All posts in “dirty dining”

Drains & Restaurants

Drains & Restaurants

Drains & Restaurants

Do you ever check bathrooms before you eat at a restaurant, I check drains and restaurants for a living? I won’t eat until I check the bathroom, if its clean then probably (probably) the kitchen is clean. If you have a restaurant, staff must be taught that part of the process is cleaning. Everyday a certain station should be cleaned and then someone needs to double check. If a customer gets something in their food, the reputation can be sullied in that visit and those reviews sites are not forgiving.

  1. Daily cleaning, certain areas.
  2. Weekly cleaning.
  3. Inspection by someone who cares, not just someone that wants to go home.
  4. Inspection by management. If you set the standard – staff will comply.
  5. A German Cockroach can get by with just a speck of grease, don’t forget in between appliances.
  6. Use a checklist, its not tough. If you start out clean and keep it that way.

The Public is your Critic

  • Only takes one complaint, and if its online – it is there FOREVER. Those Dirty Dining shows are proof of that.
  • Make the weekly cleaning game with free appetizers etc. If staff doesn’t consider it work – it won’t be.
  • Set the standard, if you don’t then no one else will.
Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants and how do you tell how bad it might be? I usually run into the bathrooms, if it is nasty, generally speaking I’m out. If they can’t keep their bathrooms clean, then I’m positive their kitchen is a mess. I love those kitchens which are visible, if you can peak in that is a great thing.

Restaurants and cleaning:

  • Everyday someone should be cleaning.

  • Each day certain areas should be cleaned, areas not used daily should be rotated cleaned. 

  • There should be charts with duties and persons assigned.

  • Managers should check cleanliness daily. 

  • Degreasers and heavy duty equipment may be needed, and supplied so the staff can adequately perform their duties. 


I have been to a ton of restaurants and I have tuned down quite a few. I can’t do my job, if the grease is thick my product will never do the job. Now lets talk about cockroaches, German Cockroaches come in on the folds of food boxes. Once a stowaway enters the property there is almost a 0% chance of the owner/manager/staff fighting the situation. You need a Professional, because you need the right equipment and the right products with the knowledge. A single female roach can set in motion a infestation that can grow quickly. 



EndZone – coming soon – Bye Bye flies.

The EndZone Insecticide Sticker starts to kill filth files in less than one minute after contact, with up to seven months residual action indoors and four months of residual action outdoors, when protected from rain, excess moisture, dirt, dust, and filth. (Video by FMC)

What can you do when you find a bug at a restaurant? part 2

What can you do when you find a bug at a restaurant? part 2


As I stated yesterday I think it is imperative that you discuss with staff and or management if you locate a bug while dining. Finding a bug isn’t the end of the world, it could have flown in, or someone could have brought it in so don’t panic. Here in Arizona – each and every week KPHO CBS 5 News is sent a list of restaurants that have been recently inspected by Maricopa County’s Environmental Services Department. here is the link and they do an excellent job of tracking the restaurants that fail to abide by the rules.

Here is the link to Maricopa County Maricopa County’s Environmental Services Department.


Now with all that said there are a lot of restaurants that do an excellent job at cleaning and they are listed

Dean’s List – Those with perfect scores

Thanks to the inspectors and KPHO for providing this great information.

Dirty Dining – Local coverage by KPHO

Dirty Dining – Local coverage by KPHO

One of the things that I love to do is eat and if I’m correct lots of people probably agree with me on this subject. Now with that being said what I dislike are the restaurants that don’t follow the right course of action when it comes to cleanliness. I absolutely think KPHO (Dirty Dining) is right on the money when they follow these stories and those restaurants should pay the price – no customers until they clean up their acts. The other thing I like about this series is that they also highlight the good guys as well.


Every week CBS 5 News is sent a list of restaurants that have been recently inspected by Maricopa County’s Environmental Services Dept. Thanks to KPHO for publishing the facts. Here is the way in which they are rated “Restaurant Ratings“.


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