All posts in “family”

Pest Control Technician

Pest Control Technician

“We’re extremely pleased to see exterminator, or pest control technician, listed among the top ten best maintenance and repair jobs by U.S. News & World Report,” said Cindy Mannes, senior vice president of public affairs for the National Pest Management Association.

2022 the job market – if let’s say a certain fast food place ups the game and pay $15, that in itself starts the ball rolling. Now I’m not saying that $15 is not right, but we are talking a entry level job. Where $15 was a good wage to start a Professional job now has to rise higher and what if you can’t, how much can you afford for a pest service? We raise our rates generally every 2 years, this year mainly due to gas. How much do I then make, if gas goes up $2 – $3 dollars. Its not just gas but my suppliers have to pay more, manufactures charge more for chemicals – its a viscous circle.

I noticed a guy on Facebook looking for a job for is 15 year old son, he wanted $32 an hour. I think we have gone over that edge, I’m not sure I make $32 and hour after 30s years in this Professional.

Operating a business is not for the weak of heart, many things weigh on the owner from vehicles, vehicle maintenance to payroll.

Bath Trap

Bath Trap

Bath Trap

So imagine if you will, the construction company is building your dream house. Sounds like the Twilight Zone, everyone has different skill sets, mine is bugs and entomology. We or a pretreat company sprays the ground to treat the soil for termites before they pour the concrete. When the plumber comes along later, how do they deal with that mess from the bath trap. Generally they remove it away and don’t worry about it. Now I wonder where are the termites going to come into the house. Either on the outside of the home or where there is a hole.

Storage Units

Storage Units

Storage Units are for all our storage needs. People use them to store all sorts of stuff from furniture to stuffed animals. There can also be issues related with pests. These storage unit can be used by anyone to store anything. So by chance the next door person could bring in all types of bugs. From cockroaches to silverfish and anything in between. The ideal fix for this problem is to remind people that bugs travel. In my line of business I see a lot of bugs and I prepare for local bugs but I keep up with all the bugs in US.

A perfect example is Brown Recluse Spiders, from Texas north in a bell curve, not frequently seen in Arizona. We do have a Brown spider in Arizona related but not the same. Every time someone is bit, they claim it was a spider. Probably not, spiders prefer to leave you alone and only bite in response to being messed with.

The time to address pest needs is before they happen, there should be a rodent plan in place at your Storage Units. Rodents bring in snakes, the more rodent activity, the greater the chance of snakes. We do have rattlesnakes and they can do some damage if you are bitten. So being proactive is the key to keeping the rodent population in check. The newer the facility, may not have issues yet but keeping an eye out for your unit is beneficial. I’ve seen termites pop up in just a month, if some one brings in German Cockroaches they could soon be everywhere.

On demand Pest Control

On demand Pest Control

On demand Pest Control


Are you a snowbird or travel throughout the year, how would you like an on demand service? Whenever you call, we go. Or you can pretty much set it up any way you want the pest control done. The bugs don’t go away just because you did, hey are always looking for that door into your home.

On demand Pest Control – I’ve noticed lately people are getting quite inventive on pest control selling. One item I noticed this week is that they tell you its only $25 monthly but then they say we are only going to show every 3 month – total = $300 so don’t get duped into signing a contract when ProBest service is $45 any way you want it. Quarterly or Qtr Pest Control with ProBest Pest Management is $180.

Some companies also upsell the Every other Month and Quarterly saying they take longer but you can only do so much. Scorpions require some extra work and Quarterly service based on how long the chemical last, how much sun it gets and if anything is digging up dirt may not work. Stay tuned for a product that may help with all this. I’ll post as soon as I can reference to this product.

We also carry a product that keeps the drains in your home from evaporating. Sewer gas Solutions. The other reason with our service is that we may see things others aren’t looking for, like honeybees. I have run across a burst water line in backyard, water meter boxes leaking and tons of water issues under crawlspaces. On demand any time and anyway you want it, we may make suggestions of effectiveness but always so you are well informed. Remember WE KNOW BUGS! 623-414-0176 or 480-831-9328

It’s all about the you being the Handyman of your HOME

Are you the Handyman? How do the bugs get in?

Who is the handyman? Your home is your castle. The premise of todays pest control or management is to prevent the bugs from getting in. IPM is the Gold Standard of that service and we have talked about it a lot. Seal them out, no its not going to keep everything out but it will help. Exclude those holes, seal the jtrim, check the screens, repair the windows and employ a reputable consistent Pest Company like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328.

Homes and businesses require constant upkeep, doors needs flashing, garage doors have trim that may need repair. That roof might need checking from time to time. The pool may need a check by a pool service, you don’t need mosquitoes biting your toes. Termites can be sneaky, so get an inspection at least every few years depending on your



American Legion Family

What is the American Legion Family?

American Legion Family –  not bug related but a worthwhile organization that you might qualify to join and volunteer your time.

The American Legion was chartered & incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization. Committed to mentoring youth & sponsorship of wholesome programs. In their communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, & continued devotion to their fellow service members & veterans.
The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives. I belong to Post/ Squadron 107 on Cave Creek Road, Phoenix, AZ 85024. Why don’t you check us out sometime. We do charity work and sponsor a Cub Scout Pack and help a Boy Scout Troop and we would love to see you contribute your skills in helping.  

You may qualify as a Legionnaire, Son or Auxiliary member

American Legion Family

Raccoon – Tragedy on a Phoenix Street

Raccoon plush toys – The things I see?

Stuffed toys raccoon etc. I’m on the road a lot and I encounter some really scary things, I was at a house one day when I heard a loud crash. I ran down the street and saw two young girls on the street involved in and accident. They attempted to cross the road and not at an intersection, I later heard that one of the young girls had died.

This is just a stuffed critter Raccoon that someone has discarded on the side of the street. I just don’t understand how people can just toss stuff from their cars. People have to clean this stuff up and guess who pays for this – you and me in taxes.


Ants come a crawling…

You know that old adage about the mechanic that never fixes his own car, cause he’s so busy or the pest control operator that never practices what he preaches – not me by the way. But by allowing that tree or bush to touch your home you may allow the ants to come into your home by the the millions.


ants trees

That colony could have lived in that tree for years, never attempting to go into your home but that new highway just afforded them that option. In their social hierarchy, some members forage  for food and if they come across a new source like your kitchen it could all be over for your peaceful setting. They will take some food and make their way home leaving a pheromone trail for others to follow.

Did you know?

  • There could be 1 million in their colony, maybe more.
  • There are 1 million ants per person on Earth.
  • All those ants you see are female.
  • They have great eyesight but their antenna’s are the thing that really helps them in finding food.
  • They live about 45 –  60 days but probably have lived on Earth for over 1oo billion years. Queens may live 30 years.
  • If you weighed all the ants it would be more than all the humans. WOW, right?
  • The Maricopa Harvester ant is the most venomous insect on Earth and guess where it lives? Clue is Maricopa… and it’s sting is equal to 12 bee stings.
  • The Red Imported Fire Ant in Florida builds rafts to float during massive rain storms.
  • Their worst enemy is ProBest technicians, no just kidding but it’s other ants. Our technicians are good at what they do, but remember the ants are always on guard against intruders.
  • They can make their nest almost anywhere, don’t make it easy for them. Think about the types of landscape and decorations you place around your home.

Bedbug Awareness Week day1

Well it’s that time of year, school is out and the traveling begins. Whether at home or traveling for summer vacation, bedbugs could be a key concern. Although named for their habit of feeding on human hosts in bed, they can be found in all types of locations and items. To promote public awareness and to help avoid infestations, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has declared June 4-10, 2017 as BedBug Awareness Week. ProBest Pest Management is joining NPMA in this important public education effort by sharing common signs of a bed bug infestation to keep an eye out for this summer.

“Just like people enjoy traveling in the summer months, so do bed bugs, and they love using personal belongings like suitcases, boxes and shoes as a hiding place, just to be near a food supply,” said Keith V. Birkemeyer aka Dr. Bug,  at ProBest Pest Management in Gilbert, Arizona. “With these biting pests being easily transported, it’s important to know the top signs of an infestation, so proper precautions can be put in place and to know when it’s time to call a licensed pest control professional such as ProBest 480-831-9328 or call us at 623- 414-0176 to assess the situation.”

Dr Bug shares the following noteworthy signs and symptoms of a possible bed bug infestation:

  • Small red to reddish brown fecal spots on mattresses, upholstery or walls
  • Molt bed bug skins, their white, sticky eggs or empty eggshells
  • Red, itchy bite marks, especially on the legs, arms and other body parts exposed while sleeping
  • Very heavily infested areas may have a characteristically sweet odor

“During the summer, travel increases and so does the likelihood of encountering bed bugs. We strongly encourage the public to take extra precautions to avoid encounters with these biting pests,” added Dr. Bug.”




Are you facing bug problems at your home/business?

Got bug problems?

Bugs and bug problems are a realty of life but there is no reason to put up with them at your home or business, right? Your family is most important to you, how about friends and coworkers? I’m reminded of the recent issue with United Airlines. Not the one where they hauled that guy off the plane but the scorpion incident. Someone once told me there is no such thing as bad press, United Airlines may argue that point with you. So what is a good ad to project that you know bug/pest control? I think the ad below reflects a good sign of competence in Pest Management, along with knowledge of the bug business and good reviews. Tell me what you think?

bug problems

bug problems

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