All posts in “home”

Rodents in attic

Rodents and your attic

The attic and mice or rodents can be a real issue for homeowners. By now you should know that flies are my evil #1 pests and rodents rank as #2. That whole thing of flies landing in your backyard and then getting in and laying on your food just grosses me out. But anyway back to rodents, mice urinate as they walk and rats and mice will defecate almost anyplace. They can track over the ground and then scurry across your food, they can spread salmonellae and other parasitic diseases.  They also are known for the carry of Black Death or Bubonic Plague.

Just one mouse or rodent in the house, is one too many. So what do you do to prevent rodents from getting?


  1. Check your property for holes and entry points.
  2. Fix screen, windows and doors. Use thresholds and door guards.
  3. Check weep holes and replace, they do wear out.
  4. Don’t allow clutter around the house.
  5. Trim trees and bushes from the home.
  6. Don’t allow sprinklers to hit the home.
  7. Call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 for help in any matter related to pests.

Seal it up

Seal it up, your house that is.

Do you know what the biggest thing you can do to stop pests from getting into your house – seal it up. We have a lot of pests in Arizona that can get into our homes, from scorpions to rodents. So it is absolutely essential to seal up your home or business. Now I don’t suggest you do it now, it’s to hot but is can be a great winter project or better yet call ProBest Pest Management at 480-831-9328.

We have tried several caulks to see what works best, the more silicone the better. The only issue you will use all your muscles to squeeze it out, so pick a section of house and take your time. Also use a hose to maneuver the caulk where you want it. Scorpions are the biggest headache we have in Arizona. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has some suggestions and useful information at their site, check them out.

seal it up


It’s all about the you being the Handyman of your HOME

Are you the Handyman? How do the bugs get in?

Who is the handyman? Your home is your castle. The premise of todays pest control or management is to prevent the bugs from getting in. IPM is the Gold Standard of that service and we have talked about it a lot. Seal them out, no its not going to keep everything out but it will help. Exclude those holes, seal the jtrim, check the screens, repair the windows and employ a reputable consistent Pest Company like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328.

Homes and businesses require constant upkeep, doors needs flashing, garage doors have trim that may need repair. That roof might need checking from time to time. The pool may need a check by a pool service, you don’t need mosquitoes biting your toes. Termites can be sneaky, so get an inspection at least every few years depending on your



American Legion Family

What is the American Legion Family?

American Legion Family –  not bug related but a worthwhile organization that you might qualify to join and volunteer your time.

The American Legion was chartered & incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization. Committed to mentoring youth & sponsorship of wholesome programs. In their communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, & continued devotion to their fellow service members & veterans.
The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives. I belong to Post/ Squadron 107 on Cave Creek Road, Phoenix, AZ 85024. Why don’t you check us out sometime. We do charity work and sponsor a Cub Scout Pack and help a Boy Scout Troop and we would love to see you contribute your skills in helping.  

You may qualify as a Legionnaire, Son or Auxiliary member

American Legion Family

Tiny Termite House project

Tiny Termite House – coming soon March 2018

Tiny Termite House – The Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) commissioned a third-party group.  Their plan is to research and build a real tiny version of a typical house. They hope to see how termites deal with structures and hopefully see it in real life.

The group is set to dump 500,000 Formosan termites into a custom, built-to-scale, miniature dream home and capture them at work utilizing a mix of high-definition video footage and photography. “This project is a really exciting one for our industry because we will be using sophisticated equipment to obtain never-before-seen footage of termites and glean more insight into the important roles that termite castes play in eating their way through homes,” said Cindy Mannes, executive director of PPMA. “The consumer education aspect of this project is huge. Our goal is to physically demonstrate the hidden dangers that these wood-destroying insects pose to consumers’ biggest investments, and hit home the importance of regular prevention and professional inspection.”

Stay tuned for Termite Awareness Week – March 11-17, 2018


Tiny Termite House




Termite tubes and tunnels

Building termite tubes and tunnels is hard work, but the termites do it 24/7/365 and I’m pretty sure not going to give it up soon. It really doesn’t matter what type of wall you have concrete, block or stone. They will work their way around electrical pipes or plumbing entry ways. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals of getting food.

termite tubes

termite tubes

How about some termite facts?

  • Oldest insects on Earth.
  • Scientists believe that for every human on Earth there are 1000 lbs of termites.
  • A queen termite may lay 2000 or more eggs per day, some African Termite Queens may lay 30,0000.
  • Some Termite Queens may live 15-25 years.
  • Termites are more closely related to cockroaches than ants.
  • Termites build the largest actual nest than any other insect.
  • Ants are the termites biggest foes.
  • They believe that termites cause $5 billion worth of damage in the U.S. each year.
  • Ants have a narrow waist, but the termite is a solid type.
  • Ants have elbowed antenna while termites is straight.
  • In Arizona we have about 17 species of termites, not all cause problems.
  • Did you know that termites swarm, they send reproductives out to start new colonies. In Florida, East Coast it occurs during the early Spring while in Arizona it happens just after Monsoon in September – October or so.

Are you facing bug problems at your home/business?

Got bug problems?

Bugs and bug problems are a realty of life but there is no reason to put up with them at your home or business, right? Your family is most important to you, how about friends and coworkers? I’m reminded of the recent issue with United Airlines. Not the one where they hauled that guy off the plane but the scorpion incident. Someone once told me there is no such thing as bad press, United Airlines may argue that point with you. So what is a good ad to project that you know bug/pest control? I think the ad below reflects a good sign of competence in Pest Management, along with knowledge of the bug business and good reviews. Tell me what you think?

bug problems

bug problems

Trust a Pest Management Professional

NPMA - Trust a Professional

ProBest is a member of the NPMA – Trust a Professional

Trust A Professional:

Do you know what you get when you purchase a service from ProBest Pest Management? Not only do you get a Professional service but you get the knowledge of 75+ years of the staff at ProBest. Two members are Associate Certified Entomologist from the Entomological Society of America. We do a lot of little things to prove value for the price you pay, and hey we are not the cheapest but we do great work. Cheap is not always the best! I have a saying “buying the same hammer that a carpenter buys doesn’t make you a carpenter” or “Honesty shouldn’t be the best policy, it should be the only policy”.

Referrals are BIG at ProBest, and we pay out when you refer someone to us. That is the true test of a great company, how about reviews – we have some really great ones at are check them out along with some really cool videos. Thanks for those referrals and reviews.




Rodents on the upswing in Arizona

Rodents on the increase

The last couple years the mice and rats have gone crazy, don’t know if it’s all the rain or great weather here in Arizona. Years ago 2002? Ahwatukee just south of Phoenix had a issue with roof rats and guess what they are back this time in Phoenix. I have suggested for years to do a monthly inspection of your home. Look for holes and think like a pest. If that hole is about the size of a dime, a mouse can get into your home. Believe me if they can possible squeeze in they will. Mice and rodents inside your house is not a good thing. Call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 if you see anything suspicious.

Also be careful about wiring for your home, landscape, pool and your vehicle.


rodents ducks


Emergency Rooms and medical issues

How do Emergency Rooms handle accidental stings and bites?

Emergency rooms, Doctors and Nurses see the worst of accidental stings and bites. Triage is the art of handling those items of higher status of death. is the official website of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), a non-profit organization committed to the protection of public health, food and property. This site serves as a comprehensive resource for consumers, media, educators and pest control pro’s. From common household pests to do-it-yourself pest control tips, provides timely information and tools to better serve our visitors’ pest management needs.

Please utilize as your main resource for information on bugs, rodents, pest control, and the growing professional pest management industry.

Pest control pro’s are invited to visit to access the National Pest Management Association’s member website. This site provides timely news, valuable information and access to all NPMA member benefits.

Emergency rooms

Emergency rooms ProBest is a member of the NPMA



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