pets frequently for signs of fleas or ticks. You can use over the counter medicines but if you do please mention this to your Pest Management Professional – some of those products may contain a similar products and cause an overdose to the pet.
  6. Keep grass or vegetation trimmed around the home.
  7. Don’t become a hoarder, keep debris away from the home and discourage rodent activity.
  8. Never place firewood next to your home, don’t invite rodents or pests near the home. If you use firewood only bring in what you plan on using right away.
  9. If you have rodents, it may lead to snakes. Snakes have to eat so don’t encourage them to come to your house.
  10. Don’t allow water to stand, mosquitoes can bite and transit diseases and parasites to your pets.


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