All posts in “fly”

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


The bite from a black widow spider is not automatically fatal, in fact, less than 1% of all people bitten by this spider run the risk of dying, and most of them are saved with the use of antivenin.

A house fly lives for only 14 days.

Tarantulas can live 30 years.

Scorpions can live for more than a year without eating.

Each year, insects eat 1/3 of the Earth’s food crop.


What did they use in the older days of bug control?

What did they use in the older days of bug control?


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From dusters to moth devices that could be placed within closets or dressers to rodent repellers. These products were for the DIY or Do It Yourselfers and some worked very well and others didn’t. Did any of these work for you? Comments please!

What flies, spreads disease and is totally yucky?

What flies, spreads disease and is totally yucky?


Well in general flying insects but specifically House Flies. They live and breed in very dirty conditions and can move from one area to another very quickly. You know how I feel about these little bugs, I hate them! It’s that whole thing about throwing up on your food and then lapping it up that just revolts me.

I read someplace a few years ago that people will tolerate a fly but not a cockroach, not me I would rather have a cockroach in my home than a fly. I’m also amazed that at dining places, they are also more worried about roaches than flies and will allow them to congregate on windows and tables. They fly and can be on a pile of dog stuff and on your food in a second while the lowly little cockroach at least has to crawl to your food.

So in my opinion if you own a restauarant get a few machines to handle the ocassional flies and I’ll make a point of eating at your place.


What can you do when you find a bug at a restaurant? part1

What can you do when you find a bug at a restaurant?


As much as none of us want to deal with a situation like this I think it is important to address the issue with the staff or management of the restaurant. Why is it such a big deal? A complaint isn’t always a complaint, it is a way of solving a mystery or potential problem. What if the issue was a bug in a salad, was it washed properly before serving? Was it an issue with the kitchen and cleanliness? Here are a few tips for a restaurant and sanitation.

  1. Sanitation is and always will be the key to a clean and well managed restaurant! The kitchen must be cleaned every night and once a month or more depending on clean-up procedures that are in place. A single cockroach could live on a spot of grease for a month.
  2. When taking in supplies, as soon as possible discard the boxes. Empty the boxes into other containers, cockroaches love to hide in boxes and will disperse the longer they are left in the building.
  3. I don’t care what kind of restaurant you are but you need a Pest Management Professional at the very least on call for advice, I really believe every restaurant needs a regular service.
  4. If you spot one (1) bug it is time for action, grab the bug by the horns (its a play on words) and find the solution to the problem. In the pest management industry we use a word called threshold – it is the number of a pest that determines the action – for example if a food facility has a 0 limit threshold that equals shutting down the line until the issue is resolved.
  5. As I stated in number 3, if you want advice please call me. Some of advice is free and if it becomes a longer amount of time I will discuss the fee.

part 2 tomorrow will be, what you as a consumer can do…  flysoup


What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Rats are neophobic – they don’t like new things, so if you put something new in their environment they will avoid it for awhile.

You don’t want to get bitten by a rat, they have a force up to 7,000 pounds per square inch, OUCH!

Presence of insects on and inside a corpse can be a critical clue towards estimating the time of death for bodies dead for longer periods of time. Because flies rapidly discover a body and their development times are predictable under particular environmental conditions, the time of death can be calculated by counting back the days from the state of development of flies living on the corpse. YUCK!

For its weight, spider web silk is actually stronger & tougher than steel.

The first known use of pesticide was elemental sulfur dusting. This method was used in ancient Sumer about 4500 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia.




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