All posts in “pests”

What is the Global Pest Market? Part 1

Global Pest Market

Global Pest Market


Global Pest Control Services Market: Trends and opportunities (2013-2018)“. talks about the growing trend in green type pest control.

My concern is that most people truly don’t understand what makes green GREEN. What is organic and what makes a service green is open to debate. My definition of Green may just be Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and ProBest strives to do this everyday. We promote the use of less pesticide inside, while doing everything we can from the outside – to keep pests out. If you can keep out the pests and keep down their food, this might equal less pests getting into your home or business.

So if you need a Green service – find out what the pest company considers GREEN or better yet check out a GreenPro company :




Yikes, how did that get in there?


Rats and mice nomally can squeeze through small opening (mice – dime and rats – quarter), I think this guy just had a bad day. I suppose it ate some bait or got bit by something, cause it looks like it has some room to wiggle. Just a caution on mice/rats, rodents in general they have teeth and aren’t afraid to use them. They will gnaw on electrical wiring around pool pumps, car engines and equipment of all sorts. By the way this also goes for rabbits, they will also go after wiring. So what precautions can you take:

  1. Check you home monthly for signs of pests, I know I say it often but eventually you might listen to my advice.
  2. Check for holes or loose screening, including those weep holes at the roofline.
  3. If you see bees flying in and out, check it out but use caution.
  4. Don’t stack firewood against the house.
  5. Don’t let trees or bushes touch the house, super highway for rodents and ants.
  6. Have a Professional Termite company do an inspection for termites.

FMC does it again, 1st with Verifi and now Endzone!


I have to say I’m pretty impressed with this new product from FMC, you also know how much I hate flies. They land on your food and then throw up and lap it back up, that is just gross. This device is a sticker that is discreet, affordable and incredibly easy to use. Here is the information from their sell sheet.

  • Coated in a sugar bait matrix (acetamiprid 4.4%) to attract filth flies
  • Proven knockdown in one minute
  • Effective for up to 7 months indoors and 4 months outdoors
  • Features a bittering agent
  • 1000 square feet – use additional for heavy infestation

This is a great design which I’m sure will work well in all types of establishments and I personally can’t wait to work into my programs.

National Pest Conference – Phoenix, AZ. A home sealgers view.


They are taking down the booths and all the exhibits and they are shipping them back to corporate headquarters and the folks are heading home, so was it any fun?

I always have fun when I’m at a bug conference, I enjoy meeting or seeing people I haven’t seen in awhile. I love attending the classes on leadership, marketing and of course new bug stuff. But again I love seeing my ole friends and share the tales of the bug issues we faced since last year. This year my task was to meet up with the people that either read my home seal or share FaceBook  stuff or maybe people that ask questions.

FaceBook has opened the world or maybe a better explantion is that it has made the world smaller. I get asked questions about how we do business in the U.S. and get asked questions about the different types of bugs etc.

Maybe we can all learn something here about the pest industry and world issues. maybe we can all get along and quit complaining about things. Anyway to all my friends that I got to see this last week and the others who couldn’t make it to Phoenix for “PestWorld 2013” thanks for the fun and maybe next year we will see you in Orlando, FL. Here are a few pictures I took of all the fun.


QualityPro Booth


QualityPro Booth with Fred Willey (Invader Pest Management) and Caleb Tannenbaum (Marketing For The Future)


NPMA Board Session

NPMA Board Session

Yes I voted...

Yes I voted…


Did you know about School IPM programs?


There are a lot of friends and industry members that read and follow my home seal (thank you), so I wanted to be sure to update you on a fellow site that is full of resources. IPM Institute

“Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a prevention-based, highly effective approach proven to reduce pest complaints and pesticide use by up to 90% in schools and other public buildings.  IPM practices such as sanitation and exclusion also improve food safety, fire safety and energy conservation.”

Every day, 49 million children attend school in the United States, served by nearly seven million teachers and staff.   But they’re not alone.  Schools are also frequented by a number of pests including cockroaches, mice, dust mites and more.  Asthma is epidemic among children, impacting nearly 6% of school children nationally with rates as high as 25% in urban centers.  Cockroaches are potent asthma triggers.

I have said numerous times that it is absolutely important to use care in the delivery of pesticides. I believe so much in that principle – that we hardly ever treat inside homes any longer. With that said I still think there is a place and a necessity for the use of pesticides. Here are a few examples when it might be necessary:

  1. Africanized Honeybees inside the school
  2. Invasion of German roaches (probably from boxes delivered the night before)
  3. Rodent/wildlife loose in school
  4. Bed Bugs

QualityProSchoolLogo     QualityProFoodProt     greenpro-logo

What is the #1 pest, ants you say?

Ants can be a major issue, they can get into our homes and businesses. They can find their way into food storage and pantries and spoil food. I have even seen them in refrigerators, stoves and microwaves. They  can also get into restaurants, this can cost the restaurant business revenue and lost of patrons. Pest control is essential for business that rely on patrons and also that serve food or beverages. There are a number of species that can get inside homes including nuisance Pharaoh,  Ghost and even Carpenter ants will trail to sweet or protein foods. It is really important to understand the habits of the nuisance critter you are dealing with, in this way you know when they need protein and/or sweets as carbs.



Some great information from the National Pest Management Association





Is knowledge really important?


Do you really care whether someone has all the right knowledge on a given subject? I think that it is important to continue to gain knowledge. In my industry there are some that never let their employee’s go to class or other events because someone might steal that employee. I’m just the opposite – if they were looking and then left, they were looking anyway. So you need to figure out why they left.

I have always encouraged my employee’s to learn new stuff. One employee has his Qualifying Party license and he is excited that in just 6 months he can take his A.C.E. (Associate Certified Entomologist) test. I insist that each month they take an additional Continuing Education unit from a site like Univar and the best part is that it is FREE. Here in Arizona we are required to earn 6 CEU’s and in Florida where I also have a Certified Pest Control Operator Pest License I’m required to earn 2 for each category that I have and 2 for Core. On average I think I always have about 30 or so, you can earn them at places like Pestworld (which will be held in October 2013 in Phoenix) and other events sponsored by various groups throughout the year.

QualityProFoodProt QualityProSchoolLogo QualityProGreenLogo quality_pro1 NewACE_logo smaller

Tick season can be a real problem for pets and us…

Tick Season is here – protect yourself and your pets…

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Hospitals sharing more than health


Bed Bugs Invade Hospitals


Bed Bugs continue to show up in weird and strange places. So do you have a plan before you vacation or stay in a hospital?

  1. Keep an eye out for bugs or fecal spotting on beds or sheets. If you notice something mention it to staff.
  2. If you place clothes in drawers just be sure to leave the suitcase in the garage and wash/dry everything.
  3. If you bring items home, check them for Bed Bugs.
  4. If you encountered bites, have someone check them before checking out of hospital.
  5. If you accidentally find them at home call a Pest Management Professional immediately.

bed bug male, female, and eggs


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