Do you have an obsession?

Do you have an obsession?


Well by now most have seen the reality shows on TV “Strange Addication“or “Obsessed“and this story is no different. A guy in Rhode Island is addicted to eating bugs “Man addicated to the taste of bugs reveals he has eaten over 5000 insect species.”

I must admit that I probably would eat some bugs but just haven’t had the opportunity to try a lot of them yet.

So have you eaten any bugs yet, grasshoppers, crickets  tell me about your experience?




  1. Jim Beucher

    Keith, we have plenty of bugs here in Florida, I would be glad to send you a few so you can…”sample” them if you wish.

    • Yes I know you guys have a bunch of bugs in Florida but for now you can keep them, but thanks anyway. Are you coming to Phoenix for Pestworld in October?

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