All posts in “home”

What’s up with those crazy little termites?



Enlarge the picture and notice the down tube (in the middle of the left hand basket). Our Arizona termites make these tubes to reach the ground and often times they can be in the strangest places.


The termites find wood and then focus on taking it back home, they are smart and they are attempting to find a quicker and easier, way back to the ground. Yep, amazing.


Off Label – dangerous and extremely improper method to eradicate rodents.

I now understand why the EPA wants to take away these products from consumers. Not all consumers are this reckless. I have even seen Pest Professionals do things that are not wise, spray for weeds in short pants with flip flops on. But I guess that is why they award the Darwin Awards each year for stupidity. That is also why items need warning labels such as “Don’t put your hands under mower when its running”. This is all dangerous, what if a child ran across this bait while on a walk. Bait must be securely installed within a rodent bait box, not accessible to children or pets. These packets are often throw into attic and I have seen rodents attempt to bring it out via the weep holes in the attic. I’ll also mention another pet peeve of mine, moth balls – they are not intended to be throw anywhere you want, they are poisonous to animals and children. Any pesticide can be dangerous, they all have Label directions of use and Safety Data Sheets and should be read each time you use them. Pests pose a significant risk to the public health and that is why I consider myself a Public Health Professional. Pesticides save lives everyday and should be used in accordance with the Label. Things change and pesticides are getting better at doing their intended purposes. The EPA has a very informative site for the safety of pesticides.

Please read the label, it is the law and must be followed for the safety of your community.

DANGEROUS is about all I can say! It isn’t just about yourself, it’s about the general public at large. Just think for moment before doing something. Thank you!

off label

off label

Why do Bedbugs hide in the smallest of spaces?

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I’m really impressed by the fact that bugs hide so well. I guess eon’s of time has programmed them to survive and hiding offers them the chance to do it and well.

Notice all adult stages, including instars and eggs in the pictures.

Travel well my friends!

Sometimes it is and isn’t honeybees?

Not sure exactly what is going on but at first thought that the bees had found a way into the home by way of a crack or space in the light fixture.

Next morning no bees at all, so maybe they were distracted by the light at night and couldn’t find the rest of the swarm.

When in doubt, check it out and call a Pest Management Professional

Photo by Zacc Cooley

Photo by Zacc Cooley

Down tubes and termites











Desert termites – yep these little gals are a bit on the weird side. They look for food  24/7/365 and they build tubes up and down. Instead of having to go back the same route, they go down possibly to save time on getting back to the ground and their source of water or moisture.

Termites are not generally a Do It Yourself pest issue, so call a Pest Management Professional for the best plan to keep them out.

A word of caution – Don’t stack wood against your foundation.

I know you want to party but these are not the guests you want at your party. Termites will seek every opportunity to gain access into your home or business. Why then would you give them an invitation in?

A few tips:

  1. Don’t stack firewood against the structure, pallets or wood of any kind.
  2. If you must the put on blocks but don’t let it touch the house.
  3. Firewood may attract more than termites, like carpenter bees and ants.
  4. Cover the wood if possible, let it have a chance to dry.
  5. When needing the firewood, bring in only what you need and if you don’t use it take it out. PowerPost beetles and other insects love to overwinter in the logs and if it get warm they think its Spring.

1st picture mud tube on foundation slab, 2nd picture the corner of pallet as it came into contact with foundation slab, 3rd entire pallet has termites.

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It’s wet and the termites are loving it

probestpestmanagementDSC05947   Grass eating termites love old decaying wood or cellulose. This can be cactus or just plain grass .


Normally speaking these seldom make their way into structures but keep an eye out for mud tubes on your foundations wall on inside on the drywall.

Ohh ohhh what’s that poppin up through the carpeting?











Yep it’s termites, not surprising to anyone in the business. If there is a crack in the foundation slab then it is probable that you might get termites breaching the slab. That slab crack serves at a gateway right into your home and very little except termiticide will stop them for good. I suggest Termidor HE,

State-of-the-art molecular technology dramatically improves the transport of the Termidor HE Copack active ingredient into the soil creating an Enhanced Protection Zone.

It utilizes an advanced nonrepellent, or “undetectable,” liquid technology that termites cannot see, smell, taste, or avoid.

mud dauber wasp not termites

Mud dauber waspmud dauber wasp



Mud dauber wasp – Every once in a while we get a call from someone thinking they have termites. The picture is a mud dauber wasp, the female constructs this nest out of dirt. Shen then paralyzes a few spiders and deposits an egg within – providing lunch for her offspring.  Mud daubers don’t generally sting or defend their nest but that isn’t a reason to harass them because they can sting if provoked. You might find them collecting water to help build their nest.


Just wait for the baby wasp to hatch out or use a shovel to dislodge the mud nest.

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