All posts in “pest management”

Something buzzing you at your local store?

Something buzzing you at your local store?



So yesterday I was shopping here in Gilbert and noticed this lovely little set of bug traps. These traps catch a variety of pests but are designed to capture stored product pest such as Indianmeal Moths to beetles to flies. Depending on the type of store,  food stores probably at greater risk for grain damage and other types of warehouses which may contain flowers, seeds or hides.

Stored product pest are commonly referred to as pantry pests, if located in a product purchased from a store recently you can contact the retailer who then contacts the manufacturer and the possibility of the lot being recalled or destroyed is good. I’m a big fan of freezing the items and then putting it into Tupperware or some type of sealed container. Stored Product pest damage approximately 10% of the world’s annual production of stored grains, In 1981 the loss was was estimated to over 1 Billion dollars in the U.S. Remember by the time you see the flying adults it’s probably to late, the larva are the ones to catch (they eat and damage) the adults only want to reproduce.


By the way there are plenty of different types of pests that eat this type of food, we are only scratching the surface with these two moths. Have you seen something like this, what would you do if you brought it home and it was infested? Do you have a scary of unique story about stored product pests? Comment below.

Face the Facts – technology is speeding ahead!

Face the Facts – technology is speeding ahead!


Scorpion Venom Heals Dru-Resistant bacteria Infection”

“The advancement of the arts, from year to year, taxes our credulity and seems to presage the arrival of that period when human improvement must end.” many people may believe that Henry J. Ellsworth Commissioner of the U.S. Patent Office who is sometimes quoted as having said: “Mankind,” he declared, “has already achieved all of which it is capable. There would be no more inventions requiring patents.” There is also debate that you might be thinking about a quote attributed to Charles H. Duell, US Patent Commissioner who, in 1899 said, “Everything that can be invented has been invented.”

I’m constantly impressed that we continue to forge ahead with advancements in science, from autism and now to the role of scorpion venom to fight bacteria.

I love this quote…

Everything will be alright in the end, and if not – its not the end.

I’m telling you I absolutely love my job! Yes there are trials and tribulations as in any business but to me everyday is different from the one before. No boredom at all and everyday I get to meet new and exciting people.

Now I will admit my writing abilities are not the greatest, but the one thing I’m actually really great at is bugs. So for no other reason than that you should choose ProBest Pest Management to be your bug expert.

Liberty Wildlife Rehab Center Update

Liberty Wildlife Rehab Center Update

Liberty Wildlife envisions a time when wildlife is recognized as an integral part of our natural world, and a precious natural resource, to be protected and preserved.

Liberty Wildlife envisions being a permanent community resource, a place to instill compassion and stewardship in young minds and a place to reconnect the public with the beauty and benefits of native wildlife and habitat.

Wildlife-Related Emergencies —-480-998-5550


At Liberty Wildlife volunteers are always needed, and a variety of volunteer opportunities are available. Time commitments vary, but usually involve three to four hours once a week. Training and support are provided. People who love wildlife and care about the environment find it a thrilling experience to work around these magnificent wild animals.

While Liberty Wildlife accepts mammals and reptiles, most of the work is avian rehabilitation. This includes birds of prey, water fowl, and songbirds native to Arizona.

People interested in volunteering must be 18 years of age or older. You must have reliable transportation and be able to commit to being on time for assignments. The feeding and cleaning, medical services, education, and facility maintenance positions are physically demanding.

ProBest has donated our services over the past year because it is just the right thing to do and we can help. Without proper pest protocols pest populations such as rodents and cockroaches can build up and possibly take over. So if you can help I think they would appreciate whatever you can do.


Joe (Liberty Wildlife volunteer), Aurora (Bald Eagle) and Dr. Bug

Unwelcome visitor in my driveway on Saturday .

Unwelcome visitor in my driveway on Saturday.

I absolutely love when our customers take photo’s and send them our way. Always on guard in Arizona, when the temperatures get HOT out come some of our friends including rattlesnakes. The Fire Department responded on Saturday and gently removed the snake and relocated it to the wash area.

Not everything needs to be killed, the snake was just out wondering and looking for food.

Thanks AJ for the picture and we will start the use of Snake Away immediately!!

Here is another picture of what can hide and where?

Does your Pest Company treat where the bugs live?

Does your Pest Company treat where the bugs live?


A few years ago I received a call from a homeowner frantic about roaches, after my inspection I thought I had found the problem. It was long after I started that I knew I had done the correct job. In the block wall next to the garage wall I dusted the bump out and out came the roaches (100’s) I immediately located the homeowner and pointed out the issue and she was just amazed. I really do believe that I could do all my pest control with just 2 or 3 tools. Here is my secret:

  1. My brain = knowledge of Pest Control and bugs
  2. A hand duster
  3. Some kind of dust (Delta) and DE or Diatomaceous Earth.

Agree or Disagree? Comments please!

Congrats to Andon! 5 years with ProBest Pest Management

Congrats to Andon! 5 years with ProBest Pest Management


Andon is the thinker and innovator of the office (always thinking about his work and how he can improve it). He is also the prankster and the trouble maker, hiding toy rats and bugs for everyone to find. But we enjoy his work and attitude. Glad to have you here Andon!!!!!



Carpet Cleaners – GREEN

Carpet Cleaner and what is GREEN

Carpet Industry or even in our industry Green is a random and often used word which some people don’t understand. Carpet cleaners often claim GREEN and that one company only uses distilled water. In our industry most of those GREEN claims are just not correct – Pyrethoids are they GREEN, organic or what? What about silica – yes it’s glass particles but it can really mess up the veins in your nose and what if you breath it into your lungs. Every once in awhile I see someone spreading DE like it was some kind of innocuous products but much like silica it can also damage the nose veins. Moth balls are another often misused product – Read and understand the labels and use directions.




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