All posts in “insects”

Talk buggy to me baby, why Bed Bugs might be resistant to pesticides?

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All the bugs are talking about it, and it turns out a lot of Entomologist/Scientists are talking as well. “How Bed Bugs shrug off pesticides and simple measures to deal with it.” I don’t care how much we complain but the EPA will never let certain pesticides come back, gone are DDT, Chlordane and all of its little partners. Once gone from their books and it’s never coming back, trust me on this one.

“Every living thing on Earth has a unique set of strategies to adapt to life-threatening situations in the environment,” said Fang Zhu, Ph.D., a leader of the research who spoke at the meeting.”The surprise discovery we never expected is that most of the genes responsible for pesticide resistance in the bedbug are active in its outer skin-like shell or cuticle. This is the unique adaption that has not been discovered in cockroaches, termites, ants or other insects.”

It is research like this that will continue to be the mainstay of pest control, using their bug weakness to fight them. The pest control industry can still use their super powers daily to combat these little blood suckers.

Is knowledge really important?


Do you really care whether someone has all the right knowledge on a given subject? I think that it is important to continue to gain knowledge. In my industry there are some that never let their employee’s go to class or other events because someone might steal that employee. I’m just the opposite – if they were looking and then left, they were looking anyway. So you need to figure out why they left.

I have always encouraged my employee’s to learn new stuff. One employee has his Qualifying Party license and he is excited that in just 6 months he can take his A.C.E. (Associate Certified Entomologist) test. I insist that each month they take an additional Continuing Education unit from a site like Univar and the best part is that it is FREE. Here in Arizona we are required to earn 6 CEU’s and in Florida where I also have a Certified Pest Control Operator Pest License I’m required to earn 2 for each category that I have and 2 for Core. On average I think I always have about 30 or so, you can earn them at places like Pestworld (which will be held in October 2013 in Phoenix) and other events sponsored by various groups throughout the year.

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It’s not always about the Scorpions, how about visiting Arizona? Petrified Forest National Park

Petrified Forest National Park

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Just for the record the trees are not standing up, they are petrified (you know who you are). Petrified Forest National Park is the only national park unit to protect a section of Historic Route 66! Animal life at Petrified Forest includes amphibians, birds, insects, spiders, mammals, and reptiles. Over sixteen varieties of lizards and snakes make Petrified Forest their home.



Tick season can be a real problem for pets and us…

Tick Season is here – protect yourself and your pets…

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Solar Fly Machine – update


HUGE success….. My test site has an amazing amount of fly issues and they have had to dump this unit several times including feeding the flies to various critters. Solar Fly Trap

2 Thumbs up, the cost of this unit is $84.85 but well worth the cost. Unlimited usage, no throw away just refill the attractant and set in sun. Call ProBest Pest Management to place your order 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176


Always on the job, who are they?


We probably don’t realize what they do but we probably couldn’t live without them – the U.S. Custom and Border agents. Every day they intercept bugs and all kinds of things we don’t need in the U.S. “Custom and Border Protection intercept unwelcome pests“.

In fiscal year 2012 — from Oct. 1, 2011 until Sept. 20, 2012 — U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers and agriculture specialists in South Texas intercepted 13,553 pests. They also intercepted 22,518 quarantined animal materials and 100,338 quarantined plant materials, according to the agency.

Notice, that is just one border station and kind of scary when you really think about it. Arizona Game and Fish have an action plan in place for mussel movement on boats.


What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


The bite from a black widow spider is not automatically fatal, in fact, less than 1% of all people bitten by this spider run the risk of dying, and most of them are saved with the use of antivenin.

A house fly lives for only 14 days.

Tarantulas can live 30 years.

Scorpions can live for more than a year without eating.

Each year, insects eat 1/3 of the Earth’s food crop.


Are you eating insects yet?

Well coming soon to a store near you, well at least coming to ProBest Pest Management & Contract U.S. Post Office – energy bars.

For centuries, human civilizations have rightly considered insects an excellent, plentiful and resource-efficient source of protein. Even today, 80% of the world’s people regularly munch edible insects as part of their normal diets – chapulines in Mexico, stir-fried red tree ants in Cambodia, inago (grasshoppers) and hachinoko (bee larvae) in Japan and casu marzu in Italy. And with good reason…eating insects provides an incredibly rich source of protein, iron and omega-3 acids and are very low in cholesterols and fat.


Today, even as the average American consumes roughly twice as much protein as nutritionists recommend, we have limited our diets to a narrow range of relatively unhealthy and inefficient sources. As a result, we use huge amounts of land and water to feed cattle, pigs and chickens, and suffer the consequences; experts estimate that 92% of all freshwater consumed is absorbed by agriculture, the average hamburger patty has the same greenhouse gas impact as driving a Toyota Corolla for 10 miles, and our waterways are laced with antibiotics, hormones and pesticides. Soy and whey protein, popular alternatives to meat, still rely on resource-intensive agriculture, expose us to unhealthy levels of phytoestrogens and trigger dairy allergies.


At the same time, the global population continues to grow…from 6 billion in 2000 to 7 billion today and probably 9-10 billion within our lifetimes. With billions of mouths to feed, the pressure on our land and (especially) water resources is intensifying.


At Chapul, we think its time to learn from our ancestors and live smarter. Time to embrace a more efficient source of protein. Time for a revolution.


Do you have an obsession?

Do you have an obsession?


Well by now most have seen the reality shows on TV “Strange Addication“or “Obsessed“and this story is no different. A guy in Rhode Island is addicted to eating bugs “Man addicated to the taste of bugs reveals he has eaten over 5000 insect species.”

I must admit that I probably would eat some bugs but just haven’t had the opportunity to try a lot of them yet.

So have you eaten any bugs yet, grasshoppers, crickets  tell me about your experience?



What are centipedes?

What are centipedes? Spiders or insects?



This Arizona Centipede is actually an arthropod (arthropods are organisms that have segmented bodies, a jointed skeleton and paired jointed limbs. They include such creatures as spiders, centipedes and insects) that has an elongated body with one pair of legs per segment. So really neither spider or insect but a creature all it’s own. They range in size from less than an inch to several inches. The smaller, brown and tan, common desert centipede does bite, it can be painful but not deadly to humans.

The centipede is one of the oldest animals on Earth having evolved into the form it is today, millions of years ago. The centipede has been found in fossils dating over 400 million years old.

Remember, venom = active, poison = passive. Call 1-800-222-1222 Poison Control for additional information.

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