All posts in “honey”

Fountains and bees

Water Fountains and bees

Anytime we think we are safe in the water, wait that was the Shark headline. Honeybees need water just like us and they will take it from anywhere they can find it. Water fountains aren’t the perfect place and neither are swimming pools. Swimming pools can be a sting of a place if you surface and the bee tags along she may decide to sting you and ouch.

This circumstance is difficult to adjust, the bees don’t want to move and generally speaking they won’t. I have tried placing a water dish with stones so they can get a drink, gradually moving it away from the other source.


fountains     fountains

Honeybees in your home do I have to open up the walls?

Honeybees in a wall

Honeybees – There are many factors that play into a honeybee hive within your home. Determining whether you need to open up a wall to get to the hive. My very first question is “How long have they been there” “When did you first spot them” and of course where are they?  So let’s answer these questions and why I want to know?

#1 & #2 “How long have they been there” – this is really important. Let’s say you just noticed them, and you are pretty sure about this because they are at your front door. Would you would have noticed them? See this gives me an idea that they haven’t build much honeycomb, and no reason to open up the wall. Opening up walls is expensive and I don’t like spending money yours or mine unless we have to.

#3 So as we ask question #1 and #2, we need to know where they are, if they are at the front door area what is in there – is it a bathroom or bedroom. I once had them at the front door under a bush and there was a bathroom, they had made there way under the tub area – plenty of room and that had been there a long time. No way to get them out and they were Africanized honeybees plus after we killed them the hive disintegrated and wax moths invaded. Now we  have an issue, we had to open up the bathroom wall. But lets say there were under a shed in the very way back of your property, no access but they are again Africanized honeybees we only have to kill them and the hive will be destroyed by roaches and other pests.

honeybees       honeybees     honeybees

Yikes, where are they hiding?

Dog House, no dog so nobody noticed  and water meter box (see the bee)? And the last one is within the block wall and honey dripping outside but never inside. SO IF ANYBODY SAYS YOU HAVE TO OPEN UP A WALL, THINK ABOUT IT FIRST AND YOU DECIDE!

Pollinator Health Updates

Pollinator Health – Bee Aware Be Safe.


Did you know that there are more pollinators than just honeybees? Check out this website to find out what they are. There are a number of factors that are affecting honeybees these days and the USDA, EPA and the National Pest Management Association and others are working towards a plan to continue to save the bees.



Why do honeybees make our homes, theirs?

DSC07157 Honeybees will take every opportunity to make any place a home.  These bees decided on this chimney fireplace. Seldom if ever used, they found a crack and decided it was big enough to start a colony.

This was actually a bigger issue than usual, this entry point led into an open ceiling area. If this had not be noticed and months or even years had gone by, the buildup of honey and wax could lead to significant melting later.

Always important to conduct monthly checks of your home or business and don’t forget to look up.

Fantastic tree in Phoenix, Arizona



I think this is a Orchid Tree, Bauhinia variegate. The honeybees were going crazy, it sounded like a whirling buzzing noise and the tree was covered with bees pollinating.

When the bees are out gathering nectar and pollen generally speaking they will not attack, if you bother them or swat at them they may defend and sting you but they are not in hive defense mode. A lot of people panic when they see a few bees on a tree or bush, the honeybees are just there to gather the fruit of their labor. The same goes with water areas, this could also be your pool or water fountain. Swarms occur and should be left alone, they will probably move on. Let them be and more than likely they will leave you be. We as humans can come into contact with bees daily so just take care and if you notice them coming and going from your home – just check them out and see exactly where they are coming from.

Bee safe

This could have really been a real disaster!

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BBQ grill not in use and overlooked for many months. As soon as the technician noticed this he brought it to the attention of the homeowner. Can you imagine what would have happened if the homeowner had just removed the cover?

They were Africanized and immediately became agitated and attacked, luckily technician was in his bee suit. Almost every inch of the grill was being utilized by this group of bees. WOW!

Honey is good for the soul, Honeybees are busy for us.











We finally found a local honey producer, so we can finally sell honey at our little Contract US Post Office and pest management office.

1 lb Pure Raw Arizona Honey $8.95 – Wildflower and Mesquite

1 lb Pure Raw Arizona Honey $9.75 – Orange


We also have an option to sell pollen, but it will be refrigerated as it comes wet. 1 lb at $17.75

Honey bee swarms






Here are a few tips on honeybee swarms:

  1. Generally speaking  a swarm such as the one above will move on in time, usually 24 hours.
  2. When a swarm happens the bees take in honey and are therefore less aggressive, don’t provoke them.
  3. A swarm will send scouts out to look for an new home.
  4. If they land on a tree, bush or fence give them some time. If they land on your house it is better to take care of it ASAP.
  5. By just looking at them it is impossible to determine if they are Africanized.
  6. Once they establish a hive or colony they will defend with their lives.

Emergency Bee Calls are up

Emergency bee calls are up in the Valley, honeybees have no idea what is a good place and where is the bad place. This call was right about 2 electronic doors and every time the door opened some bees flew in. A unique situation because they had this super big lobby area and there were bees everywhere inside and they weren’t happy. Here are a few facts to remember about swarm bees:

  • Typically when they swarm they ingest lots of honey, usually they are more docile.
  • They are not defending an actual hive yet, so again a little more docile – doesn’t mean that they can’t get agitated.
  • Usually as warm lands and sends out scouts, once they find a suitable home they will usually leave.
  • Bees at a water fountain are just there for water, lone bees will not attack unless you mess with them.
  • If you are stung seek medical attention, especially if allergic. Call 911 or Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.
  • Use caution as you are dealing with possibly dangerous insects.


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