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Basic House fly facts:

  • Houseflies lived over 65 million years ago!
  • The easiest and simplest  way to keep flies out of your home is to keep things clean. Don’t leave food lying around, make sure you take out the trash every day and wipe up spilled messes right away.
  • They prefer corners and edges or thin objects to rest on. Indoors, they rest on floors, walls and ceilings during the day.
  • House flies are the most common of all flies and always found in the company of humans and are inactive at night.
  • Houseflies have no mouth but it has an eating tube through which it vomits a drop of fluid from its stomach and deposits it on its intended meal – GROSS. This fluid is then sucked up along with the nutrients it has dissolved, leaving behind untold numbers of germs.
  • Female houseflies can lay 2,500 eggs in just a month.
  • Adult houseflies can live 30 – 60 days.
  • Houseflies are a perfect host for all types of bacteria… proven carriers of such germs as gangrene, Typhoid, leprosy, tuberculosis, amoebic dysentery, bubonic plague, and listeria, just to name a few.

Did you know these unbelievable facts about Bed Bugs?


  1. Not reacting to their presence or hiding your head in the sand won’t help.
  2. They are excellent travelers, they are excellent at hiding and these days they are everywhere.
  3. Bed Bugs don’t care who you are – rich/poor, old/young, Republican/Democrat – they will suck your blood.
  4. Bed Bugs don’t care how clean or dirty your home is.
  5. Bed Bugs carry 28 different pathogens, but so far nothing proven on transmitting them to humans.
  6. Probably came from Europe in the 17th century.


Where will bees take up residence?


We all need to bee aware in Arizona and pretty much all of the South U.S. This is an example of why, this picture is a water meter box and if you look close you will see honeybees going in and out of the entrance . What would happen if children were playing and ran across the lid, or fell on the meter box?



What would happen if you decided to check your water meter box and lifted the lid without seeing the bees, catastrophe well maybe? So please see the checklist below and use caution in and around your home!

  1. Check your home monthly especially in the Spring and Fall, check eaves and roof-line.
  2. Check your property, sheds and storage.
  3. Keep an eye out for meter boxes or electrical boxes.
  4. If a swarm enters your property and alights on a tree branch, wait – they may move. If they go to and from your home, then it is time to call.
  5. Remember bees don’t know a dog house from a tree.
  6. Remember if you decide to treat, you can’t call the bees back once they are excited and upset.

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


No two spider webs are the same.

Only three kinds of animals fight battles in formations: humans, crows and ants.

Ticks are second only to the mosquito as the most dangerous parasites to humans.

A group of Cockroaches are called a Intrusion, I’d say!!!!

I’m sure you know this but probably never thought about it – Animals that lay eggs don’t have belly buttons.


What is Rabies?

raccoon1    What is Rabies?


Rabies is a deadly viral infection that is mainly spread by infected animals. Rabies is spread by infected saliva that enters the body through a bite or broken skin. The virus travels from the wound to the brain, where it causes swelling, or inflammation. This inflammation leads to symptoms of the disease. Most rabies deaths occur in children. Untreated, rabies can lead to coma and death.

Can snakes cause rabies, the answer is no – only warm blooded animals carry the virus. You can still become sick from a wound caused by a snake, just make sure to clean the wounds really well. Rabies causes about 55,000 human deaths annually worldwide. 95% of human deaths due to rabies occur in Asia and Africa. Roughly 97% of human rabies cases result from dog bites.

In the Southwest, rabies shows up mostly in bats followed by skunks. However, it is estimated that fewer than 1% of bats carry rabies.

What is the best advice – stay away from sickly looking animals, don’t touch or handle wildlife. There is a reason why they are called wildlife…

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Rodents are the second most successful mammals on Earth:

  1. Humans
  2. House Mouse
  3. Norway Rat

The first spring-loaded mousetrap was invented by William C. Hooker of Abingdon, Illinois. He received U.S. patent 528671 for his design in 1894.

How about the Olympians of the Bug World?

How about the Olympians of the Bug World?

Olympic Games 27 July – 12 August Official London 2012 website

The Olympic Games are soon to begin in London and I thought this was the perfect time to discuss some of the bug world super stars.

  1. Fleas are well known as the insect world best jumpers, they can jump up to  1200 to 2200 times their own body length, making the flea one of the best jumpers of all known animals (relative to body size), second only to the froghopper. According to an article in Science News, “researchers with the University of Cambridge in England have shown that fleas take off from their tibiae and tarsi—the insect equivalent of feet—and not their trochantera, or knees.
  2. Dung Beetle -After months of grueling tests, a species of horned dung beetle takes the title for world’s strongest insect.The beetle, called Onthophagus taurus, was found to be able to pull a whopping 1,141 times its own body weight, which is the equivalent of a 150-pound (70 kilogram) person lifting six full double-decker buses. While the study researcher knows of a mite that can take on a hair more, that organism is an arachnid, not an insect. On the other hand, rhinoceros beetle can carry 850 times its own weight. To put that into perspective that would be like one of us lifting a 65 ton armored tank.
  3. If you want to know the record holder for the fastest insect in the world, then you’re in the right place. The fastest insect in the world are divided into ground speed and flying speed. The fastest insect on the ground is the cockroach. In an experiment carried out at the University of California, Berkeley in 1991, an American cockroach registered a record speed of 5.4 kilometres per hour (3.4 mph), about 50 body lengths per second, which would be comparable to a human running at 330 kilometres per hour (210 mph).
  4. The fastest flying insect is the dragon fly. It was claimed that the Southern Giant Darner flying at nearly 60 miles per hour (97 km/h) in a rough field measurement, but a more reliable record shows a 35 mph speed.


So stand back and watch the insects for their size they may be fast and furious…

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