All posts in “mice”

Somebody is becoming quite the eating machine.



Our resident and pet snake has decided to be more of a pig recently – she will eat every day if I fed her that often. I fed her twice within the last few weeks and she is content to eat and shed often. She came to us about 5 years ago, from a linen store here in Phoenix. They thought she was a rattlesnake because she mimics the tail vibrating – she is a Gopher snake. This picture above is rather unusual in that she decided to eat the rodent back to front, normally they go after the head and then swallow.

Some people are just amazing, aren’t they?


Some people are just plain out there, now I know what happens when someone really ticks you off and you want revenge. I believe in Karma, sometimes you just have to wait and see what happens but getting even doesn’t really help. Not that I know for sure about this. “Main Line Realtor fired for (Alleged) rodent dumping“. (Alleged) keep that in mind – I don’t suggest doing this, remember there are cameras everywhere.


Even the smallest can cause BIG issues, can’t they?


Rodents cause widespread phone and Internet outages


So something as small as a mouse caused some issues with power and the internet in Bozeman, WY recently. It is really important that we keep out rodents, they gnaw on wires are may cause up to 20% of home fires.

VR05_91 This picture from Univar, clearly indicates that mice or rats love to chew  pipes or cables, if this had been inside an attic it could have caused a serious fire or explosion.


Now not only do wildlife/animals not have a place within your home, but if you do allow them access into your home seconday pests also may cause issues. Mites, fleas and ticks and all kinds of parasites may decide to bite you instead. So the simple answer is – keep those pests out!


Diseases are all around us, what can you do to prevent them?


New cases of things that you probably thought were gone rebound from time to time. California has recently issued a notice about Bubonic Plague from the Sacramento Bee by Bill Lindelof  “El Dorado warns of plague danger, urges avoidance of rodents“.

Every once in awhile we run across Hanta Virus or the Plague here in Arizona, the risk is really an issue in places where deer mice or rodents are on the run.

So what do you do?

  • Seal up holes in you home, don’t let the rodents in.
  • Check your home monthly for issues.
  • If you notice rodent droppings, use care in cleaning them up and try to figure out how they are getting in.
  • Don’t allow trees to touch your home, it makes a great highway for all type of things.
  • Don’t store stuff against the outside of the home.
  • If you have a cabin, use care in cleaning up – dust and urine can become airborne and can carry all sorts of stuff.


Picture provided by Univar

Were you aware that May is “National Pet Month”?

Were you aware that May is “National Pet Month”?


Lots of us own pets, from cats to snakes and because of this we can also from time to time get uninvited pests including ticks and other vermin. In Arizona we don’t get fleas very often but we do encounter ticks on a regular basis. So what can you do to stop those infestations from happening to your home.

  1. Don’t leave food out for feral cats, this may bring in other unwanted pests.
  2. If you see holes in the yard check for Pocket gophers, they can damage plants and bring in pests.
  3. Even birds like pigeons can bring in pests, don’t allow them them to live on your roof.
  4. Bats can make your attic a home, seal and block all access into your attic. Bat Bugs can take up residence within your attic and if you get rid of the bats, the Bat Bugs may come into your home space.
  5. Check your pets frequently for signs of fleas or ticks. You can use over the counter medicines but if you do please mention this to your Pest Management Professional – some of those products may contain a similar products and cause an overdose to the pet.
  6. Keep grass or vegetation trimmed around the home.
  7. Don’t become a hoarder, keep debris away from the home and discourage rodent activity.
  8. Never place firewood next to your home, don’t invite rodents or pests near the home. If you use firewood only bring in what you plan on using right away.
  9. If you have rodents, it may lead to snakes. Snakes have to eat so don’t encourage them to come to your house.
  10. Don’t allow water to stand, mosquitoes can bite and transit diseases and parasites to your pets.


Who cares about bugs and rodents?

Who cares about bugs and rodents?


Each and every day I’m reminded of the valuable service ProBest Pest Management offers, why you ask? Let me share some of my most memorable days of Public Health:

  • Customer called me because they couldn’t even get into their home because the fleas were so plentiful.
  • In all my 20+ years I had never seen Bed Bugs until 2009, that year we received our first call. In 2012 I witnessed over 1000 Bed Bugs in a very small home – I was amazed and also creeped out and itched all day. We were able to alleviate the problem but it stills worries me that people will put up with something like this until it virtually becomes a real BIG problem.
  • A young woman continued to call about Ticks, we treated her yard but she wouldn’t let us inspect her home. We did find ticks inside under a couch and solved the problem after finally finding the source.
  • I may have mentioned this before but a mobile home with at the every least 5 million cockroaches. I’m not kidding, I felt almost hopeless for this family. It took some time but I think we did a good job for them.
  • I once had the task of doing some Drywood Termite work in a church, the tower or steeple had more pigeon feces than I had ever seen. It was probably 10 foot deep and went down walls and was just gross, we fumigated the building and they had someone remove the feces and prevent them from gaining entry anymore.
  • Sometimes architecture often allows entry points into a structure, stucco not properly sealed or pipes or cable opening not sealed. I once particpated with a fumigation for cockroaches and never thought about rodents until the job was completed. Many, many dead rodents, by the way do you know that rodents love cockroaches?

Well anyway you get the picture, Public Health equals quality pest control.


What did they use in the older days of bug control?

What did they use in the older days of bug control?


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From dusters to moth devices that could be placed within closets or dressers to rodent repellers. These products were for the DIY or Do It Yourselfers and some worked very well and others didn’t. Did any of these work for you? Comments please!

Can kind of concern do rodents pose?

Can kind of concern do rodents pose?


  • Rodents pose a serious threat of spreading disease, I read reports weekly about the spread of disease and rodents are right at the top generally speaking. What are some of those nasty little diseases I’m talking about. —Plague, salmonellosis, Hanta Virus, leptospirosis, rickettsialpox and lymphomactic choriomeningitis.
  • Gnawing, they can gnaw electrical lines, pool pump lines, all the while possibly triggering an explosion or file within homes or businesses. They also cause damage to the structure itself by creating holes or entry points.
  • They carry parasites like fleas and ticks and if you get rid of the rodent may have only you to feed upon.
  • They contaminate about 20% of the world’s food supply by either eating it or spreading filth like feces or urine into it.
  • They can also make you fearful, have nightmares and have anxiety attacks.

So I think it is extremely important to keep them out and in check, if you have an issue call a  Pest Management Professional today or ASAP.


What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Today is April Fools Day, so in honor of those mischievous ones among us….

Bed Bugs can fly! Nope, wrong they cannot fly, period!

Mice love cheese! As for mice and cheese, to start off, mice have really sensitive noses, so Limburger would peel their little mousey faces off. Figuratively speaking. And then a recent study that we hope was funded by a grant to investigate cartoon myths found that mice respond to the taste, smell and texture of food, and will decline something as strong-smelling and highly flavored as cheese. They’re actually drawn to foods with relatively high sugar content, such as grains and fruit.

Daddy longlegs “spiders” are extremely poisonous. False. First, grand daddy longlegs are not spiders. They are related to them, but they are not true spiders. Grand daddy longlegs are more correctly called harvestmen.  True spiders are hunters and have venom. Harvestmen are scavengers and do not have venom. So, unless you are a very tiny insect or some type of organic goo, you have nothing to fear from the harvestman lurking by your garage door.

Lice is the result of poor hygiene. False One of the oldest beliefs is that head lice prefer “dirty kids.” It’s simply not true. Head lice actually prefer clean hair to dirty hair. What they are attracted to is blood.

The custom of playing tricks on friends on April 1st is believed to have originated in France in the middle 1500s.



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